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Στο σφυρί και η Εγνατία Οδός από κυβέρνηση και ΤΑΙΠΕΔ

Το μεγαλύτερο δίκτυο αυτοκινητοδρόμων της χώρας ξεπουλιέται στα ιδιωτικά συμφέροντα του Θανάση Ματθαίου Μέρος 2ο - Τα κέρδη της Εγνατίας Η Εγνατία Οδός είναι μια υποδομή που τώρα αποδίδει καρπούς. Αυτό το γνωρίζουν όλοι. Άλλωστε και η ίδια η διοίκηση της εταιρείας υποστηρίζει ότι σε βάθος 35ετίας τα καθαρά κέρδη μπορούν να είναι πάνω από 5,3 δισεκατομμύρια, με την ισχύουσα τιμή χρέωσης ανά χιλιόμετρο. Οι παραχωρημένοι αυτοκινητόδρομοι εφαρμόζουν υπερδιπλάσια τιμή ανά χιλιόμετρο. Με τέτοια τιμή χρέωσης των διοδίων, που θα εφαρμοστεί αμέσως από τον παραχωρησιούχο, τα κέρδη υπερδιπλασιάζονται, γιατί το κόστος λειτουργίας παραμένει σχετικά σταθερό, με ενδεχόμενη μείωση λόγω εφαρμογής συστημάτων εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας. Εδώ θα πρέπει να συνυπολογιστεί και ο τεράστιος κύκλος εργασιών που προσφέρεται για τις ιδιωτικές εταιρείες. Η ενασχόλησή τους με τη λειτουργία και τη συντήρηση της οδού τους αποφέρει σημαντική χρηματοδότηση, καθώς οι σημερινές δημόσιες επενδύσεις για νέα έργ

WikiLeaks confirms Tor browser potentially a powerful tool in the hands of the US intelligence

globinfo freexchange Recently, journalist Yasha Levine claimed direct connection of the Tor browser project with a CIA spinoff known as the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), based on information obtained through FOIA. As described by the journalist:            The Tor Project, a private non-profit that underpins the dark web and enjoys cult status among privacy activists, is almost 100% funded by the US government. In the process of writing my book Surveillance Valley, I was able to obtain via FOIA roughly 2,500 pages of correspondence — including strategy and contracts and budgets and status updates — between the Tor Project and its main funder, a CIA spinoff now known as the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). These files show incredible cooperation between Tor and the regime change wing of the US government. As RT reported: According to Levine’s research, Tor received “almost 100 percent” of its funding from three US government agencies: the Navy, the

At the court of the EU bubble kings

by Eric Maurice Part 1 What did Jean-Claude Juncker expect when he came to the European Commission press room last Wednesday (21 February)?

 The surprise press conference, announced just 40 minutes beforehand, was to make public the appointment of the new secretary general, the EU executive's highest civil servant. By the mere fact that it was conveyed in person by the institution's political boss, the news - which would have usually been is of interest to only a handful of people beyond Brussels' EU quarter - was thus given the highest importance. A week later, a commission spokesman, trying to disentangle himself from the web of the many questions raised by the move, told journalists that the appointment was not an issue " of interest beyond the press room ". 

 If so, why did Juncker - who rarely comes to the press room - make it himself such a big topic? The reason maybe lies in the identity of the chosen one: Martin Selmayr -

UN feigns outrage over Ghouta while terrorist rockets rain down on Damascus

Eva Bartlett breaks down the dizzying array of information surrounding the mounting humanitarian crisis in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta. With accusations abound, parsing the reality on the ground is becoming more challenging by the day. by Eva Bartlett Part 4 - Why the UNICEF bias? According to UNICEF, the current executive director, Henrietta H. Fore, was formerly Administrator of USAID, Chief Operating Officer for the U.S. Department of State, and Director of the United States Mint in the U.S. Department of Treasury. The prior UNICEF executive director, Anthony Lake, was national security advisor to President Clinton, and was nominated to be the director of the CIA. According to Telesur, Lake played a significant role in mass starvation in Somalia in 2010-2012, under-budgeting food aid, budgeting “ 10 cents a day per person to feed a million internally displaced persons. ” Telesur reported that Lake also “ admitted publicly that he knew about and did nothing to pre

Intelligence Veterans warn of risk of US - Iran conflict based on false pretexts

As President Donald Trump prepares to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, a group of U.S. intelligence veterans offers corrections to a number of false accusations that have been leveled against Iran. by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: War With Iran Part 4 – Nuclear Weapons Thwarted A major concern that has undergirded much of the perception of an Iranian threat is the possibility that Tehran will develop a nuclear weapon somewhere down the road. We believe that the current Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, even if imperfect, provides the best response to that Iranian proliferation problem. The U.N. inspections regime is strict and, if the agreement stands, there is every reason to believe that Iran will be unable to take the necessary precursor steps leading to a nuclear weapons program. Iran will be furthe