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Western propaganda on Venezuela completely collapses

globinfo freexchange Since Hugo Chavez era, the corporate media of the West launched a propaganda campaign against the leftist government in co-ordination with the right-wing opposition. The propaganda culminated under president Nicolas Maduro. It is obvious that the propaganda machine was targeting a more vulnerable president, with the ultimate goal to overthrow him and replace him with a right-wing government aligned with the US interests and the interests of the local plutocracy. The mainstream media narratives painted Maduro as a 'dictator' and his government as an 'authoritarian regime'. However, they have literally ignored the atrocities conducted by a part of the supporters of the opposition and the fact that the US empire has obvious reasons to oust Maduro, in order to re-open the road to the US big oil cartel towards Venezuela's rich oil resources.   Another primary propaganda element was the perception that Venezuela is suffering fr

“We Will Not Serve in Your Army!” Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem beaten, arrested for refusing draft

While U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement to move the Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has dangerously fueled an international powder keg, another keg is burning in the heart of that city. In an ongoing act of principled civil disobedience, the Ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem is standing strong in its resistance to serving in the Israeli army. Even as they are met with shocking police brutality, thousands of members of this community, known as the Hareidi community, chant and hold signs saying “we will not serve in your army.” Rabbi Hirsh in Jerusalem told me that the IDF is seen by the community as an army of occupation that wages needless wars and oppresses the Palestinian people. Twenty thousand members of the Hareidi community in Brooklyn, New York recently gathered to pray and protest in solidarity with their brethren in Jerusalem. Full report:

Canada engaged in widespread surveillance of its indigenous communities

Researchers and journalists have begun to reveal the extent to which Indigenous activists and organisations in Canada are subject to surveillance by police, military, national security intelligence agencies and other government bodies. While security agencies have long looked beyond ‘traditional’ national security threats and set their sights on activists – even in the absence of evidence linking these individuals or organisations to any violent criminal activity – this reality is increasingly the subject of media and public scrutiny. As Jeffrey Monaghan and Kevin Walby have written, the language of “aboriginal and multi-issue extremists” in security discourse blurs the line between threats to national security, matters of ordinary law enforcement, and lawful, democratic advocacy. In this piece, we summarise some of what is known about the surveillance practices employed to keep tabs on Indigenous leaders and activists, and describe their impact on Charter-protecte