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The European Financial Dictatorship in panic again, warms its machine for a second coup against Italy

How many more financial coups the European Financial Dictatorship is willing to orchestrate in order to maintain austerity and sado-monetarism inside the member-states? globinfo freexchange The Brussels/Berlin axis in the European Financial Dictatorship (eurozone) has put itself in alarm mode again, this time due to what appears to be a bigger threat for its iron, authoritarian model of austerity and sado-monetarism. The threat comes from the new eurosceptic coalition government in Italy, formed by the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and the anti-immigrant Northern League. The European Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis, rushed to launch an indirect threat against the new coalition in Italy, saying that " We view it as important that the Italian government remains on course in pursuing a responsible budget policy, " and " We can only advise it to stay on course in terms of economic and fiscal policies, to stimulate growth thro

Facebook partners with hawkish Atlantic Council, a NATO lobby group, to “protect Democracy”

Facebook is hoping that a new alliance with the Atlantic Council — a leading geopolitical strategy think-tank seen as a de facto PR agency for the U.S. government and NATO military alliance – will not only solve its “fake news” and “disinformation” controversy, but will also help the social media monolith play “a positive role” in ensuring democracy on a global level. The new partnership will effectively ensure that Atlantic Council will serve as Facebook’s “eyes and ears,” according to a company press statement. With its leadership comprised of retired military officers, former policymakers, and top figures from the U.S. National Security State and Western business elites, the Atlantic Council’s role policing the social network should be viewed as a virtual takeover of Facebook by the imperialist state and the council’s extensive list of ultra-wealthy and corporate donors. The partnership is only the latest in a steady stream of announced plans by the Menlo Pa

Surveillance state? Amazon selling facial recognition technology to govt ‘threatens freedom’

Amazon’s powerful new facial recognition technology automates mass government surveillance and threatens individual freedom, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The online retail giant has begun selling the big brother-like technology, which it calls “Rekognition,” to law enforcement and local government authorities across the United States. The new service can identify, track and analyze people in real time, recognizing up to 100 people in a single image. The information it collects can then be scanned against databases featuring tens of millions of people, the ACLU said. Full report:

Anti-Macron protest turns violent in Paris

Maduro declares top US diplomat persona non grata, gives him 48 hours to leave

Maduro, in rejection of Washington's interventionist policies, has given Chargé d'Affaires Todd Robinson 48 hours to leave Venezuela. President Nicolas Maduro said United States Chargé d’Affaires Todd Robinson and head of political affairs Brian Naranjo have 48 hours to leave Venezuela. Maduro says the decision to expel the pair is aimed at defending Venezuela's sovereignty and in rejection of Washington's interventionist policies against the country and its people. " I have declared him persona non grata, and I announce the exit of the United States Chargé d'Affaires in 48 hours, " Maduro said of Todd Robinson during the official proclamation of his re-election. He accused Robinson of being involved in " a military conspiracy " against Venezuela saying the U.S. embassy had been meddling in the military, economic and political issues, and vowed to present evidence to the nation shortly. " Neither with conspir

Γλυκά πονούσε το γιαούρτι

Η φασιστική επίθεση στο Γιάννη Μπουτάρη, ήταν μια πρώτης τάξεως ευκαιρία για το «μετώπο της λογικής» και της «αριστείας». Στις μέρες που ακολούθησαν, μετά το Σάββατο, η «θεωρία των δύο άκρων», οι «αγανακτισμένοι» και η συλλογική ευθύνη, είχαν επανέλθει μεθοδευμένα στη δημόσια συζήτηση, από ΝΔ-ΚΙΝΑΛ και τους «μπαχαλάκηδες» της ενημέρωσης. Αποκορύφωμα, η χθεσινή δήλωση του Παύλου Τσίμα. του Κωνσταντίνου Ταχσίδη " Δηλαδή, αν γιαουρτώνουμε τον Πάγκαλο είναι καλό, ενώ αν μαχαιρώνουμε τον Φύσσα είναι κακό; Η βία είναι βία "... Παύλος Τσίμας, 21/5/2018, ΣΚΑΙ. Ίσως είναι αδύνατο να συλλάβει κάποιος το επίτευγμα του Παύλου Τσίμα, αλλά χθες το βράδυ ξεπέρασε ακόμα και τον πιο βρώμικο, προπαγανδιστικό εαυτό του καναλιού στο οποίο εργάζεται. Εξίσωσε το «γιαούρτωμα» ενός πολιτικού που επανειλημμένα έχει προσβάλει το κοινωνικό σύνολο (όχι τους πλούσιους φυσικά, την "πλέμπα") με το μαχαίρωμα και τη δολοφονία ενός αντιφασίστα μουσικού από μέλη της ε

