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Έκαναν διευθύντρια της CIA την αρχιβασανιστή της υπηρεσίας

Μετά την απομάκρυνση του υπουργού Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Ρέξ Τίλερσον και την αντικατάστασή του από τον διευθυντή της CIA, Μάικ Πομπέο, χήρεψε η θέση του σημαντικότερου πόστου για τις μυστικές υπηρεσίες των ΗΠΑ. Όπως ανακοίνωσε ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ τη θέση της διευθύντριας της CIA αναλαμβάνει η Τζίνα Χάσπελ η οποία ήταν υπεύθυνη για ένα από τα σημαντικότερα κέντρα βασανιστηρίων που λειτουργούσε η υπηρεσία στην Ταϊλάνδη. Σύμφωνα με αναφορές της CIA, κρατούμενοι οι οποίοι θεωρούνταν ύποπτοι για συμμετοχή στην Αλ Κάιντα, υπέστησαν το βασανιστήριο του εικονικού πνιγμού (waterboarding), και άλλες απαγορευμένες τεχνικές βασανισμού, συμπεριλαμβανομένων ψυχολογικών βασανιστηρίων. Συγκεκριμένα ο κρατούμενος Abu Zubaydah υπέστη waterboarding 83 φορές σε ένα μήνα ενώ οι δεσμοφύλακες δεν του επέτρεπαν να κοιμηθεί, τον κρατούσαν σε απομόνωση και χτυπούσαν το κεφάλι του στον τοίχο. Μερικά χρόνια αργότερα η Χάσπελ κατηγορήθηκε από τον διευθυντή του κέντρου αντιμετώπισης τρομοκρα

Colonizing the Western Mind

by Jason Hirthler Part 4 - A Pretext for Pillage Thanks to this artful disguise, the West can stage interventions in nations reluctant to adopt its platform of exploitation, knowing that on top of the depredations of an exploitative economic model, they will be asked to call it progress and celebrate it. Washington, the metropolitan heart of neoliberal hegemony, has numerous methods of convincing reluctant developing nations to accept its neighborly advice. To be sure, the goal of modern colonialism is to find a pretext to intervene in a country, to restore by other means the extractive relations that first brought wealth to the colonial north. The most common pretexts for intervention depict the target nation in three distinct fashions. First, as an economic basket case, a condition often engineered by the West in what is sometimes called, “creating facts on the ground.” By sanctioning the target economy, Washington can “make the economy scream,” to using war crim

Bernie Sanders: the only voice of resistance against the Wall Street mafia

The six largest banks in America have over 10 trillion dollars in assets, equivalent to 54% of the GDP of this nation. This is wealth, this is power, this is who owns America. globinfo freexchange Ten years after the big crash of 2007-08, caused by the Wall Street mafia, sending waves of financial destruction around the globe, the awful Trump administration that literally put the Goldman Sachs banksters in charge of the US economy, wants to reset the clock bomb of another financial disaster by deregulating the financial sector! And guess what: the corporate Democrats followed again! Putting aside that Russiagate fiasco, Bernie Sanders was one more time the only voice of resistance against the Wall Street mafia in a hypnotized by the banking-corporate money US senate. As Bernie stated: Just ten years ago, as a result of greed, recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street, this country was plunged into the worst economic crisis since the Great

Colonizing the Western Mind

by Jason Hirthler Part 3 - A False Promise This ‘Washington Consensus’ is the false promise promoted by the West. The reality is quite different. The crux of neoliberalism is to eliminate democratic government by downsizing, privatizing, and deregulating it. Proponents of neoliberalism recognize that the state is the last bulwark of protection for the common people against the predations of capital. Remove the state and they’ll be left defenseless . Think about it. Deregulation eliminates the laws. Downsizing eliminates departments and their funding. Privatizing eliminates the very purpose of the state by having the private sector take over its traditional responsibilities. Ultimately, nation-states would dissolve except perhaps for armies and tax systems. A large, open-border global free market would be left, not subject to popular control but managed by a globally dispersed, transnational one percent. And the whole process of making this happen would be camoufl

At the court of the EU bubble kings

by Eric Maurice Part 4 - Court of Versailles Meanwhile, also last week, various spokespeople plus Juncker himself brushed aside other questions - about why a commission vice president, Jyrki Katainen, had met Jose Manuel Barroso, a former commission president turned lobbyist, despite promises from Barroso not to lobby commissioners - or about why Katainen had given two versions of the meeting, first saying it was official (although with no notes taken) and then that it was "just a beer" between friends. In both cases, the commission's reaction to journalists questions was the same: all is fine, stop asking questions. " This is nothing, " Juncker said about the Katainen-Barroso case, ironically during his press conference about Selmayr's elevation. By raising Robespierre's ghost's, the spokesman may after all have a point. In the Berlaymont, just like in the court at Versailles, the commission in its final