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Crippling new sanctions punish Syrian civilians for US defeat in proxy war

The Grayzone As Syria tries to recover from a nearly decade-long conflict, the US has imposed crippling new sanctions that explicitly target reconstruction. " For Syrians, sanctions on reconstruction and on oil and gas are likely to be felt most acutely, " the Washington Post reports. " The Caesar Act will probably limit the government’s ability to procure oil, further hurting the already low quality of life. " The new sanctions follow earlier coercive measures that had already hurt Syrian civilians, compounding the destruction of a lengthy proxy war fueled and funded by the US and its allies. 

Noam Chomsky: This uprising is “unprecedented” in US history

The Michael Brooks Show

‘Shut It Down!’ Inside a Black Lives Matter protest in NYC

Inside Edition Hundreds of people marched from the Washington Heights neighborhood to Harlem in support of Black Lives Matter on June 14th, 2020. The uptown Manhattan rally and protest called for major reforms in the way the NYPD is funded and of the role the police play in the community. Protesters carried signs and chanted slogans decrying police brutality and mourning the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others who died at the hands of law enforcement.

Στο πόρισμα του ΕΟΠΠΥ για τη Ράικου απάντησαν με «outsourcing» Παπαγγελόπουλου - Νίκος Παππάς: Τώρα παραποιούν και συνομιλίες

Μερικές ημέρες μετά το πόρισμα του ΕΟΠΥΥ για τον σύζυγο της πρώην εισαγγελέως διαφθοράς Ε. Ράικου (βασικότατο γρανάζι στη θεωρεία περί ‘’σκευωρίας’’) και τις σχέσεις του με τη Novartis (το οποίο αναιρεί και το τελευταίο στοιχείο αξιοπιστίας από την κ. Ράικου) κι ενώ ακόμη ο Κυβερνητικός Εκπρόσωπος Στ. Πέτσας δεν έχει δώσει στη δημοσιότητα τα ποσά που έλαβαν τα ΜΜΕ από την κυβερνητική καμπάνια «Μένουμε Σπίτι», το πολιτικό κλίμα πολώνεται ακόμη περισσότερο από ένα ηχητικό απόσπασμα παλαιότερης συνομιλίας (αναρτήθηκε σήμερα σε φιλοκυβερνητικά ΜΜΕ) του στελέχους του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ Νίκου Παππά με τον επιχειρηματία Σάμπυ Μιωνή σχετικά με τον Δημήτρη Παπαγγελόπουλο. Σύμφωνα με ανακοίνωση του κ. Μιωνή, ο Νίκος Παππάς τού είχε πει στη συνομιλία που είχαν το 2016 σχετικά με τον Δημήτρη Παπαγγελόπουλο ότι ο τελευταίος έχει τη δική του ατζέντα και ότι « ξέρω, καταλαβαίνω και μαθαίνω » ότι « κάποιοι βγάζουν λεφτά », και μάλιστα « πολλά λεφτά » και ότι « έκανε το δικό του outsourcing ». Στην ανακοί

Israel leverages dubious ‘Nuclear Archives’ to secure new IAEA demands on Iran

The International Atomic Energy Agency has once again lent itself to the political interests of the United States and Israel, provoking a needless conflict with Iran by Gareth Porter Part 1 The approval by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of a June 19 resolution calling on Iran to comply fully with agency demands for cooperation marks a new stage in the long-running Israeli campaign to isolate Iran over alleged covert nuclear weapons activities.  The IAEA has demanded that Iran provide “ clarifications ” regarding “ possible undeclared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities, ” as well as access to two sites in question. Those demands are based on alleged Iranian documents that Israeli intelligence supposedly stole from Iran in 2018. And as The Grayzone has reported, their authenticity is highly questionable, and their theft may have never occurred. Source, links:

