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Social Media and Social Control: how Silicon Valley serves the US State Department

Facebook isn’t the only Silicon Valley firm with partisan oversight of what we see: the bipartisan billionaire class and their security state have partnered with tech firms since the dawn of the internet to control the parameters of users’ thinking. by Morgan Artyukhina  Part 6 - Bad actors Fast forward to August 2018: along with other social media platforms with whom it shares tips and information, Facebook has begun targeting voices from, and in defense of, nations targeted by the U.S. State Department for regime change. However, it’s not just Russians any more: some of the voices silenced in the semi-regular sweeping round of bans include Cubans, Venezuelans, Iranians, and Chinese as well. Frequently, these bans coincide with elections in the U.S., though Facebook typically avoids citing election interference in its press releases, giving the media free reign to speculate. Standard fare is for tips on “inauthentic content” to come from one of two places: the Atlantic

Κι όμως, ο Σάντερς μπορεί να νικήσει!

Αλέξανδρος Ζέρβας Μέρος 2ο - Το «ρεύμα» που έρχεται από το 2016 Οι πρόσφατες δημοσκοπήσεις που δείχνουν τον Μπέρνι Σάντερς να προηγείται στην κούρσα για το χρίσμα των Δημοκρατικών έρχεται απλά να επιβεβαιώσει το «ρεύμα» που καταγράφεται στο εσωτερικό της αμερικάνικης κοινωνίας υπέρ της υποψηφιότητάς του. Πρόκειται για μια εξέλιξη, η οποία μόνο έκπληξη δεν προκαλεί στους περισσότερους. Άλλωστε, αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι ακόμη από την καμπάνια του ενόψει των προκριματικών του 2016 ο Σάντερς ήταν ο μόνος υποψήφιος που είχε συλλέξει δωρεές δεκάδων εκατομμυρίων ευρώ, οι οποίες κατά βάση δεν προέρχονταν από  εκατομμυριούχους επιχειρηματίες κι εκπροσώπους λόμπι. Αντίθετα, εκατομμύρια ήταν οι απλοί Αμερικάνοι (από δασκάλους και νοσοκόμες μέχρι φοιτητές), οι οποίοι είχαν σπεύσει να συνεισφέρουν στην προσπάθειά του. Όλα αυτά αντικατόπτριζαν δε τη ριζοσπατικοποίηση ενός τμήματος της αμερικάνικης κοινωνίας, κυρίως μέσα στην τελευταία δεκαετία.  Η σημερινή επιτυχία Σάντερς λοιπόν

Aug 2019 picks

Top agent of the global financial mafia sends message to Brexiteers: 'we will not put you in the game' One of the first things a progressive government should do in the US Pro-Brexit capitalists attempt to bring additional pressure to their globalist rivals through a US-UK trade deal Manufacturing uncritical thinking   Bernie finally declares war on neoliberal fascists who destroy the planet Paul Mason attempts to propagate typical neoliberal revisionism, immediately gets destroyed on Twitter The untold Socialist history of the United States  

Trump directly threatened the Iraqi prime minister for his approach with China with a false flag and subsequent riots

globinfo freexchange Here is probably the best proof that the 'anti-interventionist' Donald Trump is an absolute fraud. It seems that the current US president is not only the best option for the establishment right now, but he even follows the CIA playbook to the letter ... by himself. As we approach the 2020 presidential election in the United States, Trump does everything he can to please the warmongering neocons and the deep state elements. Recently, MintPress News made some astonishing revelations according to which Trump directly threatened the Iraqi prime minister. As MintPress revealed: [Important parts highlighted] Iraq’s caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi gave a series of remarks on January 5, during a parliamentary session that received surprisingly little media attention . During the session, which also saw Iraq’s Parliament approve the removal of all foreign (including American) troops from the country, Abdul-Mahdi made a series of claims abo

As neo-nazis head to Richmond, Trump boosts gun-rights rally

by Patrick Martin On the eve of a planned right-wing gun-rights rally in Richmond, Virginia, fascists and white supremacists are reportedly heading for the Virginia state capitol, hoping to create a “second Charlottesville,” modeled on the neo-Nazi riot in 2017 which killed one anti-fascist demonstrator and attracted the praise of President Donald Trump, who called the fascist marchers “good people.” Trump signaled his support for the Richmond event, tweeting Friday that the Democratic-controlled state government in Virginia was engaged in violating the Second Amendment rights of the state’s gun owners. “Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia,” he wrote. “That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away. Republicans will win Virginia in 2020. Thank you Dems!” Trump’s tweet was a gesture of open encouragement to ultra-rightists and neo-Nazis only days before the president’s trial before the US Senate b

