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Με εργαλεία της NSA φέρεται να έγινε και η νέα παγκόσμια κυβερνοεπίθεση

Χρήση εργαλείων, που πιστεύεται ότι αναπτύχθηκαν από την αμερικανική Υπηρεσία Εθνικής Ασφάλειας (NSA), φέρονται να χρησιμοποίησαν χάκερ και στην νέα παγκόσμια κυβερνοεπίθεση που βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη. Το κακόβουλο λογισμικό Petya, που έκανε και πάλι την εμφάνισή του, κωδικοποιεί τα δεδομένα υπολογιστών και ζητά από τους χρήστες να καταθέσουν το αντίτιμο 300 δολαρίων στο ηλεκτρονικό νόμισμα bitcoin, προκειμένου να τους δώσει το κλειδί για την αποκωδικοποίηση. H εξάπλωση του κακόβουλου λογισμικού επιτυγχάνεται μέσω ενός κενού ασφαλείας (EternalBlue) στα Windows το οποίο σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες χρησιμοποιούνταν από την NSA, πριν διαρρεύσει στο ίντερνετ. Όπως εξηγεί με μήνυμά του στο Twitter o Έντουαρντ Σνόουντεν, η αμερικανική κυβέρνηση γνώριζε εδώ και πέντε χρόνια για το πρόβλημα στην ασφάλεια των Windows αλλά δεν ενημέρωσε την εταιρεία. Αξιωματούχοι της NSA, που μίλησαν υπό καθεστώς ανωνυμίας στην Washington Post, αποκάλυψαν ότι υπήρχε έντονη ανησυχία για το

Herbert Marcuse on modern totalitarianism

globinfo freexchange In chapter four of his book One-Dimensional Man, published in 1964, Herbert Marcuse gave a remarkably accurate definition of the modern totalitarianism in Western societies:               The fact that the prevailing mode of freedom is servitude, and that the prevailing mode of equality is superimposed inequality is barred from expression by the closed definition of these concepts in terms of the powers which shape the respective universe of discourse. The result is the familiar Orwellian language ("peace is war" and "war is peace," etc. ), which is by no means that of terroristic totalitarianism only. Nor is it any less Orwellian if the contradiction is not made explicit in the sentence hut is enclosed in the noun. That a political party which works for the defense and growth of capitalism is called "Socialist, " and a despotic government "democratic," and a rigged election "free" are fam

New UK govt held together by fear of a PM Jeremy Corbyn

After weeks of wrangling, Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party agreed on Monday to give Prime Minister Theresa May the votes she needs to stay in office and push through legislation ensuring that the United Kingdom exits the European Union. While the Democratic Unionist leader, Arlene Foster, spoke of the deal being “in the national interest” of the U.K. as a whole, commentators pointed to what looked like a massive concession to Northern Ireland’s local government — an additional 1 billion pounds in social welfare spending. The money, though, was probably less important to the D.U.P. than staving off what it sees as a nightmarish alternative: the specter of Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the opposition Labour Party, becoming prime minister. That’s because the election campaign that just concluded, with a hung Parliament in which no single party holds a majority of seats, kicked off a remarkable surge in popularity for Corbyn. That surge, lifting Co

Exploitation of children in propaganda war against Syria continues

Part 4 - The Bitter Truth The Western and Gulf media work in lockstep with the narratives emanating from Washington on Syria. It is not coincidental that certain photos and stories of Syrian children go viral, while other more damning photos and sordid realities get no notice period. Regarding the Omran case, we now know that he was not gravely hurt as media tried to imply, that his family have gone back to their lives in Aleppo, and the exploitation and lies around Omran cannot continue. When I met them on June 6th, they showed no signs of the duress which terrorists and their backers—which include Western corporate media—claim. Instead, some neighbors were over, discussing media fabrications around Omran. However, the children who are believed to have been exploited and used in the 2013 Ghouta chemical weapons fabrications remain missing and have not gone back to their lives, nor have their families in the Latakia countryside. In March 2017, p

How Greece became a guinea pig for a cashless and controlled society

As Greece moves closer to becoming a cashless society, it is clear that the country’s attitude towards cash is reckless and dangerous. The supposed convenience of switching to a cash-free system comes with a great deal of risk, including needless overreach by the state. by Michael Nevradakis Part 4 - Cashless policies bode poorly for the future Where does all this lead though? What does a cashless economy actually mean and why are global elites pushing so fervently for it? Consider the following: in a cashless economy without coins or banknotes, every transaction is tracked. Buying and spending habits are monitored, and it is not unheard of for credit card companies to cancel an individual’s credit or to lower their credit rating based on real or perceived risks ranging from shopping at discount stores to purchasing alcoholic beverages. Indeed, this is understood to be common practice. Other players are entering the game too: in late May, Google announc