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Bill aimed at saving community banks is already killing them

After initial reluctance, House Republicans have finally reached an agreement to move forward on a bipartisan bank deregulation bill that the Senate passed in March. Its stated aim — to help rural community banks thrive against growing Wall Street power — appears to have been enough to power it across the finish line. But banking industry analysts say the bill is already having the opposite effect, and its loosening of regulations on medium-sized banks is encouraging a rush of consolidation — all of which ends with an increasing number of community banks being swallowed up and closed down. “ We absolutely expect bank consolidation to accelerate,” Wells Fargo’s Mike Mayo told CNBC the day after the Senate passed the deregulation bill in March. The reason? Banks no longer face the prospect of stricter and more costly regulatory scrutiny as they grow. And regional banks in Virginia, Ohio, Mississippi, and Wisconsin have already taken note before the bill has eve

Καθημερινότητα η σφαγή στη Παλαιστίνη

Η Ελλάδα δεν μπορεί να φέρεται ως «Πόντιος Πιλάτος» Η νέα σφαγή στη Γάζα , αμάχων Παλαιστινίων, επιβεβαιώνει την φονική καθημερινότητα των Παλαιστινίων, από ένας κράτος που λειτουργεί ως τρομοκράτης που αυτή την στιγμή στο Ισραήλ διαθέτει την πιο συντηρητική κυβέρνηση όλων των εποχών με τις ευλογίες των ΗΠΑ, όπου το μεγάλο ζήτημα μίας γενικευμένης ενδεχομένως ανάφλεξης οδηγεί στο Ιράν, λέει ο αρθρογράφος στη «Καθημερινή» Πέτρος Παπακωνσταντίνου, μιλώντας στον 98.4. Η Ελλάδα ως κυβέρνηση και αξιωματική αντιπολίτευση, δεν μπορεί στο όνομα γενικώς συμφερόντων της πατρίδας να σιωπά στη σφαγή αμάχων Παλαιστινίων, ούτε να συμπεριφέρεται ως «Πόντιος Πιλάτος», την ώρα που ο Ερντογάν με περισσή υποκρισία , επιχειρεί να εμφανιστεί ως προστάστης του διεθνούς και ανθρωπιστικού δικαίου στη περιοχή. Υπάρχουν και όρια λέει ο δημοσιογράφος Πέτρος Παπακωνσταντίνου, στο λεγόμενο εθνικό συμφέρον στις προβολές ισχύος δυνάμεων στη περιοχή. Δεν μπορεί να μετέχουμε σε κοινές ασκήσ

The real Syria: constitutional, non-sectarian, resistant

If any country, including the U.S., had armed terrorists embedded in neighborhoods, and holding civilians hostage for years, and targeting unarmed civilians constantly, it too would be using its own military and security forces to fight the terrorists in order to liberate the captive civilians. by Steven Sahiounie Part 2 - Neither grass-roots nor a revolution Had the conflict actually been ‘grass-roots,’ the ‘revolution’ could have been successful, and the Assad government would have been forced from Damascus. The fact that Assad is still in office attests to the steadfastness of the majority of the Syrian people. A successful revolution depends on the national army splitting and siding with the population who want regime change. However, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) never split, and never turned on the government. The SAA are a national army in Syria, made up of every able-bodied male over the age of 18 who is not enrolled in university. Because the population of Syr

Prediction of new false-flag gas attack in Syria seems to fit US escalation plans

If a chemical weapons “attack” comes to pass in the place it has been predicted, it would be the first such provocation blamed on Assad to take place in territory occupied by a foreign power, likely triggering an intensified military response from the U.S. by Whitney Webb Part 2 - White Helmets still in the game Given the warning that another staged chemical weapons attack could soon take place in Syria, it seems likely that such an attack will involve the “humanitarian” group of dubious credibility, the White Helmets. Indeed, the evidence of the last chemical weapons attack blamed on the Assad-led government, occurring in Douma of Eastern Ghouta, largely came from the group, whose ties to terrorist groups and pro-regime-change foreign governments have been the subject of several reports at MintPress and elsewhere. Yet the White Helmets have been in the news as of late as a result of the fact that the State Department has put the funds it has long provided to the gro

Argentinians are getting ready for another war with the neoliberal forces of destruction as the IMF nightmare is about to return

globinfo freexchange As Manuel E. Yepe, professor at the Higher Institute of International Relations in Havana, wrote back in 2016, in Argentina, the newly-elected president, Mauricio Macri, moves forward the implementation of his “democratic model” with a brutal demolition of all the advances the nation had made after the collapse it suffered as a result of the neoliberal economic and political crisis from which it had been rescued by the consecutive popular governments of Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Cristina Kirchner, also made some important moves towards a stronger cooperation with Russia, which was something unacceptable for Washington's hawks. Not only for geopolitical reasons, but also because Argentina could escape from the vulture funds that sucking its blood since its default. This would give the country an alternative to the neoliberal monopoly of destruction. The US big banks and corporations would never accept