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Brazil’s new government imposes water privatisation in Rio to pay for Olympic Games

A few weeks after the May coup against Dilma Rousseff by conservative parties backed by the country's largest corporations, Brazil's “interim” government, led by Michel Temer, signed an emergency loan to the State of Rio de Janeiro to help finance infrastructure for the 2016 Olympics – in particular for a subway line connecting the sports venues. The bailout was conditional to selling off the State's public water supply and sanitation company, the Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgotos (Cedae) Martin Pigeon interviews Renato Cinco:

Αποτυχημένο πραξικόπημα στην Τουρκία: μια κίνηση τακτικής του Ερντογάν;

globinfo freexchange Καθώς οι τρομοκράτες του Daesh χάνουν συνεχώς έδαφος σε Συρία-Ιράκ και οι Κούρδοι φαίνεται να κάνουν τα πρώτα βήματα αυτονομίας στη Βόρεια Συρία, ο Τούρκος πρόεδρος, Ταγίπ Ερντογάν, απομονώνεται όλο και περισσότερο. Ο Ερντογάν αναγκάστηκε να κάνει στροφή 180 μοιρών και προσπάθησε να επαναπροσεγγίσει Ρωσία και Ισραήλ, σε μια πρώτη απόπειρα να αποκαταστήσει τις σχέσεις και να αποφύγει την απόλυτη απομόνωση. Ωστόσο, φαίνεται ότι αυτό δεν ήταν αρκετό, καθώς, ήταν μια κίνηση που έγινε πολύ αργά, αφού ήδη ο Τούρκος πρόεδρος είχε προβεί ήδη σε πολλές βεβιασμένες και αψυχολόγητες ενέργειες εντός και εκτός Τουρκίας, που έκαναν τα πράγματα χειρότερα και εξέθεσαν πλήρως τον Ερντογάν και την ακόρεστη δίψα του για εξουσία. Παρακινούμενος από τη δίψα του να επεκτείνει την Τουρκική σφαίρα επιρροής στη Μέση Ανατολή και να τελειώνει γρήγορα με το Κουρδικό, κατέληξε να βρίσκεται σε κατάσταση άμυνας ενάντια σε όλους σχεδόν τους διεθνείς παίχτες. Όπως

Failed coup in Turkey: a tactical move by Erdoğan?

globinfo freexchange As the Daesh terrorists are losing ground in Syria-Iraq, and the Kurds appear to take the first steps for autonomy starting from Northern Syria, the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, appeared to be more and more isolated. Erdoğan was forced to make a turn of 180 degrees and tried to re-approach Russia and Israel, in a first attempt to restore relations, escape the isolation. However, it appears that this was not enough, as the Turkish President made too many clumsy moves inside and outside Turkey in his agony to stay in power, that made things even worse. Motivated by his endless thirst to expand the Turkish sphere of influence in the Middle East and deal quickly with the Kurdish, he eventually ended to be in a defence position against nearly all the international players. As was pointed in previous article “ there is always a possibility that Russians and Americans have already agreed to re-build the map of the Middle East, which will

Erdoğan survives coup, partly thanks to social media he hates

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, remains in power on Saturday after quelling an attempted coup by military officers who seized control of state television the night before, and then proceeded to shell the parliament in Ankara, deploy troops on major bridges in Istanbul and put tanks on the streets of both cities. While Erdogan has many critics, and has cracked down on dissent even on social networks, there was no evidence of popular support for the attempted coup. [...] After the officers claimed control of the country in a statement they forced a presenter to read on TRT, the state broadcaster, the country’s internet and phone networks remained out of their control. That allowed Erdogan to improvise an address to the nation in a FaceTime call to CNN Turk, a private broadcaster the military only managed to force off the air later in the night, as the coup unraveled. In his remarks, the president called on people to take to the streets. [...]

The new terror attack in Nice - why now?

by system failure Just when the state of national emergency was about to end for France at the end of July, Hollande announced a three-month extension following the Bastille Day attacks in Nice. The decision was taken almost immediately, but what's even most impressive, is that the French government instantly recognized this new tragedy as a terrorist attack, without waiting for Daesh or other extremist organization to take responsibility. Did they had information about the attack? And if they did, why they failed to prevent it? In any case, the extension of the state of emergency for another three-months comes right when Hollande it needed. The football European championship party was over and there was nothing to distract attention from the anti-labor bill that he wants desperately to pass. As described previously : “ Using the pretext of the Islamic terrorism the French government tries to deal with the ongoing protests against the labor "

Turkey coup attempt

The Associated Press is now carrying fuller quotes from the Turkish prime minister’s interview with NTV. Having confirmed his belief that an attempted coup was underway, Binali Yildirim said: “We are focusing on the possibility of an attempt [coup]. There was an illegal act by a group within the military that was acting out of the chain of military command. Our people should know that we will not allow any activity that would harm democracy.” The Dogan news agency said one-way traffic on the Bosporus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet bridges were blocked. Video footage showed the bridge being blocked by military vehicles.   ---   Soldiers are inside the buildings of the Turkish state broadcaster TRT in the country’s capital Ankara, a correspondent for that outlet tells the Reuters news agency.   ---   Access was restricted in Turkey on Friday to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube shortly after news broke that the military coup was under way, according to two internet monitoring

