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War climate in Crete as Syrian chemicals approaching its shores!

The Cape Ray signal to “test” the local population and the planned massive protests The ship carrying Syrian chemicals, Cape Ray, is expected to reach the Cretan shores at a distance of 30 nautical miles until next Saturday. While the distance may seem quite long, according to some information, the captain of the ship has made a report about "testing the reactions of citizens" in Crete, triggering further concerns. According to information from the Onalert website, an additional report referring to the "testing" of reactions of the Cretan people while the ship will be approaching the island, was included in a signal by the captain of Cape Ray except from the "typical" reports. Until 15/7, the ship was located 170 miles west of Crete. Its changing course towards the island brought many concerns. In Crete, protesters will exclude the NATO base in Souda-Chania between 19 and 21st July. At the same time, warning strikes and work

Μανιφέστο “Ύστατη έκκληση”

Αυτή είναι παραπάνω από μια οικονομική και καθεστωτική κρίση: είναι μια κρίση πολιτισμού Οι Ευρωπαίοι πολίτες, στη μεγάλη τους πλειονότητα, πιστεύουν ότι η σημερινή καταναλωτική κοινωνία μπορεί «να βελτιωθεί» (και πρέπει να το κάνει) στο μέλλον. Ταυτόχρονα, σημαντικό μέρος των κατοίκων του πλανήτη ελπίζουν ότι θα προσεγγίσουν τα δικά μας επίπεδα υλικής ευημερίας. Ωστόσο, το επίπεδο παραγωγής και κατανάλωσης επιτεύχθηκε μέσα από τη κατασπατάληση των φυσικών και ενεργειακών πόρων, και τη διάρρηξη των οικολογικών ισορροπιών της Γης. Τίποτα από όλα αυτά δεν είναι κάτι νέο. Οι πιο διορατικοί ερευνητές και οι επιστήμονες εκπέμπουν στοιχειοθετημένα σήματα κινδύνου από τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1970 του εικοστού αιώνα: αν συνεχιστούν οι παρούσες αναπτυξιακές τάσεις (στην οικονομία, στη δημογραφία, στην εκμετάλλευση των φυσικών πόρων, στη παραγωγή ρύπων και στην αύξηση των ανισοτήτων) το πιο πιθανό αποτέλεσμα για τον εικοστό πρώτο αιώνα είναι η πολιτισμική κατάρρευ

Gaza Situation - Report 8

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ As of 08:00, almost 20,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) had evacuated their homes in the north and north-eastern part of Gaza, and taken refuge in UNRWA’s 21 designated emergency shelters. The need to open additional shelters is being discussed today. The uncertainty and despair felt by the Gazan population, is especially painful as ch

Just an example of more important things than world cup in Brazil

14.462 doctors participate in the social program "More Doctors" (Mas Medicos) of which 11.400 are Cubans, in Brazil. During the first year, the program offered medical services to 51 million citizens. The program started in July, 2013, by the Prime Minister of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, with a main goal to increase the number of professional doctors who can provide health services to the population. Doctors participating in this program are distributed geographically in 3.819 municipalities of the country and 34 indigenous regions. 75% of the doctors provide their services in high social sensitivity zones in the north-east part of the country and the suburbs of the big cities. Secretary of Labor Management and Health Education in Brazil, Eider Pinto, stated that the increase in primary care consultations by 35% had a positive impact on reducing the rates of infant, diabetic and hypertensive mortality, as well as, a reduction in the corresponding se

Gaza Situation - Report 7

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ Close to 18,000 women, men and children spent the night in twenty-one UNRWA designated emergency shelters. Approximately 10,800 people have taken shelter in 16 UNRWA schools in Gaza City and about 7,000 in 5 shelters in northern Gaza.” “ As previously reported, the public health sector in Gaza is nearing collapse. To add to this burden,

