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US-led airstrikes kill 38 civilians in Syria

At least 38 civilians have been killed in airstrikes conducted by the US-led coalition, purportedly fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, on the Syrian city of Raqqah in the past 48 hours, a pro-opposition monitoring group says. The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 17 people, including five children and two women, had been killed and 30 others injured in the airstrikes on the Old City neighborhood and other areas in the center of Raqqah on Wednesday. The report said the latest casualties bring the number of people killed in such airstrikes in the past 48 hours to 38. According to the Britain-based group, the death toll is expected to rise as several of the wounded are in critical condition and a number of people are still missing. The observatory said the aerial attacks also damaged infrastructure. The coalition has been conducting airstrikes against what are said to be Daesh targets inside Syria since September 2014, wit

Έλλην νεοφιλελεύθερος και ολίγον Τραμπαρίφας

Κατά της βίας απ’ όπου και αν προέρχεται τάχθηκε ο Τραμπ, μετά τα επεισόδια στο Σάρλοτσβιλ της Βιρτζίνια. Δεν συμβαίνει μόνο σε έλληνες νεοφιλελεύθερους και Μενουμευρώπηδες, αλλά αποτελεί τελικώς ίδιον των απανταχού θιασωτών της ελευθερίας των αγορών και των παραγωγών, να είναι με την ελευθερία και τα δικαιώματα με προαπαιτούμενα. Να δίνουν στη βία γενικά χαρακτηριστικά και στην αντιμετώπισή της γλυκερές συνταγές, όπως το «αγάπη μόνο» και «θετική ενέργεια». του Κώστα Βαξεβάνη Η βία έχει αιτίες, το άδικο επίσης και ο επιπόλαιος (ναι πολλοί έλληνες νεοφιλελεύθεροι είναι θλιβερά επιπόλαιοι που θέλουν να έχουν άποψη) ισαποστασίτης σύμμαχος των άδικων και ισχυρών. Φταίνε τα δύο άκρα. Οι ακροδεξιοί φασίστες στην Αμερική και απ’ την άλλη οι διαδηλωτές της Δημοκρατίας. Οι οπαδοί του στρατηγού της δουλείας Ρόμπερτ Έντουαρντ Λη και όσοι έχουν το θάρρος να πουν πως στον 21ο αιώνα δεν μπορούν να υπάρχουν δούλοι. Από τη μία ο Χίτλερ με τη βία των κρεματορίων και από τ

Right-wing extremists condemned in Charlottesville, funded and armed in Ukraine and Syria

Having backed a right-wing coup in the Ukraine and right-wing terror groups disguised as “moderate rebels” in Syria, U.S. leaders now confront rising right-wing terror at home. They duly condemn it, but seem blind both to their own hypocrisy and to the domestic reverberations of their cynical foreign policies. by Whitney Webb Part 2 - The U.S.-backed fascist-nationalist takeover of Ukraine Nowhere in recent years has U.S. political support for right-wing fascists, and even neo-Nazis, been more florid than in Ukraine. In 2014, after the successful ouster of the country’s democratically-elected president in what leaked phone calls later confirmed was a U.S.-backed coup, Ukraine came under the rule of a new administration led by billionaire oligarch Petro Poroshenko. Despite the U.S.’ assertion that the change in Ukraine’s government in 2014 was not a coup, Poroshenko himself has labeled it as such. Poroshenko’s administration contained several high-level officials

ExxonMobil, Kochs, Israel pushing Washington to partition Iraq and Syria

The currently stateless Kurds sit astride the Iraq-Syria border on land blessed/cursed with oil, other resources, and geopolitical significance. Is it any wonder that mega-corporations and their client states are looking to use the Kurds, stoke conflict, and exploit the situation? by Whitney Webb Part 3 - Creating the divisions needed to justify partition The big problem for the partition plan, however, was the simple fact that these diverse groups had coexisted with minimal sectarian violence in Iraq for centuries. This meant, of course, that the sectarianism that was needed to justify partition had to be engineered. The U.S., in its invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, happily obliged, sponsoring sectarian violence through the military training – including torture techniques – it gave to Iraqi militias, police and military forces that divided along particular ethnoreligious lines. Many of these organizations have been found to be repeat human rights

When Washington decides Democracy is dangerous: stoking opposition in Venezuela and Syria

by Ramiro S. Fúnez Part 4 - Syrian & Venezuelan opposition both engage in terrorism Perhaps one of the most striking similarities between the Venezuelan and Syrian opposition, and an inconvenient truth for their apologists, is their use of terrorist acts. These acts, intended to strike fear in the minds of those who oppose their interventionist agendas, are rarely reported in corporate news outlets. Not only has the Venezuelan opposition utilized “guarimbas,” or street blockades created with ignited trash, to wreak havoc in cities across the country; they have also torched public buses, incinerated tons of government-subsidized food intended for hungry citizens, launched grenades over government buildings, attacked hospitals and nurseries, and, perhaps most disturbingly, immolated supporters of the socialist government. The last example is epitomized by the case of Orlando Figueroa, a 21-year-old Afro-Venezuelan who was drenched in gasoline and lit on fire o