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This is the real EU ...

failed evolution When the European Parliament voted recently to sanction Hungary for neglecting norms on democracy, civil rights and corruption, we wrote : This is the Union that exhibited some "humanitarian sensitivity" by packing thousands of refugees in Greek islands under inhuman conditions and paid Turkey to keep them in its soil. And now, these hypocrites want to punish Hungary for neglecting norms on democracy, civil rights and corruption! We were right. According to a recent article by the NY Times: There is growing acrimony — and now an investigation — over why the camp [Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos] is so bad when so much money has been provided by the European Union to help improve the Greek asylum system since migration levels started to rise in 2014. [...] Aid groups have been warning of a need for expanded facilities for several years, however. For some, t

Creating a coup climate: the historical roots of US foreign policy towards Venezuela

by Wouter Hoenderdaal U.S. foreign policy tends to follow a highly rational and well-calculated pattern. This makes it effective, and also ruthless. The U.S. government’s hostile attitude towards leaders like Hugo Chavez and Nicolás Maduro certainly fits this pattern, and time will tell whether the failed assassination attempt on President Maduro on August 4 is a part of this. While many news reports now focus on what exactly happened that day, it can enlightening to step back for a moment and put this event in a much broader context. Such an exercise reveals the origins, consistency, effectiveness and, perhaps in a somewhat sinister way, the beauty of U.S. foreign policy planning and execution in the Western Hemisphere. A good place to start is WWII. Even before Nazi Germany and Fascist Japan had been defeated, U.S. strategic planners realized the United States would emerge from the war as a global superpower. They subsequently laid out plans for a new world order in wh

Chomsky, other intellectuals issue manifesto warning against Brazil's fascist candidate

Noam Chomsky and other intellectuals signed a manifesto warning of the use of the justice system to "eliminate" progressive politicians. Noam Chomsky and several other intellectuals signed a manifesto in defense of Brazilian democracy and warning of the possible victory of a “ fascist, racist, misogynist, homophobic candidate who calls for violence and armed repression ,” in a clear reference to leading candidate Jair Bolsonaro. The manifesto argues that the attack on Brazil’s democracy began with the parliamentary coup against democratically-elected Dilma Rousseff, of the Workers’ Party, and then reinforced with the disqualification of leading presidential candidate for the October elections, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. “ These are steps in a plan to prevent the Workers’ Party, to that which they belong, from implementing a model of redistribution of wealth, reduction of social, racial, and gender inequalities that in these 16 years has been a success

Jeremy Corbyn and Britain’s largest political party stand strong with Palestine at annual Liverpool conference

As soon the conference began, one thing was clear: Palestine was going to have a significant place in the discussions and resolutions. What was also clear was that there is a segment within the U.K. Labour Party that is deeply Zionist, opposes Corbyn, and works within the party to undermine him. by Miko Peled The 2018 U.K. Labour conference held in Liverpool, September 23-26, will be remembered as a turning point in U.K. relations to the Palestinian issue. Britain, which is rightfully accused for its role in promoting the Zionist takeover of Palestine, now seems prepared to make amends. In his final speech, on the final day of the conference and following many events and votes on the Palestine issue, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn made it clear that a Labour government led by him would hold Israel responsible for its human-rights violations, killing of unarmed protesters, and detention of children. Labour also made it clear it is ready to review the sales of British-made arms t

Τελευταία ευκαιρία για Grexit ... πριν αναλάβει ο Κούλης

globinfo freexchange Η τελευταία κερδοσκοπική επίθεση κατά του τραπεζικού συστήματος δείχνει ότι ακόμα και όταν υποκύπτεις σε ότι ζητάει η διεθνής χρηματοπιστωτική μαφία, δεν είναι αρκετό. Το ότι θα δικαιωνόμασταν για άλλη μια φορά και μάλιστα τόσο γρήγορα, πραγματικά δεν το περιμέναμε. Μετά την υποτιθέμενη έξοδο από τα μνημόνια και το περίφημο διάγγελμα Τσίπρα είχαμε γράψει πως οι μετριοπαθείς 'Αριστεροί' προσπαθούν να μας πείσουν ότι τώρα η χώρα θα έχει περισσότερη ελευθερία να χαράξει τις δικές της πολιτικές. Δηλαδή, η χρεοκοπημένη Ελλάδα (που βρίσκεται σε χειρότερη κατάσταση απ'ότι όταν μπήκε στο πρόγραμμα διάσωσης), θα κολυμπήσει ξεβράκωτη στα ίδια νερά με τους καρχαρίες των αγορών και θα επιβιώσει. Αυτό πάνω-κάτω μας λένε. Πράγματι λοιπόν, μετά από περίπου ενάμισι μήνα, ένα από τα βασικά εργαλεία του μηχανισμού της διεθνούς χρηματοπιστωτικής μαφίας (το Bloomberg), αποφάσισε να εξαπολύσει επίθεση κατά του τραπεζικού συστήματος και ο πανικός δεν άρ

