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The best time for a political earthquake in Spain is now!

The most crucial elections in Europe after the Battle of Greece by system failure The time has come. The most crucial elections in Europe are about to take place in Spain. The result will highly determine whether the European Financial Dictatorship (EFD), or eurozone, if you prefer, will continue its catastrophic project that applied on Greece and other countries of the eurozone periphery, under Berlin's hegemony, guided by the Western plutocracy. Greece has been officially transformed into an EFD debt colony, after Tsipras' big defeat by the Brussels bureaufascists and Berlin directorate. Latest proof about this fact, is that the EFD officials did not allow Tsipras administration to proceed in a parallel program to relieve the most vulnerable Greeks from the neoliberal devastating measures according to the Greek experiment. Greece has gone through a very difficult summer with banks closed during a financial coup orchestrated by the EFD's most power

Μάχη της Ευρώπης “που έχουμε” και αυτής “που θέλουμε” οι εκλογές στην Ισπανία

Η αντίστροφη μέτρηση ξεκίνησε και οι κάλπες των πιο κρίσιμων εκλογών, όχι μόνο για την Ισπανία αλλά και για το μέλλον της Ευρώπης, ανοίγουν το πρωί της Κυριακής. Όπως όλα δείχνουν το τέλος του δικομματισμού, που επικρατεί στη χώρα από το θάνατο του δικτάτορα Φρανθίσκο Φράνκο το 1975, είναι προ των πυλών, με το Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα αλλά και τους Αριστερούς Ρodemos να δίνουν μάχη στήθος με στήθος για τη δεύτερη θέση. Πρόκειται για μία μάχη μεταξύ «λιτότητας» και «αλλαγής» που η Ευρώπη περιμένει με αγωνία εδώ και καιρό. Νικητής των εκλογών θα είναι και πάλι, όπως όλα δείχνουν, ο δεξιός πρωθυπουργός Μαριάνο Ραχόι, ο οποίος για να παραμείνει στην εξουσία θα πρέπει να συνεργαστεί. Μέχρι στιγμής όλα τα κόμματα της αντιπολίτευσης έχουν δηλώσει ότι δεν προτίθενται να συγκροτήσουν κυβέρνηση συνεργασίας, και το μέλλον είναι αβέβαιο. Αν και ο νόμος ορίζει ότι δεν μπορούν να δημοσιευτούν δημοσκοπήσεις την παραμονή των εκλογών, έρευνες που είδαν τη δημοσιότητα το Σάββατο δείνο

Endless: 18 more people dead, children among them, in the Mediterranean sea grave

Eighteen people have drowned off the southwestern coast of Turkey when a vessel carrying refugees sank late Friday, according to the Turkish Coast Guard. The wooden boat - packed with refugees, including Syrians and Iraqis - was seeking to reach the Greek island of Kos when it sank in Bodrum Bay. Fourteen people were rescued, but 18 others, including children, were found dead in the sea, the Turkish Coast Guard said. Kos and other Greek islands lie just a few kilometers from the Turkish coast, making them attractive destinations for refugees seeking to enter the EU. Over the past year, thousands have made short but perilous journeys across the Aegean in a bid to reach northern and western Europe. Worsening weather conditions currently make the trip more dangerous than usual. Source:

The war on Sanders officially started

Signs of provocative operations by the establishment globinfo freexchange It was a matter of time until the establishment open a war against Bernie Sanders. From across the US political spectrum it becomes more and more obvious that Sanders is the one that the establishment fears most. From : As chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Debbie Wasserman Schultz has spent the last 8 months using her position to put a lid on Bernie Sanders’ momentum. And after what was arguably the biggest week of the Sanders campaign, she may have finally succeeded. Late Thursday night, the DNC took the drastic step of cutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to its comprehensive 50-state voter file that lists voter patterns and preferences, effectively shutting down the campaign’s voter outreach operations just over a month before the critical Iowa caucus and a little over 50 days before the New Hampshire primary.

A secret catalogue of government gear for spying on your cellphone

The Intercept has obtained a secret, internal U.S. government catalogue of dozens of cellphone surveillance devices used by the military and by intelligence agencies. The document, thick with previously undisclosed information, also offers rare insight into the spying capabilities of federal law enforcement and local police inside the United States. The catalogue includes details on the Stingray, a well-known brand of surveillance gear, as well as Boeing “dirt boxes” and dozens of more obscure devices that can be mounted on vehicles, drones, and piloted aircraft. Some are designed to be used at static locations, while others can be discreetly carried by an individual. They have names like Cyberhawk, Yellowstone, Blackfin, Maximus, Cyclone, and Spartacus. Within the catalogue, the NSA is listed as the vendor of one device, while another was developed for use by the CIA, and another was developed for a special forces requirement. Nearly a third of the entries focus o