Η καταστροφή του ανθρώπινου εργατικού δυναμικού

Νέες ενδείξεις του system failure Όλο και περισσότερες ενδείξεις, όλο και πιο γρήγορα, βγαίνουν στην επιφάνεια για το γεγονός ότι βιώνουμε μια πρωτοφανή μετάλλαξη του καπιταλισμού μέσω της υπερ-αυτοματοποίησης. Μια μετάλλαξη που εξηγεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό το τεράστιο πρόβλημα της ανεργίας που αντιμετωπίζει σχεδόν στο σύνολό του ο Δυτικός κόσμος. Απ'ότι δείχνουν τα πράγματα, σε αυτή τη μετάλλαξη πρωτοστατούν οι εταιρίες υψηλής τεχνολογίας, οι οποίες δεν φαίνεται να ανησυχούν ιδιαίτερα για την πρωτοφανή μείωση της καταναλωτικής ισχύος σε πολλές χώρες της Δύσης, αφού το άνοιγμα των αγορών σε Κίνα, Ινδία, Βραζιλία, καθώς και στις χώρες της ΝΑ Ασίας, προσφέρει νέες τεράστιες δεξαμενές καταναλωτών. Το χειρότερα κρυμμένο μυστικό της Apple και του κατασκευαστή της Foxconn στην Ταϊβάν δεν είναι οι κακές συνθήκες εργασίας. Δεν είναι καν το γεγονός ότι χρησιμοποιούν ρομπότ για την συναρμολόγηση όλων των κομματιών του iPhone. Είναι ότι τα ρομπότ τους, πραγματοποιούν όλο κα

Gaza Situation - Report 6

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ The impact of the ongoing conflict on civilians continues to be devastating for communities in the Gaza Strip. At the time of reporting 17,000 distraught people had fled their homes in Northern Gaza, to shelter in 20 UNRWA schools in Gaza City and the North Area. In addition, there were almost 300 people requesting temporary shelter in the Mi

More evidence that human labor force is being destroyed

“ The worst kept secret of Apple and its Taiwanese manufacturer Foxconn isn't their poor labor conditions. It isn't even the fact that they use robots to help bring together all the pieces that make up an iPhone. It's that their robots are now performing more and more human-like functions.” “ Foxconn parent company Hon Hai is set to deploy an army of 10,000 assembly-line robots to help meet the demands of producing the highly anticipated iPhone 6. Hon Hai CEO Terry Gou revealed in a recent shareholder meeting that Apple would be the very first customer of Foxconn's latest robots.” “ I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the next five years, robots will even take care of the final touches, ...” “ Some analysts see this trend toward robotics transforming labor markets globally. Marshall Brain, founder of How Stuff Works and author of Robotic Nation, says the push towards automation is happening much faster than people realize. ' Within a couple

Cold War 2.0: Russians fear a nuclear war!

Key findings “ According to the data collected at the end of June by the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM), 64 percent of Russians believe that a 'military conflict involving nuclear weapons' could start in today’s world , 20 percent do not believe that such a threat exists, and 17 percent are undecided. [...] 53 percent of respondents believe that the danger of nuclear war is higher today 'than it was 15-20 years ago,' 26 percent believe that the threat level has not changed , and only 7 percent – say it is lower, while 14 percent are undecided.” “ According to FOM, 52 percent of Russian citizens believe that the biggest 'threat of the usage of nuclear weapons' is coming from the US , 12 percent – from North Korea, and 9 percent – from Pakistan. 'From the country that most often flexes its muscles, people of course expect a nuclear war to start,' said FOM analyst Grigory Kertman. On top of the list of countries with which Russia h

The bourgeoisie did not respect its heavy heritage

225 years later, regression towards the new Feudalism by system failure It was 14th July of 1789 when the representatives of the bourgeoisie in France promised a different world. Indeed, authoritarianism and depression by Monarchy and Feudalism brought naturally a desire for a more equitable society. The triplet "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was not a simple slogan reproduced to become a cliche, but represented the pure willing of the majority for a big change. 128 years later, another revolution, in Russia this time, promised to impose the implementation of those things declared in 1789, as the proletariat was building a class consciousness and the bourgeoisie had already abandoned its initial declarations. Several decades since then, two ostensibly different worlds were fighting against each other. On the one hand, the Soviet Communism that imposed a direct state authoritarianism and a monstrous bureaucracy, on the other, the indirect authoritarian