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Ερμηνεύοντας το Ελληνικό παράδοξο

Αντι-λιτότητα στο δημοψήφισμα, ευρώ με περισσότερη λιτότητα στις εθνικές εκλογές του system failure Το μεγάλο ερώτημα μετά τις πρόωρες εκλογές του Σεπτεμβρίου, είναι, γιατί οι Έλληνες ψηφοφόροι επέλεξαν κόμματα (με συντριπτική πλειοψηφία), που ψήφισαν το τρίτο καταστροφικό μνημόνιο; Ένα ακόμα μνημόνιο που επιβλήθηκε με εκβιαστικό τρόπο από τον άξονα Βρυξελλών-Βερολίνου. Γίνεται ιδιαίτερα δύσκολο να εξηγήσει κανείς το παράδοξο, αν ληφθεί υπόψη ότι στο δημοψήφισμα που έγινε προηγουμένως, ο λαός αποφάσισε ξεκάθαρα να καταδικάσει τις νέες επιβαλλόμενες πολιτικές της καταστροφής, παρά την άνευ προηγουμένου μαύρη προπαγάνδα του τρόμου από τα συστημικά ΜΜΕ και τις κλειστές τράπεζες. Επιπλέον, λίγο πριν τις πρόωρες εκλογές, ο κόσμος ήξερε λίγο-πολύ τι να περιμένει από τον Τσίπρα, αφού είχε ήδη παραδοθεί στους δανειστές και συμφώνησε να υπογράψει το 3ο μνημόνιο. Η πιο προφανής εξήγηση θα μπορούσε να είναι, ότι οι ψηφοφόροι είχαν περιορισμένες επιλογές. Η Λαϊκή Ενότητα δεν

Strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS?

According to Veterans Today , USA Parliament (Intr) Foreign Minister and European Department for Security and Information Secretary General Ambassador Dr Haissam Bou Said exclusively confirms to VT that the Israeli Brigadier Yussi Elon Shahak captured by the Iraqi popular army confessed during the investigation that “There is a strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS top military commanders,” asserting that “there are Israeli advisors helping the Organization on laying out strategic and military plans, and guiding them in the battlefield.” The terrorist organization also has military consultants from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Jordan. Saudi Arabia has so far provided ISIS with 30,000 vehicles, while Jordan rendered 4500 vehicles. Qatar and United Arab Emirates delivered funds for covering ISIS overall expenditure. The planes belonging to the aforesaid countries are still landing in the Mosel airport, carrying military aid and fighters, especially

Explaining the Greek paradox

Anti-austerity in the referendum, euro-currency and austerity in the national elections by system failure The big question after September's snap elections in Greece, is, why Greeks voted for parties who agreed to pass the 3rd memorandum? A memorandum which brings new catastrophic measures imposed by Greece's creditors when Tsipras surrendered to the Brussels-Berlin axis. It becomes harder to explain the paradox, considering that in the referendum a few months earlier, the Greeks clearly voted against the imposed austerity, despite the war of propaganda and the closed banks. Moreover, just before the snap elections, they knew what to expect from Tsipras, as he had already surrendered and agreed to sign the catastrophic memorandum. The most obvious answer, is that voters had limited options. Popular Unity , the party that came out of SYRIZA's split, expressing its most radical side, had no sufficient time to prepare and persuade the Greek public opin

Things that will never happen in the EFD-US

Iceland sentences 26 bankers to a combined 74 years in prison. This is something that you will never see in the bankster-dominated European Financial Dictatorship called eurozone, or, in the bankster-dominated empire called United States. In two separate Icelandic Supreme Court and Reykjavik District Court rulings, five top bankers from Landsbankinn and Kaupping — the two largest banks in the country — were found guilty of market manipulation, embezzlement, and breach of fiduciary duties. Most of those convicted have been sentenced to prison for two to five years. The maximum penalty for financial crimes in Iceland is six years, although their Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments to consider expanding sentences beyond the six year maximum. After the crash in 2008, while congress was giving American banks a $700 billion TARP bailout courtesy of taxpayers, Iceland decided to go in a different direction and enabled their government with financial supervis

Ο Νετανιάχου "ξεπλένει" τον Χίτλερ!

