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The end of Juan Guaidó: Venezuelan coup leader rejected by country’s opposition

The Grayzone Red Lines host Anya Parampil breaks down recent events in Venezuela, after US-backed coup leader Juan Guaidó was replaced as President of the country’s National Assembly by fellow members of the opposition. Anya cuts through the mainstream narrative, which claims the Venezuelan government blocked Guaidó from entering the National Assembly and demonstrates he appears to have staged the event in order to gain international support. Anya also speaks with Diego Sequera, an investigative journalist from the Venezuelan website Misión Verdad, to get the view from the ground in Caracas. 

May 2019 picks

Trump's failure to start a civil war in Venezuela could be proved disastrous for the plans of the US imperialists MSNBC poll on Julian Assange backfires epically Key member of the Wall Street mafia urges depositors to be fiscally responsible! Latest ridiculous attempts by the US propaganda machine on Gaza, Venezuela – enjoy Already happens as expected: the neoliberal establishment launched a CA operation against Bernie Sanders Tulsi Gabbard proves that she is now the champion of the progressives - a straightforward message to the neocon/neoliberal warmongering cabal When the Iranian government rescued over 1,500 Jews to save them from the Nazis   Former top US official confirms: military action against Venezuela will become a Vietnam 2.0 for the US imperialists Strong evidence that the US empire already orchestrates false flag operations to provoke a war with Iran Healthcare industry lobbyists number one candidate for pushing their DNC puppets

After Mossad targeted Soleimani, Trump pulled the trigger

by Jefferson Morley Part 2 - Capable Foe Soleimani was the most capable foe of the United States and Israel in the region. As chief of the Al-Quds force, Soleimani was a master of Iran’s asymmetric warfare strategy, using proxy forces to bleed Iran’s enemies, while preserving the government’s ability to plausibly deny involvement. After the U.S. invasions of Iraq, he funded and trained anti-American militias that launched low-level attacks on U.S. occupation forces, killing upward of 600 U.S. servicemen and generating pressure for U.S. withdrawal. In recent years, Soleimani led two successful Iranian military operations: the campaign to drive ISIS out of western Iraq in 2015 and the campaign to crush the jihadist forces opposed to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. The United States and Israel denounced Iran’s role in both operations but could not prevent Iran from claiming victory. Soleimani had assumed a leading role in Iraqi politics in the past year. The anti-ISIS campaign r

Bolivia’s free territory of Chapare has ousted the coup regime and is bracing for a bloody re-invasion

Spending time with the union members of Chapare, who run society in a collective fashion, offers special insights into the resistance to the coup. They succeeded in expelling the police, but now fear a bloodbath in retaliation. by Ollie Vargas Part 4 - Is a massacre ahead? Though the police haven’t been able to re-enter the region, the coup government has tried to punish the residents of Chapare for expelling it. The junta has cut off all services to the public bank, Banco Union, which across most of this region is the only national bank with ATMs.  What’s more, the coup regime’s interior minister, Arturo Murillo, has threatened to deny all of Chapare the right to vote in any upcoming elections – unless its residents allow the police to reenter.  The police loyal to Murillo, whose nickname is El Bolas (meaning “ the one with balls, ” in reference to his macho posturing and violent attitude), have announced that they are preparing to “ enter, jointly with the arme

Social Media and Social Control: how Silicon Valley serves the US State Department

Facebook isn’t the only Silicon Valley firm with partisan oversight of what we see: the bipartisan billionaire class and their security state have partnered with tech firms since the dawn of the internet to control the parameters of users’ thinking. by Morgan Artyukhina  Part 2 - Right hook Facebook has been under fire, most memorably from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, since news broke from Politico that Mark Zuckerberg, the great Facebook wunderkind, has been palling around with right-wing figures for quite some time.  Politico documented how Zuckerberg’s private dinners have fed a whos-who of conservative talking heads and hosts from across the corporate media, including Fox’s Tucker Carlson, Washington Free Beacon editor Matt Continetti, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, and Byron York, The Washington Examiner ’s chief political correspondent, and others. There’s no word on whether Zuckerberg made them slaughter their own meat, however. One Silicon Valley

