by Alex Harman Part 8 - Amazon Is Engaged in Price Gouging on Products It Sells Directly While the initial media and law enforcement focus of price gouging was on third-party sellers, this report establishes that Amazon is directly selling items at significantly above the regular market price despite publicly stating that the company is fighting price gouging. This report will focus on essential products, that would be covered under an existing or proposed price gouging statute, that saw the most notable price increases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Note: All products in this section were listed as “sold by Amazon,” and not sold by third-party vendors. Disposable Face Masks Package: 1000% Price Increase It is difficult to make apples-to-apples comparisons of the prices of disposable face masks because those sold during the pandemic tend to be from new sources. Nonetheless, roughly equivalent products are priced far higher than they were before the onset of the pandemic. In additio