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US deep state scenarios on cancelling 2020 election: securing a war with Iran and marking the definite end of Democracy in America

globinfo freexchange On January 14, the blog published an article about a potential oncoming war between the US and Iran. We estimated that it is unlikely the US deep state to start a war before the 2020 presidential election. Otherwise, as we wrote, the deep state would have to take the risk of some extreme solutions. Like, for example, an 'emergency situation' plan on the pretext of the war, in order to postpone the election and, at the same time, extent Trump's presidency. With all the chaos and the rising popular anger, the whole country would soon be getting into 'uncharted waters'. Yet, it seems that such a scenario not only exists, but it was designed by an Israeli private company. And moreover, it appears that the company is deeply connected with the deep state and the Trump administration. We found that MintPress News published an article , written by Whitney Webb, on the same day with our article above, giving the full details. As Webb rep

CNN is Trash

by David Swanson Why has the hash tag #CNNisTrash been popular since this week’s presidential primary debate? There was nothing new about the corporate, militarist, anti-progressive slant of the debate “moderation.” What was new was the level of blatant bias so extreme that even viewers who knew nothing about the issues couldn’t miss it, plus the amount of time CNN focused on expressing its hostility toward a single candidate, Bernie Sanders. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win . . . or so the saying goes. The Bernie Sanders campaign is well into stage 3 out of 4. Remarkably, CNN began Tuesday’s debate with a focus on endless U.S. wars in the Middle East, and with questions aimed at criticizing those who had supported the launching of some of those wars many years ago — support that various politicians and even media outlets like the New York Times (but not CNN) have long since been compelled to apologize for. Yet the CNN mo

What really happened with Venezuela's parallel president?

The Real News Network Media reports and the Trump administration presented a very one-sided version of the election of Venezuela's National Assembly leadership, presenting it as a coup. But who is trying to overthrow whom?

France's strike: another symptom of neoliberalism's legitimation crisis

The Real News Network France's public sector strike against pension reform is in its seventh week, the most serious such strike in French history. It fits very well in the context of the global revolt against neoliberalism, says Prof. Gabriel Rockhill.

The big loser in the Iowa debate? CNN’s reputation

The biggest loser from last night’s Democratic debate (1/14/20) was CNN’s journalistic credibility. CNN debates have been marked by a tendency to pit one candidate against another, American Gladiators-style (, 8/2/19), so it’s no surprise that the cable network took its own journalistically dubious “scoop” (CNN, 1/13/20)—about Bernie Sanders allegedly telling Elizabeth Warren in 2018 that “ he did not believe a woman could win ” a race against Donald Trump—and used it as the basis of questions to both Sanders and Warren at its pre–Iowa caucus debate in Des Moines (presented jointly with the Des Moines Register). But it was less predictable that CNN would frame those questions in such a nakedly one-sided manner, with wording that presumed that the truth was  known about what was really said in a disputed, year-old private conversation. “Senator Sanders,” began CNN political correspondent Abby Phillip: Senator Warren confirmed in a statement, that in 2018 you told

Max Blumenthal on his false arrest, US gov't persecution, and the takeover of Venezuela's embassy

Moderate Rebels Max Blumenthal describes his arrest and imprisonment on false charges (which were later dropped), the persecution he faced by the US government, and the real story of how the Trump administration helped violent right-wing coup-mongers besiege and eventually seize Venezuela's embassy in Washington, DC. Related: After Julian Assange, the US imperialist beast goes after Max Blumenthal: the brutal hunt against independent journalism officially begins!

Jun 2019 picks

The 'Julian Assange' index: another evidence that Elizabeth Warren is establishment's last resort Establishment's plan to stop Bernie Sanders becomes more and more evident: Elizabeth Warren as a tool to split the progressive base Brussels bureaufascists are ready to replace Alexis Tsipras with their most faithful puppet in Greece Why the US rushed to propagate the 'naval mine' scenario to explain recent attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman It's definite: the neoliberal deep state in Brazil jailed political prisoner Lula da Silva to prevent the Workers' Party (PT) from winning the 2018 presidential election Confirmed: the US empire seeks to 'clear' the path for the invasion of Iran Biden to plutocrats: “I need you very badly” (!!!)  Masks fall at last: Bernie officially declares war on corporate Dems who seek to survive around Warren Preparing the invasion of Iran: the US empire regroups its pro

Warren disgustingly aligns with the corporate media tools, recruits identity politics in a desperate effort to beat Bernie

globinfo freexchange If you still had any doubts that Elizabeth Warren is establishment's necessity solution in order to get rid of Bernie Sanders, this behavior will destroy the slightest one. And we are not talking about her totally unacceptable move to reject Bernie's handshake. We are talking about her collaboration with CNN's supposedly objective moderator to smear Sanders using the identity politics weapon. It seems that the corporate media manufactured another story against Bernie, using a discussion he had with Warren, during which he supposedly supported that a woman can't win the election, as the CNN moderator said. Bernie had to explain one more time his position about a matter for which, we all know, he had always been very clear. First of all, Bernie clearly denied that he said such a thing. He said that there are plenty of videos proving that - even as back as thirty years ago - he was talking about how a woman could become president of th

Bolivia’s free territory of Chapare has ousted the coup regime and is bracing for a bloody re-invasion

Spending time with the union members of Chapare, who run society in a collective fashion, offers special insights into the resistance to the coup. They succeeded in expelling the police, but now fear a bloodbath in retaliation. by Ollie Vargas Part 6 - Charting a path back to power The self-governing nature of Chapare has arisen out of the practical need for sustenance and self-defense , not a devotion to anarchistic ideology. All the unions here are currently holding emergency meetings, not to discuss the administration of local affairs, but to lay out a strategy about how to confront the coup nationally, and thereby take back state power. At every meeting I have attended, union members have passed a resolution committing to contributing grassroots donations to the MAS campaign, not to be used here, but instead by MAS chapters in other parts of the country where the party is not as strong.  This is how MAS has thrived since its earliest days. So it would be diffi

Social Media and Social Control: how Silicon Valley serves the US State Department

Facebook isn’t the only Silicon Valley firm with partisan oversight of what we see: the bipartisan billionaire class and their security state have partnered with tech firms since the dawn of the internet to control the parameters of users’ thinking. by Morgan Artyukhina  Part 4 - Russiagate creates the ‘troll army’ narrative For the social media giants, a new opportunity to double down on methods of social control came from the rise of the Russiagate conspiracy, promulgated by a growing corporate media-Democratic Party-intelligence community rallying cry that Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory was the work of Russian meddling rather than the United States’ outdated Electoral College system that was created as a progressive roadblock by the country’s founders. The opening shot of this information war was the accusation by U.S. intelligence that hacker Guccifer 2.0 had worked on behalf of Russia to hack the Democratic National Committee’s servers and steal damning emails