Leaked documents reveal right-wing oligarch plot to overthrow Mexico’s AMLO

Mexico’s oligarchs and establishment political parties have united in a secret alliance to try to remove left-wing President López Obrador from power, with help from the media, Washington, and Wall Street. Leaked documents lay out their devious strategy. by Ben Norton  Part 1 Some of the most powerful forces in Mexico are uniting in a campaign to try to topple the country’s first left-wing president in decades, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. And they apparently have support in Washington and on Wall Street. Known popularly as AMLO, the Mexican leader is a progressive nationalist who campaigned on the promise to “end the dark night of neoliberalism.” He has since implemented a revolutionary vision he calls the “Fourth Transformation,” vowing to fight poverty, corruption, and drug violence — and has increasingly butted heads with his nation’s wealthy elites. López Obrador has also posed a challenge to the US foreign-policy consensus. His government provided refuge to Bo

Hong Kong’s ‘pro-democracy’ movement allies with far-right US politicians that seek to crush Black Lives Matter

As a Hong Kong protest leader promotes far-right condemnations of US anti-racism demonstrations and activists shut down a Black Lives Matter rally in the city, Hong Kong organizers forge close ties with hardline Republicans in Washington. by Ajit Singh Part 3 - Hong Kong “pro-democracy” activists shut down Black Lives Matter rally Hong Kong “pro-democracy” activists have gone so far as to derail the efforts to organize a Black Lives Matter rally in the city following the killing of George Floyd. In a letter shared with the Hong Kong Free Press, event organizer Jayne Jeje, an African-American woman who has lived in Hong Kong for eight years, outlined the harassment she received that led to her cancelling the event.  According to Jeje, “pro-democracy” activists accused her of “ working with the police to entrap people ” and “ being backed by the CCP [Communist Party of China]. ” On the social media event page for the rally, Jeje wrote that she was bombarded with “ at

Hawkish, gov’t funded think tank behind Twitter decision to delete thousands of Chinese accounts

Twitter’s decision came after close collaboration with a deeply controversial U.S. and Australian government-funded think tank that has been denounced by Australia’s former ambassador in Beijing as “the architect of the China threat theory in Australia.” by Alan Macleod  Part 3 - Big tech and the military industrial complex While the exposure of minor Chinese manipulation of social media has made headlines, the news that a senior Twitter executive was unmasked as an officer in a British Army brigade dedicated to online and psychological operations was roundly ignored. Only one mainstream outlet in the West covered the story at all, and that journalist was forced out only a few weeks later. Despite supposed foreign interference in social media becoming the number one story between 2016-2019, with many, including Hillary Clinton herself, arguing that Russia was responsible for Trump’s victory, concrete evidence of Western infiltration of these companies has garnered very

Project Venezuela: right-wing activists push Wikipedia to blacklist MintPress, other Alternative Media

A group of right-wing Venezuelans has managed to ban the use of a range of alternative media outlets covering Venezuela, including MintPress News. by Alan Macleod  Part 3 - A tool to propagate the biases of the ruling elite While the popular view of Wikipedia is that it is a collective public undertaking that anyone and everyone can add to, in reality, the online encyclopedia has come to mirror the inequalities present in society.  The more edits you do, the more power, prestige and influence you accrue, allowing individuals to wield unreasonable power over the world’s 13th most visited website. A class of powerful editors has emerged, who spend hours every day editing and changing content how they see fit. There are strong suspicions that governments and other wealthy organizations are paying people – or teams of people using the same account – to moderate the site full-time, and these power users openly advertise their services to corporations or other groups who

Meet Wikipedia’s Ayn Rand-loving founder and Wikimedia Foundation’s regime-change operative CEO

Wikipedia has become a bulletin board for corporate and imperial interests under the watch of its Randian founder, Jimmy Wales, and the veteran US regime-change operative who heads the Wikimedia Foundation, Katherine Maher. by Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal Part 3 - The Wikimedia Foundation’s Katherine Maher: US regime-change operative with deep corporate links Jimmy Wales and the Wikimedia Foundation claim to have little power over the encyclopedia itself, but it is widely known that this is just PR. Wikimedia blew the lid off this myth in 2015 when it removed a community-elected member of its board of trustees, without explanation. At the time of this scandal, the Wikimedia Foundation’s board of trustees included a former corporate executive at Google, Arnnon Geshuri, who was heavily scrutinized for shady hiring practices. Geshuri, who also worked at billionaire Elon Musk’s company Tesla, was eventually pressured to step down from the board. But just a year later,