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Trump’s war against his own voters

by Ralph Nader As a candidate, Donald Trump promised regular people, “I will be your voice,” and attacked the drug industry for “getting away with murder” in setting high prices for lifesaving medications. But as president, he has declared war on regulatory programs protecting the health, safety and economic rights of consumers. He has done so in disregard of evidence that such protections help the economy and financial well-being of the working-class voters he claims to champion. Already his aggressive actions exceed those of the Reagan administration in returning the country to the “Let the buyer beware” days of the 1950s. Though Mr. Trump is brazen in his opposition to consumer protections, many of his most damaging attacks are occurring in corners of the bureaucracy that receive minimal news coverage. His administration, for instance, wants to strip the elderly of their right to challenge nursing home abuses in court by allowing arbitration clauses i

Clinton, Assange and the war on truth

Australia’s public broadcasting network gave Hillary Clinton an open mike to defame WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange as “a tool of Russian intelligence” without giving him a chance to respond. by John Pilger Part 3 - A ‘Nihilistic Opportunist’ CLINTON: So I think Assange has become a kind of nihilistic opportunist who does the bidding of a dictator. FERGUSON: Lots of people, including in Australia, think that Assange is a martyr for free speech and freedom of information. How would you describe him? Well, you’ve just described him as a nihilist. CLINTON: Yeah, well, and a tool. I mean he’s a tool of Russian intelligence. And if he’s such, ah, you know, martyr of free speech, why doesn’t WikiLeaks ever publish anything coming out of Russia? (Again, Ferguson said nothing to challenge this or correct her.) CLINTON: There was a concerted operation between WikiLeaks and Russia and most likely people in the United States to weaponize that information, to make up

How the neoliberal priesthood of the West has used China's progress to build the myth that globalization is a great success

globinfo freexchange Speaking to Sharmini Peries and The Real News , Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington D.C., Mark Weisbrot, gave a characteristic example of how the tools of the global neoliberal priesthood, like IMF, are using highly disputable data to persuade that globalization is a success story. Using generalizations and oversimplifications, the World Bank, the IMF and other bank-occupied Western institutions, support that, for example, extreme poverty has been cut from nearly 40% of the world to under 10%, implying that neoliberal policies have been successful. In reality, two-thirds of that extreme poverty reduction concerns China, which, furthermore, did exactly the opposite of what these neoliberal policies dictate! As Weisbrot explained: A lot of people defend the globalization that's designed here in Washington as something that really helps the poor, the majority of people in the world. And so here's the

Covert operations: How the CIA works with Hollywood

The Weinstein story was suppressed by Hollywood, using its legal and financial muscle to keep a lid on it - until now. But there are also power centres in the US government that can dictate to Hollywood: the Pentagon and the CIA.

Από τον Τσαλδάρη στον Τσίπρα και από τον Τρούμαν στον Τραμπ

του Διονύση Ελευθεράτου Τέσσερις δεκαετίες παρήλθαν από τότε που οι σκιτσογράφοι, εδώ στην Ελλάδα, «έβαζαν» φουστανέλα στον Τζίμι Κάρτερ, «φρέσκο» – τότε – πρόεδρο των ΗΠΑ. Μεγάλη ευφορία είχαν προκαλέσει, βλέπετε, κάποιες δηλώσεις του πριν από τις αμερικανικές προεδρικές εκλογές του 1976, περί ενδεδειγμένης λύσης του Κυπριακού, βασισμένης στο διεθνές δίκαιο και τα ψηφίσματα του ΟΗΕ. Ευφορία που εξελίχθηκε σε ενθουσιασμό, όταν ο Κάρτερ προειδοποίησε την Άγκυρα ότι θα τερματιζόταν η παροχή αμερικανικής βοήθειας προς αυτήν, εάν δεν σημειωνόταν ουσιαστική πρόοδος στο Κυπριακό. Η εκλογική νίκη του πανηγυρίστηκε στην Αθήνα ως βέβαιη είσοδος «των σχέσεων Αθήνας – Ουάσινγκτον σε νέα εποχή», αλλά και ως απαρχή μιας θετικής αντίστροφης μέτρησης: Στο τέλος της θα βρίσκαμε, υποτίθεται, χαμογελαστή και καλοσυνάτη, μια «δίκαιη λύση» του Κυπριακού. Η συνέχεια, γνωστή. Λίγα χρόνια έπειτα από την εκλογική νίκη του Κάρτερ, όποιος θα εντόπιζε έστω και ίχνη δικαίωσης στ