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US efforts to transform Western Pacific into a huge typhoon-modification laboratory in the mid 70s

Serious 'resistance' by China, Japan against Project Stormfury The WIKILEAKS Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD) holds the world's largest searchable collection of United States confidential, or formerly confidential, diplomatic communications. As of April 8, 2013 it holds 2 million records comprising approximately 1 billion words. The collection covers US involvements in, and diplomatic or intelligence reporting on, every country on earth. It is the single most significant body of geopolitical material ever published. The PlusD collection, built and curated by WikiLeaks, is updated from a variety of sources, including leaks, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and documents released by the US State Department systematic declassification review. globinfo freexchange A cable from February 1975, presents the strong opposition of the Japanese government against US plans to transfer Project Stormfury to the Western Pacific, a

Οικογένεια ΜΜΕ

Η Μάρα Ζαχαρέα αναλαμβάνει πλέον τη διεύθυνση ειδήσεων του STAR (όμιλος Βαρδινογιάννη) ενώ ο σύζυγός της και πρώην υπουργός Θοδωρής Ρουσόπουλος αρθρογραφεί πλέον στην «Ελευθερία» (όμιλος Μαρινάκη). Ο Κ. Ζούλας από την Καθημερινή (όμιλος Αλαφούζου) πέρασε στο στενό επιτελείο Μητσοτάκη όπως άλλωστε είχε περάσει στο επιτελείο της Ν.Δ. και η Μαρία Σπυράκη από το Mega. Η Σία Κοσιώνη του ΣΚΑΪ (όμιλος Αλαφούζου) έγινε νύφη της Ντόρας Μπακογιάννη, ενώ η Ντόρα Μπακογιάννη είναι κουμπάρα του Βαγγέλη Μαρινάκη. Όλα αυτά και πολλά άλλα είναι φυσικά νόμιμα και ανθρώπινα. Ως προς το σκέλος όμως της ανεξάρτητης και έγκυρης ενημέρωσης δύσκολα θα πάρει κανείς και όρκο! Η μόνη απορία για όλους αυτούς τους «συστεγαζόμενους» με τη Ν.Δ. ομίλους -που τώρα προσφεύγουν και στο ΣτΕ ώστε να μην χρειαστεί να πληρώσουν για νόμιμες άδειες- είναι το για ποιο λόγο δεν κράτησαν όλοι μαζί τα γραφεία στη Συγγρού έτσι ώστε να γλυτώνουν και τις μετακινήσεις.

Britain: How do we make Corbyn's speech a reality?

Part 5 - Nationalisation To achieve such an economy clearly requires mass nationalisation. Corbyn has boldly put this on the agenda, with pledges to nationalise the railways and the utilities. In his speech, Corbyn attacked the parasitic capitalists who use instruments like private equity to squeeze profits out of, for instance, the water industry and run them down, knowing they have no competition anyway. This pledge is extremely welcome after years of privatisation and the Thatcherite myth that ‘there is no alternative’, to which Blair et al. wholeheartedly subscribed. But Corbyn’s plans for nationalisation are too timid for their own realisation. Labour plans to let the licences granted to these utility companies expire, rather than to nationalise them straight away. This will give them all the time in the world to undermine any public ownership plans: to cut back all investment, to move assets abroad etc. And by the time the licence expires Labour may be out of

The hopelessly corrupt structure of the Eurozone & the Eurogroup

by Ramin Mazaheri Part 5 - Can we combine the Eurogroup with a parliament? Not in real life…. What is clear is that the Eurogroup operates with even more power than the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan because there is absolutely zero citizen accountability. Right now, the Troika steers the 19 national budgets the way they want, with Germany their public Rottweiler. But now you say that you want Eurogroup citizen accountability? You mean, regarding the crucial questions of national budgets and are they in line with the rules/sound economic thinking? Ok then, a “leviathan” in Varoufakis’ words (or perhaps just a “Eurozone Finance Minister”), must be created to accept or reject the 19 national budgets. But you can’t just have an executive branch – you need a legislative branch as well. What is this, a state of emergency, where laws get made by decree and cops are the judges? Of course that’s unacceptable in the freedom-loving West, don’t be fatuous…. S

Here is why Angela Merkel sacrificed Greece to save the Franco-German banking cartel

globinfo freexchange New evidence has been brought to light by the Corporate Europe Observatory about the unprecedented, beyond doubt, conflicts of interests inside the EU and the occupation of the European Institutions by the lobbyists. A new report proves that the ECB has been literally occupied by private financial institutions and actually impose ECB's destructive policies in the eurozone members. As described in the report, from 2008, the ECB started undertaking initiatives that went beyond its earlier remit, among them “ Participation in the Troika (along with the Commission and the International Monetary Fund) which saw the ECB co-responsible for severe austerity programmes in indebted Eurozone member states, as well as very forceful direct, political intervention in countries such as Ireland, Italy, and Greece. ” Recall that, early this year, the former Greek minister of finance, Yanis Varoufakis, revealed the way that the German Chancellor, A