It's getting worse: Barroso has been hired by ... guess who

globinfo freexchange Just when it was mentioned in recent article that “ the current euro-circus, a Frankenstein creation consisted of political puppets, corrupted politicians, technocrats, lobbyists and bankers, has completely lost common sense ”, as they keep acting like there is nothing wrong with this creation, the former head of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, came to contribute to this estimation. From BBC : France has called on the former head of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, not to take up a job advising US bank Goldman Sachs on Brexit. French Europe Minister Harlem Desir called the move "scandalous" and said it raised questions about the EU's conflict of interest rules. Ex-commissioners are free to take up a new role 18 months after leaving. Despite accepting the job after 20 months, Mr Barroso has come under fire for ignoring the spirit of the rules.

The FBI has collected more than 430,000 iris scans!

As a modestly sized department — policing 2 million citizens with just over 1,800 sworn officers — the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department doesn’t seem like it would be on the cutting edge of surveillance technology. But the department has quietly become one of the most productive nodes in a nationwide iris-scanning project, collecting iris data from at least 200,000 arrestees over the last two and a half years, according to documents obtained by The Verge. In the early months of 2016, the department was collecting an average of 189 iris scans each day. San Bernardino’s activity is part of a larger pilot program organized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one that began as a simple test of available technology but has quietly grown into something far more ambitious. Since its launch in 2013, the program has stockpiled iris scans from 434,000 arrestees, an FBI spokesperson confirmed. To create that pool of scans, the FBI has struck information-sharing agr

ΤΡΑΙΝΟΣΕ: Κυβέρνηση και ΤΑΙΠΕΔ ξεπουλάνε και οι πιστωτές μοιράζουν φωτογραφικά τα λάφυρα της ληστείας

Δήλωση του Π. Λαφαζάνη, γραμματέα του Π.Σ της ΛΑ.Ε για το ξεπούλημα της ΤΡΑΙΝΟΣΕ Η ληστεία, υπό μορφή πειρατικής επιδρομής και κατοχικού πλιάτσικου του ελληνικού Δημοσίου και του ελληνικού λαού, κλιμακώνεται, χωρίς φραγμούς, χωρίς όρια και με έναν κυνισμό που δεν έχει προηγούμενο. Κυβέρνηση και ΤΑΙΠΕΔ ξεπουλάνε άρον – άρον, με φωτογραφικό διαγωνισμό – μαϊμού, στον οποίο συμμετέχει, ως συνήθως, ένας και μόνος ενδιαφερόμενος, το σύνολο της στρατηγικής σημασίας επιχείρησης της ΤΡΑΙΝΟΣΕ, έναντι του εξευτελιστικού, για το μέγεθος και τις δυνατότητές της, ποσού των 45 εκατ. ευρώ, ενώ την ίδια ώρα διασπαθίζονται δυσανάλογα ποσά σε χρηματοοικονομικούς, νομικούς και τεχνικούς συμβούλους για την “κάλυψη” μιας φωτογραφικής χαριστικής πράξης. Αυτές οι φωτογραφικές χαριστικές πράξεις της κυβέρνησης, οι οποίες, μάλιστα, σημειώνονται σε περιόδους οικονομικής κρίσης και κατάρρευσης των αξιών αλλά και καθ’ υπόδειξη των πιστωτών, οι οποίοι επιλέγουν και τους επενδυτές, μοι

Στα 400 εκατ. ευρώ τα χρέη ΝΔ και ΠΑΣΟΚ στις τράπεζες

Στα 418.000.000 ευρώ ανέρχονται οι οφειλές των κομμάτων στις τράπεζες. Στα 400 εκ. ευρώ ανέρχεται μόνο το χρέος της ΝΔ και του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Τα στοιχεία έδωσε στην Εξεταστική Επιτροπή της Βουλής, ο πρόεδρος της επιτροπής, Σωκράτης Φάμελλος, κατά την εξέταση του διευθύνοντος συμβούλου της Attica Bank Αλέξανδρου Αντωνόπουλου. Ο πρόεδρος της επιτροπής επισήμανε ότι: από τα 418.000.000 ευρώ δεν εξυπηρετούνται τα 402.000.000 ευρώ η ΝΔ οφείλει 210.835.840 ευρώ το ΠΑΣΟΚ οφείλει 189.695.073 ευρώ Από την πλευρά του ο διευθύνων σύμβουλος της Attica Bank, Αλέξανδρος Αντωνόπουλος υποστήριξε ότι η τράπεζα έχει 10,2 εκατ. δάνεια σε κόμματα και 12,6 εκατ. σε ΜΜΕ. Η ΝΔ έχει δάνειο 2,4 εκατ. ευρώ από το 2011, ενώ η πρόβλεψη είναι 1,289 εκατ. ευρώ. Κατήγγειλε δε, ότι «η ΝΔ δεν έχει πραγματοποιήσει στην τράπεζά μας κάποια καταβολή», ούτε σε τόκους, από το 2011 που συνήφθη το δάνειο. Η τράπεζα έστειλε τέσσερις εξώδικες επιστολές το 2012, δύο το 2013, μία 20