Συγχωροχάρτι στον Χίτλερ προκειμένου να αποδώσει στους Παλαιστίνιους την ευθύνη για το ολοκαύτωμα, έδωσε ο ακροδεξιός Ισραηλινός πρωθυπουργός Βενιαμίν Νετανιάχου μιλώντας στο 37ο συνέδριο σιωνιστών. «Ο Χίτλερ δεν ήθελε να αφανίσει τους Εβραίους αλλά να τους απελάσει» υποστήριξε ο Νετανιάχου συμπληρώνοντας ότι ο μουφτής Χατζ Αμίν Αλ-Χουσσεΐνι τον έπεισε τελικά να τους εξοντώσει γιατί σε διαφορετική περίπτωση θα πήγαιναν στα παλαιστινιακά εδάφη. Οι δηλώσεις Νετανιάχου προκάλεσαν σάλο σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο (παρά το γεγονός ότι ο Ισραηλινός πρωθυπουργός τις είχε επαναλάβει και το 2012) ενώ αρκετοί σχολιαστές υποστήριξαν ότι με αυτό τον τρόπο καθαγιάζει τον Αδόλφο Χίτλερ. Το επιχείρημα έχουν αποδομήσει δημοσιογράφοι και πανεπιστημιακοί όπως ο Ρόμπερτ Φισκ και ο Ζιλμπέρ Ασκάρ. Υπενθυμίζεται ότι ο Χατζ Αμίν Αλ-Χουσσεΐνι ήταν άνθρωπος των Βρετανών (έχει κατηγορηθεί ότι εργαζόταν για λογαριασμό του βρετανικού γενικού επιτελείου), μέχρι τη στιγμή που τους εγκατέλειψε για να τα

Στα χέρια των WikiLeaks τα “χακαρισμένα” emails του αρχηγού της CIA

Τα WikiLeaks ανακοίνωσαν χθες ότι έχουν στη διάθεσή τους το περιεχόμενο του ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου του αρχηγού της CIA, John Brennan, το οποίο και θα δημοσιοποιηθεί σύντομα. Νωρίτερα μέσα στην εβδομάδα, μια Αμερικανική οργάνωση, αποτελούμενη από εφήβους με φιλο-Παλαιστινιακές θέσεις, ισχυρίστηκε ότι κατάφερε να "χακάρει" τους προσωπικούς λογαριασμούς ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου από διάφορα υψηλόβαθμα στελέχη της CIA, ανάμεσά τους και του διευθυντή της υπηρεσίας Brennan. Πηγή:

WikiLeaks: CIA Director John Brennan emails

Today, 21 October 2015 and over the coming days WikiLeaks is releasing documents from one of CIA chief John Brennan's non-government email accounts. Brennan used the account occasionally for several intelligence related projects. John Brennan became the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in March 2013, replacing General David Petraeus who was forced to step down after becoming embroiled in a classified information mishandling scandal. Brennan was made Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism on the commencement of the Obama presidency in 2009--a position he held until taking up his role as CIA chief. According to the CIA Brennan previously worked for the agency for a 25 year stretch, from 1980 to 2005. Brennan went private in 2005-2008, founding an intelligence and analysis firm The Analysis Corp (TAC). In 2008 Brennan became a donor to Obama. The same year TAC, led by Brennan, became a security advisor to the Oba

WikiLeaks obtains CIA chief's hacked emails

WikiLeaks has come into possession of the contents of CIA chief John Brennan's email account, the whistle-blowing organization said Wednesday, saying that they will be "releasing them shortly." Earlier this week, an American teenager and a group espousing pro-Palestinian views claimed that they had broken into the personal email accounts of US top security officials, CIA director Brennan’s among them. More:

The US drone assassinations

The Intercept has obtained a cache of secret documents detailing the inner workings of the U.S. military’s assassination program in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. The documents, provided by a whistleblower, offer an unprecedented glimpse into Obama’s drone wars. Find, Fix, Finish Key points: The CIA had long dominated the covert war in Pakistan, and in 2009 Obama expanded the agency’s drone resources there and in Afghanistan to regularly pound al Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban, and other targets. The military, tasked with prosecuting the broader war in Afghanistan, was largely sidelined in the Pakistan theater, save for the occasional cross-border raid and the Air Force personnel who operated the CIA’s drones. But the Pentagon was not content to play a peripheral role in the global drone war, and aggressively positioned itself to lead the developing drone campaigns in Yemen and Somalia. In December 2009, the Obama administration signed

Potential for major escalation of violence in Syria by US

“ With all of this escalation, there is the growing chance that a war in Syria and the region becomes an internationalized conflict,” said Eric Draitser, the founder of said, using another acronym for the ISIL terrorist group. “ And if that were to happen, if the US were to get its way…then it would be a tragedy for the entire world,” Draitser told Press TV on Tuesday. The US government has used the pretext of humanitarianism as a way to justify their illegal wars against countries in the region, Draitser said. The geopolitical analyst argued that Henry Kissinger’s recent article about the urgency to defeat the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group in Syria reflects his political realism than necessarily a significant policy shift in Washington. In an article published by the Wall Street Journal, the veteran US diplomat argues that the United States strategy in Syria should focus more on defeating Daesh than removing President Bashar al-As