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Clinton, Assange and the war on truth

Australia’s public broadcasting network gave Hillary Clinton an open mike to defame WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange as “a tool of Russian intelligence” without giving him a chance to respond. by John Pilger Part 1 On Oct. 16, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation aired an interview with Hillary Clinton: one of many to promote her score-settling book about why she was not elected President of the United States. In The New York Times, there was a striking photograph of a female reporter consoling Clinton, having just interviewed her. The lost leader was, above all, “absolutely a feminist.” The thousands of women’s lives this “feminist” destroyed while in government — Libya, Syria, Honduras — were of no interest. Wading through the Clinton book, What Happened, is an unpleasant experience, like a stomach upset. Smears and tears. Threats and enemies. “They” (voters) were brainwashed and herded against her by the odious Donald Trump in cahoots with siniste

Poll says 67% of US citizens don’t want to pull out of Iran deal

U.S. President Donald Trump said last week he wants to “decertify” the agreement. A CNN poll has found that 67 percent of U.S. citizens don’t want Washington to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. U.S. President Donald Trump said last week he wants to “decertify” the agreement, which would allow Congress to make changes to the multi-nation accord and potentially pull the country out of the historic deal. " It would be a waste of time to respond to such blatherings and nonsensical remarks by the foul-mouthed U.S. president, " Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in response to Trump's threat. Only three out of 10 polled said they felt Iran posed a “very serious" threat to the United States, the lowest rate since 2000. Of the over 1,000 people polled, 62 percent said they feel a “very serious” threat from North Korea, or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, DPRK. Yet, an even larger number, 63 perce

Why Donald Trump is the perfect tool in the hands of neocons right now

globinfo freexchange Ten years passed from the shockingly revealing interview of the US retired General Wesley Clark to Democracy Now!, where he revealed that the US deep state was planning to go far beyond Iraq war, targeting six more countries. The US objective was to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran. Apart from Iran, it appears that the ruthless neocons, more or less, achieved goals within the time schedule. Remember that they had to recruit the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Obama, to destroy Libya and Syria. Under Obama administration, the warmongering syndicate was forced to conduct proxy wars against both of these countries, apparently because the political and military cost of a direct invasion would be unbearable, even for the size of the US empire. Yet, consider how difficult is now for the neocons to justify another devastating war. Apart from Iraq, they have to face more chaos in Libya and Syria, plus th

Περισσότερες αριστερές ιστοσελίδες και δημοσιογράφοι στη «μαύρη λίστα» της Google

Συνεχίζοντας την προσπάθειά της να λογοκρίνει το Internet, η Google αφαιρεί κορυφαίες αριστερές ιστοσελίδες και δημοσιογράφους από την πλατφόρμα αναμετάδοσης ειδήσεων Google News. Ανάμεσα σε αυτές, η ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής ιστοσελίδα, που επανειλημμένα έχει καταγγείλει τις αλλαγές στους αλγόριθμους της Google. Η ιστοσελίδα υποστηρίζει ότι το πρωί της Παρασκευής η αναζήτηση των όρων “World Socialist Web Site” στο δεν έβγαζε ούτε ένα αποτέλεσμα με άρθρο δημοσιευμένο σε αυτήν. Το ίδιο ισχύει και για την αναζήτηση οποιουδήποτε τίτλου από τα άρθρα που έχουν δημοσιευθεί εκεί το τελευταίο διάστημα. Ως αποτέλεσμα, την τελευταία εβδομάδα το έχει παραπέμψει 92% λιγότερους επισκέπτες στο σε σχέση με το παρελθόν. Ο βραβευμένος με βραβείο Πούλιτζερ δημοσιογράφος και συγγραφέας Chris Hedges δηλώνει ότι τα άρθρα του έχουν πλέον σταματήσει να εμφανίζονται στο Google News. Ο Hedges υποστηρίζει ότι αυτή η αλλαγή προέκυψε μετά

Guess who is the first man for whom Donald Trump achieved a major tax break

globinfo freexchange If you still wonder how the hell the 'anti-establishment' Donald Trump actually hired Goldman Sachs to run the economy and why he is trying so hard to pass more tax-cuts in favor of the US plutocracy and at the expense of the poor working class, just look at his past. The Donald took advantage of the rising neoliberalism and financial capitalism back in the 70s, to achieve a major tax break for ... himself! As Adam Curtis describes in HyperNormalisation , in 1975, New York City was on the verge of collapse. For 30 years, the politicians who ran the city had borrowed more and more money from the banks to pay for its growing services and welfare. But in the early ’70s, the middle classes fled from the city and the taxes they paid disappeared with them. So, the banks lent the city even more. But then, they began to get worried about the size of the growing debt and whether the city would ever be able to pay it back. And then, one