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Καρλ Μαρξ: «Εγώ ποτέ δεν είπα κάτι τέτοιο»

Η μανία με την οποία επιτίθεται ο φιλελεύθερος αγγλοσαξονικός Τύπος στα fake news, τις ψεύτικες ειδήσεις που υποτίθεται ότι κατακλύζουν το διαδίκτυο, είχε πρόσφατα ακόμη ένα θύμα. Αίφνης όλοι διαπίστωσαν ότι το Ιντερνετ είναι γεμάτο με ψεύτικα αποφθέγματα ιστορικών προσωπικοτήτων. Μόνο που το συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα έχει ιστορία αρκετών αιώνων. του Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου Tην ημέρα των 208ων γενεθλίων του Αβραάμ Λίνκολν ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ αναπαρήγαγε στο Τwitter μια διάσημη φράση του 16ου προέδρου των ΗΠΑ: « Στο τέλος, σημασία δεν έχουν τα χρόνια που είχε η ζωή σου αλλά η ζωή που είχαν τα χρόνια σου ». Το πρόβλημα, όπως σωστά έσπευσε να επισημάνει το BBC, ήταν ότι ο Λίνκολν ουδέποτε είπε κάτι τέτοιο. Το περιστατικό συμπεριλήφθηκε αμέσως στα δεκάδες ψέματα που εκστομίζει ανερυθρίαστα ο Τραμπ σε κάθε δημόσια εμφάνισή του. Σχεδόν κανένας όμως δεν θέλησε να μας θυμίσει ότι σχεδόν όλοι οι Αμερικανοί πρόεδροι των τελευταίων δεκαετιών χρησιμοποιούσαν ψευδή ή εμφανώς παραπ

UAE arms show heightens militarism as Yemen war rages on

The United Arab Emirates, a partner to Saudi-led coalition waging a destructive war in Yemen, is eyeing billion-dollar arms deals with local and international companies as an arms show in Abu Dhabi gets underway. The UAE announced 4.5 billion dirhams ($1.2 billion) worth of military procurement deals on Sunday at the opening of the biennial International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi, which is attended by over 1,200 companies. Brigadier General Rashid al-Shamsi, an IDEX spokesman, said the figure was part of a total of 20-billion-dirham worth of purchases the UAE expects to make at the arms fair this week, AFP reported. He said most of the figure will be spent on buying 400 armored personnel carriers worth $544 million from a local manufacturer, adding, " We expect (to award) more than 20 billion dirhams in contracts by the end of Idex. " Australia and the UAE have agreed to consider a 10-year defense plan that could

Foreign-funded NGOs in Ecuador: Trojan Horse for intervention?

Ecuador has come under fire for scrutinizing non-profits like Accion Ecologica, many of whom get millions from Europe and North America. Part 1 Ecuador, the tiny South American nation sandwiched between Colombia and Peru, rarely makes waves in the English-speaking world’s corporate mediascape. Last year, news traveled far on at least two occasions. First, with an earthquake that killed at least 673 people. Second, when the government moved to investigate and potentially dissolve a nonprofit called Accion Ecologica in connection with deadly violence between members of an Amazonian tribe and police sent to protect a Chinese-operated mining project. Ecologists and prominent activists friendly to the group, including heavy-weights such as Naomi Klein, called out what they characterized as a callous repression and criminalization of Indigenous people protecting the unparalleled richness of the Amazon and alleged state prejudice against an underdog non-profit organ

Bolivia confiscates ‘criminal’ US weapons cargo

The seized weapons were shipped in November 2016 from the Everglades port in Miami The National Customs of Bolivia confiscated a large cargo of military weapons from the United States on Friday, launching a criminal investigation of the case. The seized weapons were shipped in November 2016 from the Everglades port in Miami, HispanTV reports. They entered Santa Cruz in eastern Bolivia after being transported through the Dominican Republic, Peru and Chile. “ We must see what was the purpose of this internment in Bolivian territory and who are the members of this criminal organization, ” Bolivian Interior Minister Carlos Romero told reporters. Romero added that he found it “striking” that the cargo passed “so many controls” without being detected. The weapons cargo was found in the double bottom of a trailer vehicle. It contained 34 long arms, including rifles and machine guns with telescopic sight, Bolivia’s National Customs reports. Police al

Ecuador elections: accessibility leader set to beat banker

Alianza Pais leader Lenin Moreno leads with 42.9 percent of votes, Opinion Publica reported. Exit polls in Ecuador point to Alianza Pais candidate Lenin Moreno winning the country’s presidential election with 42.9 percent of votes, Opinion Publica reported. Polling stations in Ecuador closed at 5 p.m. local time. Moreno, who would take office on May 24 if elected, leads top opposition rivals Guillermo Lasso, Cynthia Viteri, and Paco Moncayo, who have 27.7, 14.7, and 6.1 percent respectively. Other exit polls have Moreno with a significant lead. “ We will continue to serve the people, to continue our process, and to build our revolution, " Moreno said during a televised press conference shortly after the polls closed. " But as the respectful citizens that we are, we will await the final results to see what's next. " More: