Hugo Chavez era, the corporate media of the West launched a
propaganda campaign against the leftist government in co-ordination
with the right-wing opposition. The propaganda culminated under
president Nicolas Maduro. It is obvious that the propaganda machine
was targeting a more vulnerable president, with the ultimate goal to
overthrow him and replace him with a right-wing government aligned
with the US interests and the interests of the local plutocracy.
mainstream media narratives painted Maduro as a 'dictator' and his
government as an 'authoritarian regime'. However, they have literally
ignored the atrocities conducted by a part of the supporters of the
opposition and the fact that the US empire has obvious reasons to
oust Maduro, in order to re-open the road to the US big oil cartel
towards Venezuela's rich oil resources.

primary propaganda element was the perception that Venezuela is
suffering from the lack of basic goods, which leads to a humanitarian
crisis. Here, the mainstream parrots applied one of the classic
propaganda methods: telling the half truth leads to a complete
alternate story. Therefore, the Western well-paid pundits didn't
bother to point that any lack of basic goods and similar difficulties
were caused by the economic sabotage of the local big companies in
co-ordination with the US assisted right-wing opposition.
even the 'humanitarian crisis' story seems to be deconstructed by a
recent inspection of a UN expert who concluded that there is no
'humanitarian crisis' in the country.
reported, “Alfred De Zayas, an independent expert on
International Democratic and Equitable Order at the United Nations
(UN), visited Venezuela in late November to assess its social and
economic progress. On arriving back in Geneva Tuesday, the UN
official told press that he did not think the country's current
economic problems had given way to a humanitarian crisis. 'I agree
with the FAO [UN Food and Agriculture Organization] and CEPAL
[Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean] that the
so-called humanitarian crisis does not exist in Venezuela, although
there are shortages, scarcity, and distribution delays, etc.' he
the UN expert told the other half of the truth, which the mainstream
media methodically hide from the public. That is “What is
important is to get to know the causes and take measures against
contraband, monopolies, hoarding, corruption, manipulation of the
currency and the distortions in the economy caused by an economic and
financial war which includes [the effects of international] sanctions
and pressure”.
“according to De Zayas, international solidarity is what is
needed to help Venezuela overcome the current crisis. He also said
that mainstream media coverage of the country is often 'theatrical'
and 'does not help to resolve the problems' that the country faces.”
could say that this report demolishes the last Western propaganda
remnants concerning Venezuela.
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