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Τα ρομπότ δεν χωρούν στον καπιταλισμό

του Λεωνίδα Βατικιώτη Η απειλή την οποία επικαλέστηκε ο διοικητής της κεντρικής τράπεζας της Αγγλίας, Μαρκ Κάρνυ, ότι η έλευση των ρομπότ μπορεί να οδηγήσει στον κομμουνισμό, μιλώντας στη Σύνοδο του Καναδά για την Μεγέθυνση, τον Απρίλιο του 2018 εκ πρώτης όψεως φάνταζε υπερβολική αν όχι χοντροκομμένη και αυθαίρετη. Διαβάζοντας όμως τη συλλογιστική του δύσκολα την απορρίπτεις. Το σκεπτικό του κεντρικού τραπεζίτη με προϋπηρεσία στην Goldman Sachs, ως είθισται, ξεκινούσε από την μαζική ανεργία και τη στασιμότητα των μισθών που θα επιφέρει η γενίκευση της αυτοματοποίησης (και την οποία ήδη παρατηρούμε). Και συνέχιζε: « Αν στη θέση της κλωστοϋφαντουργίας τοποθετήσεις τις πλατφόρμες, στη θέση των ατμομηχανών αυτοδιδασκόμενες μηχανές και στη θέση του τηλέγραφου το Twitter έχεις ακριβώς τις ίδιες δυναμικές που υπήρχαν πριν 150 χρόνια όταν ο Καρλ Μαρξ έγραφε το Κομμουνιστικό Μανιφέστο » είπε απευθυνόμενος στην παγκόσμια επιχειρηματική και πολιτική αφρόκρεμα. Κ

Labour and anti-Semitism in 2018: The truth behind the relentless smear campaign against Corbyn

Bombarded by disinformation campaigns, many British Jews are being misled into seeing Corbyn as a threat rather than as the best hope of inoculating Britain against the resurgence of right-wing anti-Semitism menace by Jonathan Cook End-of-year polls are always popular as a way to gauge significant social and political trends over the past year and predict where things are heading in the next. But a recent poll of European Jews – the largest such survey in the world – is being used to paint a deeply misleading picture of British society and an apparent problem of a new, left-wing form of anti-semitism. Part 5 - Understanding the paradox There is, however, a way to explain this paradox – and it has nothing to do with anti-semitism. Corbyn’s socialist-lite agenda faces a devastating array of opponents that include British business; the entire spectrum of the UK corporate media, including its supposedly liberal components; and, significantly in this case, the ultra-na

Important update info on Khashoggi case

Under these circumstances it would not surprise us if one day learn that Khashoggi's assassination was a CIA-type false flag operation:

How a neocon-backed “fact checker” plans to wage war on independent media

As Newsguard’s project advances, it will soon become almost impossible to avoid this neocon-approved news site’s ranking systems on any technological device sold in the United States. by Whitney Webb Part 2 - Red light, green light . . . Newsguard has received considerable attention in the mainstream media of late, having been the subject of a slew of articles in the Washington Post, the Hill, the Boston Globe, Politico, Bloomberg, Wired , and many others just over the past few months. Those articles portray Newsguard as using “ old-school journalism ” to fight “ fake news ” through its reliance on nine criteria allegedly intended to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to online news. Newsguard separates sites it deems worthy and sites it considers unreliable by using a color-coded rating — green, yellow, or red — and more detailed “nutrition labels” regarding a site’s credibility or lack thereof. Rankings are created by Newsguard ’s team of “trained a

New documents reveal a covert British military-intelligence smear machine meddling in American politics

The Integrity Initiative has mobilized an international disinformation campaign across Europe. Now, with government and right-wing foundation money, this massive “political smear unit” is infiltrating the US. by Max Blumenthal and Mark Ames Part 2 - Unmasking a British military-intelligence smear machine The existence of the Integrity Initiative was virtually unknown until this November, when the email servers of a previously obscure British think tank called the Institute for Statecraft were hacked, prompting allegations of Russian intrusion. When the group’s internal documents appeared at a website hosted by Anonymous Europe , the public learned of a covert propaganda network seed-funded to the tune of over $2 million dollars by the Tory-controlled UK Foreign Office, and run largely by military-intelligence officers. Through a series of cash inducements, off the record briefings and all-day conferences, the Integrity Initiative has sought to organize journalists