New York Times: Επιλογή της Κομισιόν οι απάνθρωπες συνθήκες στη Μόρια

Ίσως τη σημαντικότερη παράγραφο από το αποκαλυπτικό ρεπορτάζ των New York Times για τις απάνθρωπες συνθήκες που επικρατούν στη Μόρια, φαίνεται ότι παρέλειψαν να αναφέρουν τα ελληνικά ΜΜΕ, που αναμετέδωσαν το δημοσίευμα. Οι συντάκτες των NYT επικαλούμενοι δυο διαφορετικές πηγές αναφέρουν ότι Βρετανός αξιωματούχος, που εκπροσωπούσε την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, πρότεινε να διατηρούνται οι συνθήκες στη Μόρια σε χαμηλά επίπεδα ώστε να λειτουργούν αποτρεπτικά για την άφιξη και νέων μεταναστών στην Ελλάδα. Η πρόταση της Κομισιόν θυμίζει τις εντολές που έδιναν οι διευθυντές φυλακών της Βικτοριανής Αγγλίας στους δεσμοφύλακες να κάνουν τις ζωές των κρατουμένων αφόρητες ώστε να προτιμούν να μένουν εκτός του σωφρονιστικού συστήματος – ακόμη και αν αυτό θα τους οδηγούσε σε βέβαιο θάνατο από έλλειψη τροφίμων και στέγης. Επίσης η πρόταση του Βρετανού αξιωματούχου είναι πανομοιότυπη με την εντολή που φέρεται να είχε δώσει αρχηγός της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας στους υφισταμένους του να κάνου

Ολα όσα είπε η Μαρία στον Ζόραν

Νέες διαστάσεις λαμβάνει η μυστική διπλωματία που ξεδίπλωσε η Ν.Δ. τον περασμένο Δεκέμβρη για το Μακεδονικό, πριν ακόμα αρχίσουν οι επίσημες διαπραγματεύσεις υπό την αιγίδα του ΟΗΕ και του ειδικού επιτετραμμένου του, Μάθιου Νίμιτς. Τα νέα στοιχεία που φέρνει σήμερα στη δημοσιότητα η «Εφ.Συν.» δείχνουν με απόλυτη σαφήνεια πως στόχος της Πειραιώς ήταν ένας και μοναδικός: να μπλοκάρει οποιαδήποτε προσπάθεια εξεύρεσης λύσης πριν ξεκινήσει η επίσημη διαπράγματευση. Για να έχουμε μια σαφή χρονολογική σειρά των πραγμάτων θυμίζουμε ευθύς εξαρχής ότι η κυβέρνηση του Ζόραν Ζαέφ ανέλαβε καθήκοντα στη γειτονική χώρα στις αρχές Ιουνίου του 2017, έξι μήνες μετά τις βουλευτικές εκλογές του Δεκεμβρίου 2016 στην ΠΓΔΜ. Η κυβερνητική αυτή αλλαγή έδωσε νέα ώθηση στο ζήτημα του Μακεδονικού, καθώς στη γείτονα υπήρχαν πλέον οι πολιτικές προϋποθέσεις και η πολιτική βούληση ξεπεραστεί το πρόβλημα με την Ελλάδα που, μετά τα όσα είχαν συμβεί στο Βουκουρέστι το 2008, αποτελούσε τη βασική προ

The Troika’s Policy in Greece: Rob the Greek people and give the money to private banks, the ECB, the IMF and the dominant States of the Eurozone

On 20 August 2018, the Greek government of Alexis Tsipras, the IMF and the European leaders celebrated the end of the Third Memorandum. On this occasion, the major media and those in power spread the following message: Greece has regained its freedom, its economy is improving, unemployment is on the decline, Europe has lent Greece 300 billion and the Greeks will have to start repaying that debt in 2022 or in 2032. The main claims are completely unfounded as Greece remains under the control of its creditors. In compliance with the accords that the Alexis Tsipras government signed, the country must imperatively achieve a primary budgetary surplus of 3.5% which will force it to continue brutal policies of reduction of public spending in the social sector and in investment. Contrary to the dominant message that Greece will not begin to repay its debt until some time in the future, it should be clearly understood that Greece has been repaying considerable amounts constantly all al

Venezuela formalizes its oil-backed cryptocurrency, Petro

The Petro coin will “neutralize” the threat of black markets and money mafias across the country, officials say. Venezuela’s cryptocurrency Petro arrives on the global markets Monday, backed by the nation’s vast oil reserves. The digital currency is one of the most innovative parts of the Economic Recovery, Growth, and Prosperity Program. “ The #Petro, unlike other digital currencies, doesn't need to be mined because it already has a value; it is shielded with Venezuelan oil and mining wealth, ” said President Nicolas Maduro during a televised address, referring to the country’s gold, diamond, iron, and aluminum. According to the Bolivarian head of state, the Petro is already present in the world’s six topmost international exchange houses and will now be accepted at a national level. " All Venezuelans will have access to the Petro and through it to make international purchases, " the president said, adding that Petro coins are now a legal subs

How an American anthropologist tied to US regime-change proxies became the MSM’s man in Nicaragua

It might seem cavalier for an academically credentialed anthropologist to assert political influence on the population he is supposed to be studying; however, Goette-Luciak’s activities fit within a long tradition. by Max Blumenthal Part 3 - Misinformation in the service of the opposition On September 7, Goette-Luciak published an article in the Guardian claiming that the country had been brought to a virtual halt by a general strike by the anti-government Civic Alliance umbrella group. His co-author was Caroline Houck, a staff correspondent for the website Defense One, which leverages ad revenue from the arms industry to “ provide news, analysis and ideas for national security leaders and stakeholders. ” The Nicaraguan-born activist Camilo Mejia highlighted several pieces of misinformation contained in the article. Contrary to the claim that the Civic Alliance interrupted the country’s economy with its general strike, Managuan marketplaces were bustling that day and