Bolivia's Evo Morales condemns US sanctions on Venezuela

"It is a reprisal for having democratically defeated the coup, boycott against President Nicolás Maduro," Bolivia's president reiterated. Bolivian President Evo Morales has rejected a new round of sanctions imposed on Venezuela by the United States' after Nicolas Maduro was re-elected as the country's president Sunday. " We condemn the unilateral decision that imposes a new economic blockade to suffocate the Venezuelan people, in retaliation for having defeated the coup, boycott against President Nicolas Maduro democratically. Trump must understand that the world is not his estate, " Morales said in a tweet posted late Monday. The U.S. along with its right-wing European and Latin American allies have repeatedly called Venezuela's elections a 'sham' before and after Maduro won at the polls. Morales' remarks come after he congratulated Maduro on his re-election, and praised it as a victory against f

For Ecuador, currying favor with Washington is as simple as sacrificing Julian Assange

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno has made no secret of his annoyance with the man he refers to a “hacker,” calling Assange “a stone in his shoe” as Ecuador seeks to restructure itself as a trusted ally of the United States. by Elliott Gabriel Part 1 For all practical purposes, whistleblower and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is now a prisoner in asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London, facing the torture of near-total isolation from the outside world and hanging by the thread of the Andean state’s dwindling hospitality. On Thursday, the Australian – who, strangely enough, was given Ecuadorian citizenship last December – faced a new layer of precariousness atop his six-year refuge, when Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno ordered that additional security assigned to the building be withdrawn. According to Ecuador’s government, the London Embassy will now have the same level of security enjoyed by the other ambassadorial facilities the Andean nation maintains t

Analyzed: The Western media's fear and loathing of Venezuela

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." – Noam Chomsky By Manmeet Sahni Part 4 - Fractured Opposition In December 2017, pro-opposition think tank Atlantic Council received US$1million from the U.S. State Department to work with Venezuela's "fractured opposition." According to the Miami Herald, the funds will help finance a year-long project to " draw more international attention to the crisis, show the public what Venezuela could look like under new leadership, and provide the opposition and other stakeholders the tools needed to work more cohesively together. " Jason Marczak, director of the Atlantic Council's Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, told the Miami Herald: " What we're trying to do is address the fractures within the opposition. That is then helpful for the opposition's overall sta

Ecuador and Julian Assange in great danger as traitor Moreno is about to throw them into the hands of the US empire

Ecuador’s president, Lenín Moreno, shook up his cabinet and appointed six new ministers this week. The move appears to confirm what many of his critics on the Left have long suspected, which is that Moreno is moving the country increasingly towards the Right. That is, they say he is reversing the policies under the previous government, Rafael Correa, who pursued a fairly progressive agenda, particularly in foreign and economic affairs. For example, President Moreno’s new Minister of the Economy, Richard Martinez, comes directly from the country’s business class, where he worked as a consultant for the Chamber of Industry and Production, and he also was president of Ecuador’s Business Committee, which is the country’s main business association. globinfo freexchange Greg Wilpert of the Real News spoke with Guillaume Long, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador under former President Rafael Correa, about the rapid turn of the new Ecuadorian administratio