The difference between Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn and what the US elections won't allow you to decide

globinfo freexchange A country that has been completely taken over by the banking mafia and the corporate power will never allow people to decide on the most important issue: the abolition of the dominant system that works against them. Professor Richard Wolff explains: Because of Bernie Sanders, particularly, we now have the word Socialism floating around, but typically it's about, more or less, really among Democrats. Like Mr. Sanders is ambiguously an independent but he's also a Democrat. So, the ‘Socialists’ seemed to be the Democrats who want to do more for people. Social welfare, social supports, state supports, versus those who don't want to do quite so much - the centrist Democrats, like Clinton and Obama. But the real question is a program of change. Socialism is a change of system it goes away from capitalism to do something else. It would be interesting if we could have an election ‘do we want that?’, ‘would we like a

Corporate media smears WikiLeaks and Julian Assange

by Oscar Grenfell A number of corporate media outlets have begun the year by publishing scurrilous and derisive attacks against WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. The coverage has the character of a coordinated political campaign, with the most sinister motives. Its aim is to legitimise the stepped-up persecution of Assange by the US and British governments, which are pursuing the journalist and publisher because of WikiLeaks’ exposures of their war crimes, diplomatic intrigues and illegal spying on the American and world population. Virtually identical articles were featured this week in some of the most prominent publications around the world, including the London Times, the Washington Post and the Australian. All of them centred on personal smears against Assange and attempts to downplay the immense threat to democratic rights posed by the US-led vendetta against him. The pretext for the venomous outpouring was the publication of a conf

Sep 2018 picks

In another bizarre moment, CNN suffers from a real-journalism crisis and exposes the US war crimes in Yemen ... again! Legendary Dennis Skinner declares war against ruthless neoliberalism from Liverpool! Donald Trump proves again that he is just another puppet of the establishment The Troika’s Policy in Greece: Rob the Greek people and give the money to private banks, the ECB, the IMF and the dominant States of the Eurozone Financial crises: a tool for the banking cartels to become more powerful Jeremy Corbyn: 'We are in touch with Bernie Sanders and his campaign' The Podesta emails - top US plutocracy group attempted to approach Hillary Clinton under newly elected chairman Jeff Bezos Tulsi Gabbard: it is outrageous that the US is supporting a genocidal war in Yemen Top Wall Street bankster wonders what he did wrong in 2008 Paranoia: Jeremy Corbyn immediately smeared again as anti-Semite after attacking the bankers! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - neoliberal est

UK Integrity Initiative heavily involved in Skripal affair

by Robert Stevens The Institute for Statecraft (IoS) and its Integrity Initiative (II) constitute a secret propaganda network tied to the UK security services. They bring together high-ranking military and intelligence personnel, journalists and academics to manufacture and disseminate propaganda serving the geo-political aims of British imperialism and its allies. The IoS was founded in 2006 and the II in 2015. But their secret role in promoting fake news and disinformation was exposed only in November and December of 2018 by hacking group Anonymous . A document published by Anonymous shows funding for the II totalled £582,635 in 2017-18, with £480,635 coming from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the rest from NATO . Funding shot up to £2.6 million in 2018-19, with £1.96 million from the FCO and the rest from the US State Department, NATO and the American neoconservative Smith Richardson Foundation. Facebook, which plays in integral

Παρίσι: Δακρυγόνα και πλαστικές σφαίρες κατά των "κίτρινων γιλέκων"

Διανύουμε το ένατο Σαββατοκύριακο συνεχόμενων κινητοποιήσεων στο Παρίσι με την κατάσταση να παραμένει έκρυθμη - Ένταση κοντά την Αψίδα του Θριάμβου. Η γαλλική αστυνομία χρησιμοποίησε δακρυγόνα και πλαστικές σφαίρες στις πρώτες συμπλοκές που έγιναν σήμερα με τους διαδηλωτές των “κίτρινων γιλέκων” στο Παρίσι, μεταδίδουν διεθνή ΜΜΕ. Τα επεισόδια ξέσπασαν όταν οι διαδηλωτές πέταξαν πέτρες και μπουκάλια κατά της αστυνομίας που βρίσκονταν κοντά στην Αψίδα του Θριάμβου, στο κέντρο του Παρισιού κι ενώ διανύουμε το ένατο Σαββατοκύριακο συνεχόμενων κινητοποιήσεων.