historian Josh Mound speaks about the disastrous
more-tax-cuts-for-the-plutocracy bill passed by Trump administration.
Key points:
Republican tax bill will produce the greatest upward redistribution
of income since at least the 1920s.
Republican tax bill is a class war. Corporations and the very rich
win and average Americans lose.
But it
didn't work in 1980s and it didn't work in the 2000s.
know it won't work now either, that's why they are already proposing
to fix the budget problems caused by their tax cuts for the rich by
cutting Social Security, Medicare and food stamps. That means
average Americans will lose twice from the Republican tax bill. Once,
when Republicans cut taxes for the rich and a second time when
Republicans pay for those tax cuts by cutting vital programs for
everyone else.
tells us that the only thing the GOP tax cuts will produce is an
increased in the US already enormous level of income inequality. In
the 1920s, Republican presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge
worked with Treasury Secretary Andrew Melon to slash taxes on the
very rich. The top income tax rate on the very rich fell from 73% in
1921 to 25% in 1925, and income inequality soared.
In the
1980s, Ronald Reagan cut taxes on the rich again and income
inequality soared again.
In the
2000s, George W. Bush cut taxes rates on the rich even more and
income inequality went up even more.
From the
1930s until the 1980s, the rich paid much higher tax rates that they
do today. In the 1960s, the very richest paid about 70% in taxes.
Today, they pay about half that. Not coincidentally, the decades with
the highest tax rates on the very rich were also the decades with the
lowest levels of inequality and the greatest levels of shared
High tax
rates on the very rich, like CEOs, discourages them from focusing on
maximizing their own income and instead, they incentivises investing
in business and the wages of workers. In other words, high taxes on
the rich, not low ones, actually produce benefits that trickle down
to average Americans.
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