In France’s longest protests since 1968, striking workers continue the fight against neoliberalism

From bus drivers to ballet dancers, workers from across France have taken to the streets in opposition to President Emmanual Macron’s attempts to reshape the country into a U.S.-style neoliberal state. by Alan Macleod  Nationwide protests against the government of Emanuel Macron entered their seventh continuous week today in France, as between 187,000 (a government estimate) and 250,000 people (the unions’ count) took to the streets to oppose Macron’s plans to radically alter the country’s pension plan, seen by many as the crown jewel in France’s substantial welfare state. Led by transport unions, mass protests occurred yesterday across the country, including in Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Nantes, Dijon and Angers. Meanwhile, in Nice, there was a party atmosphere as activists organized a torchlight evening demonstration. Despite the light-hearted tone some of the protests took, they now constitute the longest and most intense actions against the government since the famous May 19

#MeToo provocation against Bernie Sanders organized by CNN and Elizabeth Warren

by David Walsh   CNN and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Democrat from Massachusetts, with powerful establishment support, combined to stage a provocation this week aimed at slowing down or derailing the campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Through CNN, the Massachusetts senator’s camp first alleged that Sanders told her in December 2018 a woman could not win a presidential election, an allegation Sanders strenuously refuted. At the Democratic debate on Tuesday night, CNN’s moderator acted as though the claim was an indisputable reality, leading to a post-debate encounter between Warren and Sanders, which the network just happened to record and circulate widely. This is a political stink bomb, borrowed from the #MeToo playbook, typical of American politics in its putrefaction. Unsubstantiated allegations are turned into “facts,” these “facts” become the basis for blackening reputations and damaging careers and shifting politics co

MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid invites quack body language expert on to trash Sanders

MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid has a history of strongly racist and homophobic remarks. She was one of the chief proponents of the RussiaGate narrative and history of anti-Muslim and homophobic comments. by Alan Macleod MSNBC anchor Joy Ann Reid invited Jeanine Driver, a self-styled expert in the highly contentious field of body language analysis on her show, AM Joy, to assess the recent spat between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders at the seventh Democratic presidential debate. Warren accused the Vermont Senator of dismissing her chances, claiming he said that a woman could not become president, something he vehemently denies. “ First of all I think Bernie’s lying, ” Driver told Reid’s weekend audience of around 1.1 million, claiming, “ his shoulders come up like a little kid getting caught, ” adding that Sanders was “ trying to hide in plain sight. ” Driver offered up more questionable expertise in why she agrees with Warren: “ He starts with ‘well.’ Liars like to start with ‘wel

Brazil’s far-right government backed terror plot against Venezuela, top newspaper reveals

Brazil’s extreme Bolsonaro government backed an attack on Venezuela in a plot to overthrow its elected president. The shocking terror operation has received no coverage in mainstream US media. by Ben Norton Part 1 Brazil’s far-right government helped support military attacks on Venezuela in hopes of inciting a coup and violently overthrowing the country’s leftist government. This plan was revealed by a major pro-government newspaper in Brazil. And yet the shocking story was not covered by any mainstream paper in the US or Europe. Outside a lone report by Venezuela’s state-backed teleSUR — which Washington-backed coup plotters are now trying to usurp – the story was completely ignored in Anglophone media. The United States has supported a series of coup attempts against Venezuela’s elected government since 2002, which accelerated in 2019. But the details of Brazil’s role in the latest plot is a novel revelation. On December 31, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo discl

Jul 2019 picks

Baraka's message to Bernie: an indirect invitation for a coalition with the Greens? The Greeks have just committed suicide by electing the most fanatically neoliberal government ever   YouTube algorithm is now directing you towards corporate media propaganda, eliminating independent news competitors   CIA's critical role in the revival of Islamic fundamentalism Ruthless Donald Trump proves he could even provoke a civil war in his effort to maintain power Is the Left now ready for a counterattack in order to exterminate the neoliberal/far-right authoritarian beast? The real reason Boris Johnson pushes for a no-deal Brexit