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Operation "looting of Greece" reaches final stage

globinfo freexchange One of the key targets of the Greek experiment, which is the looting of the Greek public property from the global financial mafia "investors", is about to be completed. In the front stage, the puppets of the European Financial Dictatorship ( EFD ) and IMF mafia continued their usual disorientation games . In the backstage, they continue to execute their mission, absolutely united and dedicated to the timeline of the Greek experiment. They forced the "Leftist" government to accept massive privatizations of unprecedented scale, opening the door to international predators. From Naftemporiki : A new privatization fund unveiled by the leftist Greek government on Thursday will include various urban mass transit companies, the Athens Olympic Stadium (OAKA), national rail subsidiaries, the light rail operator and even the Greek post offices (EL.TA) in its portfolio. The new “super fund”, with the Greek-

CIA ‘accidentally’ destroyed 6,700 page torture report?

The world’s most famous whistleblower, Edward Snowden, took Twitter by storm when he created an account last year. Since, he has criticized everyone from the FBI to Google, so his latest post on the CIA should come as no surprise. Commenting on revelations the CIA “inadvertently” destroyed a copy of the 6,700-page torture report, Snowden questioned the agency’s official story. “ I worked @CIA. I wrote the Emergency Destruction Plan for Geneva. When CIA destroys something, it’s never a mistake, ” he tweeted Wednesday, openly challenging the CIA’s claim. He also shared an article detailing the news. Snowden previously worked for the CIA and as an NSA contractor before leaking documents revealing the U.S. government’s extensive mass surveillance programs and subsequently fleeing the country. He has been an outspoken voice against government overreach and privacy issues ever since. On Monday, Yahoo News reported on the CIA’s apparent fumble that inspired Snowd

Η απόλυτη κυριαρχία της τραπεζομιντιακής δικτατορίας συνεχίζεται ...

Ο νόμος για την υποχρέωση των ελληνικών τραπεζών να δημοσιεύουν αναλυτικά τα ποσά που δαπανούν για διαφήμιση σε ΜΜΕ μπορεί να άργησε επί χρόνια για προφανείς λόγους, ωστόσο η πρόσφατη ψήφισή του είναι ένα σημαντικό βήμα προς τη βελτίωση της διαφάνειας. Παρότι πάντα υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι μη εμφάνισης όλων των πραγματικών διαφημιστικών και άλλων πακέτων προς μέσα και «φιλικούς δημοσιογράφους», από τα αναλυτικά στοιχεία που έδωσαν οι 4 συστημικές τράπεζες και η μικρότερη Attica Bank προκύπτουν ενδιαφέροντα συμπεράσματα για τις κοινές αλλά και τις ιδιαίτερες «προτιμήσεις» του ελληνικού τραπεζικού συστήματος προς τις εταιρείες μέσων ενημέρωσης. Η επεξεργασία αυτών των στοιχείων οδηγεί σε πολλά συμπεράσματα, εντοπίζει κραυγαλέες περιπτώσεις ευνοϊκής μεταχείρισης φυσικών προσώπων και εταιρειών και αποτυπώνει με έναν άλλο τρόπο τις στενές, σχεδόν «διάφανες» σχέσεις των ΜΜΕ με την οικονομική ελίτ, προκαλώντας εύγλωττα ερωτήματα. 6 - Συμπεράσματα Το 2015 τα διαφημι

Greek experiment: The puppet show continues

by system failure Plutocrats' puppets continue their theatrical performance over the Greek ruins that have created. Suddenly, the IMF decided to play the role of the "good guy". The Fund came with a new proposal in the supposed negotiations quite "radical" for its "principles". As the Wall Street Journal reported : “ The IMF wants eurozone countries to accept long delays in the repayment of Greece’s bailout loans, which would fall due in the period from 2040 to 2080 under the proposal, according to officials familiar with the talks. The IMF is also pressing for Greece’s interest rate on its eurozone loans to be fixed for 30 to 40 years at its current average level of 1.5%, with all interest payments postponed until loans start falling due. ” Of course, the IMF knew from the start that neither Berlin nor Brussels would be possible to accept such a deal. Indeed, very quickly, the German Minister of Finance, Wolfgang Schäuble, w

Operation Condor 2.0: Maduro warns of new US dirty intervention against Left govts

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said right-wing leaders in South America are generating chaos in order to pave the way for a U.S. intervention A new Plan Condor, similar to the one that took place in the 1970s and 1980s, is being implemented against progressive governments in Latin America and the Caribbean region, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said during a press conference Tuesday. “ The campaign against Venezuela is generating violence and chaos that is allowing an intervention by (the) United States government, ” Maduro said during a meeting with international media outlets in Caracas. He added that the objective of the leaders of the right is to generate disturbance and violence “ in order to create the credibility and strength for an intervention plan. ” “ We have been the victims of political, diplomatic and media aggression in recent years, the most serious of such in recent years, and we have been the victims of several [aggressions]. I can say th