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Έρχονται τα «γαλάζια παιδιά»

Η πλέον κραυγαλέα από τις προσπάθειες της νέας κυβέρνησης για εγκαθίδρυση ενός φαύλου κομματικού κράτους είναι η παράκαμψη του Ανώτατου Συμβουλίου Επιλογής Προσωπικού και των διατάξεων που θωρακίζουν το ρόλο του στη στελέχωση του Δημοσίου.   Με τροπολογία των Υπουργών Μ. Βορίδη - Σταϊκούρα - Θεοδωρικάκου και πρόσχημα έκτακτες ανάγκες ή κινδύνους δίνεται η δυνατότητα 50 προσλήψεων κατ΄ετος με 12μηνη σύμβαση με μια απλή απόφαση του Υπουργού Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης, χωρίς το παραμικρό κριτήριο ή προσόν.  Πρόκειται για μια χυδαία διατύπωση κατά παρέκκλιση του ιδρυτικού νόμου του ΑΣΕΠ, ουσιαστικά, την πρώτη πράξη μιας συστηματικής προσπάθειας επιστροφής στο μαύρο καθεστώς της αδιαφάνειας και της αναξιοκρατίας αφού ήδη με το Νόμο 3812/09 είχε περιγραφεί ολοκληρωμένα το καθεστώς ακόμη και των έκτακτων προσλήψεων για την αντιμετώπιση επείγουσων αναγκών, ακριβώς για να θωρακιστεί το ΑΣΕΠ από παρόμοιες προσπάθειες.  Ο Γιάννης Ραγκούσης, δημιουργός του νόμου του 2009, αναφέρει ότι οι τρε

How Joe Biden’s privatization plans helped doom Latin America and fuel the migration crisis

On the campaign trail, Joe Biden has boasted of his role in transforming Colombia and Central America through ambitious economic and security programs. Colombians and Hondurans tell The Grayzone about the damage his plans did to their societies. by Max Blumenthal Part 5 - Biden eyes Central America, selling mass privatization In his July sit-down with CNN, Joe Biden trumpeted his Plan Colombia as the inspiration for the Alliance for Prosperity he imposed on Central America. Channeling the spirit of colonial times once again, he bragged of imposing Washington’s policies on the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. “ We’ll make a deal with you, ” Biden recalled telling the leaders of these countries. “ You do the following things to make your country better so people don’t leave, and we will help you do that. ” Biden announced his bold plan on the editorial pages of the New York Times in January 2015. He called it “ a joint plan for economic and politic

Pro-Brexit capitalists attempt to bring additional pressure to their globalist rivals through a US-UK trade deal

globinfo freexchange In our previous article we supported that the whole Brexit issue, is primarily the product of a merciless war among rival factions of the British capital. We also wrote that the 31st October is probably a deadline given by the pro-Brexit capital faction through Boris Johnson. If the globalist faction wants a smooth Brexit through a deal with the EU, it will have to proceed in a permanent truce with the pro-Brexit faction. If it wants to postpone and even reverse Brexit, it will have to give much more. That is, give a privileged position to the pro-Brexit capitalists, in order for them not only to survive, but even gain significantly from one more transformation of the global capitalist system. The transformation that will occur after the next global financial meltdown. Recently, one of the most identifiable representatives of the international financial capital, Gary Cohn, sent a first message to the pro-Brexit capitalists that the globalist faction o

Russia and China: US must stop promoting protests in our countries

Russia and China have issued statements over the past several days calling on the US government to stop promoting protests in their respective countries, saying that America needs to stay out of other nations’ internal affairs. While the State Department urges US citizens to avoid the “unauthorized” protests in Russia and China, they are also seen as a major facilitator for the protests in the first place. US-imposed regime change by protest is a time-honored strategy, and one both nations see at play.  Chinese officials, in particular, see the growing number of US flags appearing at Hong Kong protests as a sign of US involvement in the protests themselves. The US doesn’t comment on this, of course, but rather faults the Chinese government for not giving in to the protesters’ demands. The same is true in Moscow, where protests aren’t as frequent, but even the suggestion of a Russian government crackdown leads to a quick US retort condemning them for “excessive force.”   So

Housing market, bonds predict recession

RT America The Dow Jones plunged more than 600 points amid fears of a looming economic recession as the US 30-year bond fell to a record low of 2.015 percent. RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports. Then senior real estate advisor Ravi Kantha joins Scottie Nell Hughes to discuss the state of the US housing market and consumer confidence. 

“A narco-state supported by the United States”: how crime & corruption in Honduras fuel migration

Democracy Now! Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Sonia Nazario has closely detailed why migrants from Central America are fleeing their homes in an attempt to seek asylum in the United States. Earlier this year, Nazario spent a month in Honduras documenting how corruption and gang violence are forcing many people to flee. Her piece, “Pay or Die,” ran in The New York Times , where she is a contributing opinion writer.

Federal judge continues Chelsea Manning's confinement and $1000 a day fine

The Real News Network Manning could be jailed for another 400 days and owe $144,00 because of an unprecedented decision by Bush-Appointed Judge Tenga. Kevin Gosztola discusses the latest development.

Israel’s flagship lobby organization collapses

The Real News Network Richard Silverstein discusses the fall of The Israel Project (TIP), the best-funded organization promoting pro-Israeli propaganda in the United States and around the world. Why did TIP collapse and what does this mean for organizing around Palestinian rights?

In 33 years the rich will own all the wealth in America!

Thom Hartmann Program According to new data from the federal reserve, if current trends of the rich getting richer and the middle class getting poorer continues at their current rate, in 33 years the top 10% of Americans will own one hundred percent of all American wealth. Everyone else will be in poverty and in debt. Right wing billionaires like Donald Trump are cheering this on, calling for more tax cuts on rich people and less power for working people through the continuing destruction of unions and fighting the minimum wage.

Trump starves Venezuela, Democrats are silent

The Grayzone The Trump administration is intensifying its economic warfare on the people of Venezuela with a crippling embargo -- and facing no resistance from the Democratic Party. Aaron Maté takes a look.