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Εντρεπρενέρ με τα λεφτά του μπαμπά

Ο μύθος του νεαρού, ασυμβίβαστου και ριψοκίνδυνου επιχειρηματία που γνωρίζει την επιτυχία χάρη στη σκληρή δουλειά και (ίσως) κάποια γενετική προδιάθεση στην ανάληψη ρίσκου, κατέρρευσε και επισήμως στο τέλος του 2017. Αν γεννηθείς φτωχός θα πεθάνεις πιθανότατα φτωχός. Και αν γεννηθείς πλούσιος θα κάνεις ό,τι θέλεις. του Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου Ο Φίλιπ Αλστον συγκέντρωσε φρικτές εικόνες από το ταξίδι του στις ΗΠΑ. Είδε ανθρώπους με σαπισμένα δόντια, που δεν μπορούσαν να επισκεφθούν έναν οδοντίατρο. Είδε άστεγους και πολίτες που πέθαιναν από ιάσιμες ασθένειες ή απλώς… από τη μόλυνση του περιβάλλοντος. Ως ειδικός εισηγητής του ΟΗΕ για την Ακραία Φτώχεια και τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα είχε καθήκον να καταγράψει ότι τουλάχιστον ένας στους οκτώ κατοίκους της πλουσιότερης χώρας του κόσμου ζει κάτω από το όριο της φτώχειας και να παρουσιάσει μερικά παραδείγματα, που θα έκαναν την έκθεσή του λίγο πιο «θελκτική» για τα διεθνή μέσα ενημέρωσης. Ο Αλστον όμως συμπεριέλαβε και μια φράση

'Election without Lula is fraud': Noam Chomsky and Chico Buarque back former president's candidacy

"Lula is growing in the polls in all scenarios for first and second electoral rounds and can even win without a runoff," the petition reads. "Election without Lula is fraud" is the manifesto being promoted by intellectuals and artists like Noam Chomsky and Chico Buarque in support of former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva's participation in the 2018 presidential elections. So far, the petition in has reached over 92,000 signatures. " The attempt to schedule the date of the trial of Lula's appeal for the 24th of January is empty of legality. It is purely an act of persecution of the most popular Brazilian leader, " the manifesto says in its opening paragraph. Jan. 24 marks one year since Lula's deceased wife, Marisa Leticia, suffered a stroke that would eventually lead to her death days later. In July 2017, Judge Sergio Moro convicted the former president to nine and a ha

Puerto Rico: 1M without power 100 days after hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico is now in its 100th day since Category 4 Hurricane Maria struck the island, damaging vast amounts of infrastructure and nearly eliminating its electrical and running water systems. Though some of these basic necessities have returned to the island, residents who have electricity say that "blackouts are part of life" and are angry that they are still in "recovery mode." Clear statistics on electricity are hard to obtain on the island, a U.S. "territory." According to several news outlets, one million people are still without electricity. But according to Engineering and Agronomy High School President Pablo Vazquez, only 44 percent of Puerto Rico's nearly three million residents have reliable energy in their homes. " We had to cancel our Christmas Eve dinner, " resident Irma Rivera Aviles told NPR. The vast majority of the population on the predominantly-Catholic island was forced to spend Christmas in

“Sellouts in the Room:” Éric Toussaint on the Greek debt crisis and SYRIZA betrayals

For years, throughout the severe economic crisis that has plagued Greece over much of the past decade, the international media and financial press have held Greece up as a striking example of financial folly and mismanagement. Greece’s debt, we have been told, is the product of fiscal irresponsibility, of “lazy” and “unproductive” Greeks living beyond their means and spending recklessly. Moreover, Greece has been chastised for not emerging out of its economic doldrums despite being the recipient of hundreds of billions of euros worth of “free bailout money.” In short, Greece has been presented as an example for other countries to avoid at all costs. Éric Toussaint, the spokesman of the Brussels-based Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM) and scientific director of the Greek Debt Truth Audit Commission, adopts a radically different view. In an interview that initially aired on Dialogos Radio in December 2017, Toussaint describes the findings

Dear Americans: get ready to say goodbye to what is left from your social state!

globinfo freexchange Since the Dark Ages of the Reagan administration that opened Pandora's box to unleash the destructive forces of neoliberalism and financial capitalism, the US social state has suffered multiple hits to the point that is barely alive in our days. While working class wages remained almost flat for decades, the social state has been almost eliminated and the American families were being forced into a vicious circle of increased debt to cover even their basic needs. The main cause of this ugly situation was always the continuous tax breaks in favor of the wealthy elite. Plutocracy was getting richer not only directly through tax cuts, but also by making business and speculation in economic areas that were traditionally provided publicly in previous decades: health, education, housing. As people were fed up with the classic bipartisan politicians, fully aligned with the neoliberal establishment, Donald Trump came as an unpleasant gift for the