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US officials say ISIS a ‘global threat,’ but focus on Africa

US officials are continuing to emphasize that ISIS poses a “global threat,” even though it lost all its territory in Syria and Iraq. While that continues the narrative of an open-ended fight across the planet, officials are also clear the focus right now is on Africa. It’s not clear exactly why ISIS is being chosen as the immediate focus for US anti-ISIS operations, with so much of a deal being made previously of the group in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but the US is hoping to get global support for the Africa fight.  US officials are emphasizing the substantial number of ISIS-affiliated factions inside Africa in their narrative, though of course, not all ISIS are created equal, and nowhere is that more apparent than in Africa. Africa has a lot of long-standing Islamist factions that have long struggled to garner international notoriety. During the rise of ISIS, many groups just added the ISIS-affiliate tag to their names as to try to appear more substantial, even if the connect

WaPo publishes Gabbard smear piece filled with blatant lies

The Washington Post , which is wholly owned by a CIA contractor who is reportedly working to control the underlying infrastructure of the global economy, has published a shockingly deceitful smear piece about Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard in the wake of her criticisms of her opponent Kamala Harris’ prosecutorial record during the last Democratic debate. The article’s author, Josh Rogin, has been a cheerleader for US regime change interventionism in Syria since the very beginning of the conflict in that nation.  It is unsurprising, then, that he reacted with orgasmic exuberance when Harris retaliated against Gabbard’s devastating attack by smearing the Hawaii congresswoman as an “Assad apologist”, since Gabbard has been arguably the most consistent and high-profile critic of Rogin’s pet war agenda.  His article, titled “Tulsi Gabbard’s Syria record shows why she can’t be president”, is one of the most dishonest articles that I have ever read in a mainstrea

'Regime change begins at home' - Max Blumenthal speaks in Venezuelan presidential palace

The Grayzone The Grayzone 's Max Blumenthal and the Embassy Protection Collective address the media at Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela.

Anti-capitalist chronicles: the plastics industry

Democracy At Work Prof. David Harvey talks about the plastics industry, its impact on the environment, and how the forces of capital accumulation work hard to keep plastics in use. 

This is neoliberalism - introducing the invisible ideology

BarakalypseNow Neoliberalism is an economic ideology that exists within the framework of capitalism.  Over four decades ago, neoliberalism become the dominant economic paradigm of global society.  These BarakalypseNow video series, are tracing the history of neoliberalism, starting with a survey of neoliberal philosophy and research, a historical reconstruction of the movement pushing for neoliberal policy solutions, witnessing the damage that neoliberalism did to its first victims in the developing world, and then charting neoliberalism's infiltration of the political systems of the United States and the United Kingdom.  Learn how neoliberalism is generating crises for humanity at an unprecedented rate.  Neoliberalism was a reaction. It was an effort to disassemble a previous vision of society that once held sway over most of the world. In order to understand neoliberalism, it’s important to first understand the world before neoliberalism; the world which neo

CNN's cameras immediately cut away to avoid showing Bernie Sanders supporters at Democratic debate

Status Coup Status Coup's Jordan Chariton speaks with Mel Herrera-Baird, a Bernie Sanders supporter, about the mistreatment Sanders supporters experienced at the CNN debate in Detroit.

How Joe Biden’s privatization plans helped doom Latin America and fuel the migration crisis

On the campaign trail, Joe Biden has boasted of his role in transforming Colombia and Central America through ambitious economic and security programs. Colombians and Hondurans tell The Grayzone about the damage his plans did to their societies. by Max Blumenthal Part 1 While campaigning for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination this year, former Senator and Vice President Joseph Biden has touted the crucial role he played in designing US mega-development and drug war campaigns that transformed the socio-political landscape of large swaths of Latin America. “ I was one of the architects of Plan Colombia, ” Biden boasted in a July 5 interview with CNN, referring to the multi-billion dollar US effort to end Colombia’s civil war with a massive surge of support for the country’s military. According to Biden, the plan was a panacea for Colombia’s problems, from “ crooked cops ” to civil strife. But Biden’s plan for Colombia has contributed directly to the country

Russiagate as organized distraction

Oliver Boyd-Barrett looks at who benefits from having the corporate media suffocate their public with a puerile narrative for over two years. by Oliver Boyd-Barrett Part 2 - Free and Open Exchange of Ideas Regarding media, democratic theory presupposes a public communications infrastructure that facilitates the free and open exchange of ideas. No such infrastructure exists.  Mainstream media are owned and controlled by a small number of large, multi-media and multi-industrial conglomerates that lie at the very heart of U.S. oligopoly capitalism and much of whose advertising revenue and content is furnished from other conglomerates. The inability of mainstream media to sustain an information environment that can encompass histories, perspectives and vocabularies that are free of the shackles of U.S. plutocratic self-regard is also well documented. Recent U.S. media coverage of the U.S.-gestated crisis in Venezuela is a case in point.  The much-celebrated revolutiona

A year after Nicaragua’s coup, the media’s regime-change deceptions are still unraveling

Corporate media outlets blamed Nicaragua’s government for a deadly arson attack during the 2018 coup attempt, but new information raises serious doubts about the official story, highlighting the campaign of regime-change misinformation. by John Perry Part 6 - Obstacles from opposition groups Why did it take so long to identify the arsonists? Apart from the difficulty the police had in entering the barrio, there were other obstacles. The roadblocks made it very easy for the masked attackers to slip away undetected, and local people were frightened to denounce them even if they knew who they were. Soon after escaping the fire, the surviving family members were surrounded by protesters and opposition journalists demanding that they denounce the police, which some of them did. These family members were then quickly taken into hiding by CENIDH, the “human rights” group, in a way which one of the family later described as being kidnapped. They were prevented from making phone

Απόλυτη επιβεβαίωση: ο ιδεολογικός φανατισμός της κυβέρνησης Μητσοτάκη την έφερε κιόλας μπροστά στο πρώτο αδιέξοδο

globinfo freexchange Για άλλη μια φορά επιβεβαιωνόμαστε πανηγυρικά. Αμέσως μετά την αναγνώριση του αποτυχημένου πραξικοπηματία Χουάν Γκουαϊδό από την κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη, είχαμε επισημάνει ότι: Η κίνηση αυτή αποτελεί άλλη μια απόδειξη ότι ακόμα και η εξωτερική πολιτική της κυβέρνησης θα καθορίζεται, ως επί το πλείστον, από τον τυφλό φανατισμό της και όχι από μελετημένες κινήσεις που απαιτούν συνεχείς ελιγμούς και συνετές αποφάσεις. Ασχέτως ιδεολογικού προσανατολισμού και προτιμήσεων , η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη έπρεπε να εκμεταλλευτεί την ουδέτερη στάση της χώρας όσον αφορά τη Βενεζουέλα και να έχει την υπομονή να περιμένει να δει που θα οδηγήσουν οι διαπραγματεύσεις. Όμως αντί να εκμεταλλευτεί το πλεονέκτημα που απέκτησε η χώρα με την ουδέτερη στάση, κάτω από τις παρούσες συνθήκες, έσπευσε να το σπαταλήσει, λόγω της ιδεολογικής εμμονής που χαρακτηρίζει τη συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των μελών της. Αυτό είναι ένα δείγμα του ιδεολογικού φανατισμού που διακατέχει τα γαλάζια στ