of mother protested outside the Yemeni Judicial Council yesterday
demanding their family members be released from detention, Al Yemen
Today reported.
held the Saudi-led coalition and the United Arab Emirates responsible
for operating secret prisons in which their relatives are being held.
They went on to demand the detainees be charged or released.
Back in
June, a number of international organisations including Human Rights
Watch accused the UAE of operating two secret prisons facilities in
Yemen in which detainees were tortured.
investigation published by the Associated Press stated that men were
rounded up in the hunt for members of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian
Peninsula (AQAP) and have disappeared into a network of secret
prisons in southern Yemen. Secret Prisons were established inside
military bases, ports and airports, private villas and even inside a
A report
last month found that dozens of detainees were transferred from a
secret prison run by the UAE to another government run facility in
the coastal city of Mukalla.
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