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Jill Stein tells Sputnik about vote recount campaign

Jill Stein, the Green Party's candidate in the 2016 US presidential race, has raised over $3.7 million in just over a day in an effort to force a vote recount in the key battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Speaking to Sputnik, Dr. Stein offered details about the motivations behind her effort. On Wednesday, the Stein campaign announced that it had begun raising funds for the three state recount in what it said was a " multi-partisan effort to check the accuracy of the machine-counted vote tallies in these states in order to ensure the integrity of our elections. " Stein cited a host of concerns brought to her by voters, computer scientists, and voting systems professionals as the reason for filing for the recount. Her announcement follows on recent reporting that the Clinton campaign was also considering filing similar hand-count recounts and forensic analyses of electronic voting in the same states. Stein's onlin

Jill Stein raises over $3mn in 24hrs for vote recount in swing states

The Green Party’s 2016 presidential candidate Jill Stein has raised over $3.2 million in less than 24 hours to fund vote recounts in swing states Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Stein is nearing her overall goal of $4.5 million to cover the recount costs in all three states, and so far the Wisconsin funding has been completed in time to meet the recount filing deadline of November 25. Funding for Pennsylvania's recount is also well underway, where the deadline for filing for a recount is Monday. The fundraising site says that after meeting Pennsylvania’s cost goals, the team will turn its attention to Michigan, which has a Wednesday deadline. Stein, who won about 1.2 million votes in the presidential election, launched an online fundraising campaign Wednesday in an effort to “ ensure the integrity of our elections ” and “ demand recounts in these three states where the data suggest a significant need to verify machine-counted vote totals. ”

ECB's silent coups - Next victim: Italy

The latest years, democratically elected leaders of EU members have been receiving letters from the European Central Bank (ECB), asking them to impose austerity measures and protect the private banks. Two of them that did not immediately obey, were replaced by former bankers, or ECB executives. The rest, were forced to capitulate when they saw their banking system on bring of total collapse. globinfo freexchange 2011 was a difficult year for Silvio Berlusconi. Wrapped up in yet another sex scandal, he does not realize that he is about to be overthrown. Berlusconi was one of the worst, most corrupt Italian leaders. However, he was right when he said that he had been chased from power by means of a kind of coup d'état. Alan Friedman, a Financial Times correspondent at the time, was investigating the revolving doors that connect businessmen and EU officials that participated in Berlusconi's expulsion. As Friedman reveals: “ President Napolitano, as far back a

Η "βασίλισσα" Μέρκελ ως σωτήρας του νεοφιλελεύθερου κατεστημένου!

σχόλιο από failed evolution Τώρα που η Αμερικανική αυτοκρατορία έχει καταληφθεί από το "φρικιό" Ντόλαντ Τραμπ και η Βρετανία από τον Νάιτζελ Φάρατζ και το Brexit, οι "σώφρονες" νεοφιλελεύθεροι "ηγέτες" θεώρησαν ότι έπρεπε να βρουν έναν τρόπο να διατηρήσουν την "υπέροχη" Δημοκρατία τους. Ξέρετε για ποια "Δημοκρατία" μιλάμε. Γι'αυτή που δημιουργεί οικονομικές κρίσεις, που αυξάνει την ανισότητα, που διασώζει τα τραπεζιτικά παράσιτα και που προκαλεί πολέμους για το κέρδος. Έτσι, ο Ομπάμα έπρεπε να αφήσει κάποιον στον πόστο του, για να σώσει αυτόν τον "θαυμαστό" κόσμο από τον εφιάλτη του εθνικισμού και της ακροδεξιάς. Και φαίνεται ότι η μοναδική επιλογή για την ώρα είναι ... η Άγκελα Μέρκελ! Σκεφτείτε το: η Μέρκελ, καλείται να παίξει το ρόλο του παγκόσμιου σωτήρα ενός συστήματος που έχει καταληφθεί πλήρως από την τραπεζική μαφία και από τα λόμπι, απέναντι στον εφιάλτη των ακραίων εθνικιστών

An EU in panic mode

The European Parliament approved a draft resolution equating counteracting Sputnik news agency and RT TV with resistance to Daesh propaganda. The vote on the issue is set for Wednesday. Sputnik spoke with the Executive Vice President of the Eurasia Center Earl Rasmussen as well as the member of the EU Parliament Javier Couso, about the issue. Cold War 2.0 Talking about the EU resolution, Rasmussen said that “ The EU is in panic mode and they are trying to lash out and find an enemy. Historically the enemy was Soviet Union and now they are grabbing at Russia even though Russia and the Soviet Union are completely different. ” Talking about the Russian media outlets, Rasmussen said, “ The news that I have seen is reporting quite fairly and providing multiple perspectives and I don’t see it as a cause for that. ” He said that this could potentially lead to establishment of organizations that will monitor news, control finances like the situation of RT in UK w