Εξωτερική πολιτική για κλάματα: το Μητσοτακικό καθεστώς βάζει τη χώρα σε νέες περιπέτειες

globinfo freexchange Πιστεύαμε ότι η κυβέρνηση Τσίπρα 'το είχε τερματίσει' όταν αποφάσισε (προφανώς μετά από έντονες Αμερικανικές πιέσεις) να προβεί στην ανήκουστη και απαράδεκτη ενέργεια να απελάσει τους τέσσερις Ρώσους διπλωμάτες . Το Μητσοτακικό καθεστώς όμως φαίνεται ότι έχει κάνει νέο ρεκόρ πλήρους υποταγής στους Αμερικανούς ιμπεριαλιστές, δίνοντας το τελειωτικό χτύπημα στην ευελιξία της εξωτερικής πολιτικής που θα έπρεπε να έχει, έτσι και αλλιώς, κάθε σοβαρή και ανεξάρτητη χώρα.  Όμως η δήλωση Μητσοτάκη απλώς επιβεβαίωσε ότι η νεοφιλελεύθερη Μητσοτακική δεξιά, η χειρότερη που γνώρισε η χώρα μεταπολιτευτικά, είναι απόλυτα υπόδουλη στα Αμερικανικά συμφέροντα. Και τελικά, πως η ίδια η χώρα, είναι ένα Δυτικό προτεκτοράτο και μια κανονική αποικία (και όχι απλά αποικία χρέους). Ο χειρότερος Μητσοτάκης όλων των εποχών αποφάσισε να επισκεφτεί τον Ντόναλντ Τραμπ για να κάνει το πιστό του 'ρομποτάκι', δηλώνοντας ουσιαστικά ότι επικροτεί την εγκληματική ενέργεια

The dream is over: how Boris Johnson won the UK election

by T.J. Coles Part 4 - CONCLUSION But despite all this, the ultimate failure lies with the British public. They had the chance of voting for a kind, decent man whose social policies included a new green industrial revolution, free education for all at any age, the public ownership of resources, and free dental check-ups. Instead, they chose to swallow the lies about Corbyn, presumably because those lies touch something wicked in their hearts. They chose to vote for a proven liar and opportunist who has spent his entire political career kicking working-class voters in the face. They chose to take away the hopes of the poorest children who, this Christmas, won’t have nice toys, but instead will rely on the kindness of strangers to nourish them at foodbanks, which is now a business model.  Instead, 14 million voters gave that hope to a man who would rather steal a journalist’s phone than take responsibility for a child lying on a hospital floor due to bed shortages; a man

As US bloodthirsty imperialists desperately push for war with Iran, their sloppiness may backfire badly

globinfo freexchange After the US drone assassination of the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, Donald Trump rushed to justify the action. “ We took action last night to stop a war, ” Trump claimed . “ We did not take action to start a war. ” Trump's claim is so blatantly false that was immediately destroyed by independent media, anti-war journalists and activists who provided information contrary to the typical US corporate media propaganda and their talking heads who rushed to spread the Trump-excuse. Apart from the fact that Qasem Soleimani played a key role on defeating ISIS Islamofascists, he was particularly popular among Iranians and Shia Muslims. And furthermore, the Iraqi Prime Minister revealed that the Iranian top general was on a peace mission when assassinated. Indeed, as The Grayzone reported , " According to Abdul-Mahdi [Iraqi Prime Minister], he had planned to meet Soleimani on the morning the general was killed to discuss a diplomatic rapproachme

No war on Iran: How to revive the anti-war movement in the US

The Grayzone Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Ben Becker, an organizer with the ANSWER coalition, to discuss the growing anti-war movement in the US. Over the weekend, thousands of US citizens took to the streets in up to 90 cities in order to voice their opposition to the Trump Administration's push to war with Iran. Ben and Anya talk about the struggles faced by the anti-war movement over the years what makes organizing massive resistance to war policy possible.

Trump's Iran aggression: same neocon lies, new target

The Grayzone As millions of Iranians mourn the US murder of Qassem Soleimani, ex-Bush administration official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discuses the parallels between Bush's war on Iraq and Trump's campaign against Iran; the history of US shunning diplomacy with Tehran; and how an addiction to war drives US foreign policy.