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The disarticulation of pandemic war propaganda

An investigative analysis takes apart a hackneyed piece of propaganda authored by an international alt-right clique with links to the Pentagon.   by Raul Diego   Part 5 - Enter the dragon Much of the letter’s thesis revolves around the bold assumption that the World Health Organization is nothing more than an appendage of the CCP. Once you accept this premise, the rest of the toxic concoction goes down rather smoothly. From the race to produce enough ventilators to treat hospital patients to the PCR testing protocols controversy to the idea of asymptomatic spread – all of it, according to the authors, came from the bowels of the red-tailed leviathan in the East. On the question of ventilators, the authors proclaim that WHO’s March 2020 guidance to healthcare workers recommending “ escalating quickly to mechanical ventilation as an early intervention for treating COVID-19 patients ” was based on Chinese research calling for “ invasive mechanical ventilation ” as the “ first choice” for

How Ecuador’s US-backed, coup-supporting ‘ecosocialist’ candidate Yaku Pérez aids the right-wing

Ecuador’s presidential candidate Yaku Pérez supported coups in Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. His US-backed party Pachakutik and supposedly “left-wing” environmentalist campaign is being promoted by right-wing corporate lobbyists.   by Ben Norton  Part 6 - Husband of Western government-linked, NGO-backed anti-Correa academic Manuela Picq   Yaku Pérez’s longtime partner is also a prominent opponent of Correismo who has previously worked for the US government and whose activism has been funded by NGOs bankrolled by Western governments. In 2013, Pérez married Manuela Picq, a French-Brazilian academic who specializes in Indigenous, sexuality, and gender studies, and who, like her husband, is a staunch critic of leftist governments in Latin America who supported the US-backed coup in Bolivia in 2019. Picq works closely with regime-change-lobbying NGOs, and is infamous in Ecuador for her anti-Correa activism. Picq played a significant role in 2015 protests against President Corre

US State Department accusation of China ‘genocide’ relied on data abuse and baseless claims by far-right ideologue

The Trump and Biden administrations have relied on the work of a right-wing religious extremist, Adrian Zenz, for their “genocide” accusation against China. A close review of Zenz’s research reveals flagrant data abuse and outright falsehoods.   by Gareth Porter and Max Blumenthal Part 4 - Inventing statistics, spinning tales to frame the official enemy Among Zenz’s “major findings” was the claim that “ 80 percent of all net added IUD placements in China… were performed in Xinjiang, despite the fact that the region only makes up 1.8 percent of the nation’s population. ”  According to the 2019 China Health Statistics Yearbook published by the National Health Commission – the original source of Zenz’s claim – the number of new IUD insertion procedures in Xinjiang in 2018 accounted for only 8.7 percent of China’s total. So Zenz’s “major finding” appeared to be off by a factor of 10, a staggering error that substantially undermined the explosive quality of his argument. The relevant sectio

Ποιος ολιγάρχης θα πηδήξει πρώτος από το κυβερνητικό Μητσοτακικό καράβι που βουλιάζει;

failed evolution   Όλα δείχνουν ότι η αντίστροφη μέτρηση για την πτώση του Μητσοτακικού καθεστώτος έχει αρχίσει. Το καθεστώς δέχτηκε απανωτά χτυπήματα σε όλα τα μέτωπα, με κεντρικό, βεβαίως, το μέτωπο της πανδημίας. Η αποτυχία του καθεστώτος όσον αφορά τα μέτρα και το πρόγραμμα εμβολιασμών, που απ'ότι φαίνεται χωλαίνει, θα αποτελέσει την αρχή του τέλους της αποτυχημένης Μητσοτακικής διακυβέρνησης.   Η απέλπιδα προσπάθεια ενός τραγικού Μητσοτάκη να κινητοποιήσει τα αντανακλαστικά των νοικοκυραίων, πάντα με τη βοήθεια της μιντιακής χούντας, χρησιμοποιώντας την πρόσφατη επίθεση εναντίον αστυνομικού, φαίνεται ότι πέφτει στο κενό. Οι νοικοκυραίοι μεσαιοταξίτες δεν "τσιμπάνε" πλέον με τέτοιου είδους φτηνά επικοινωνιακά κολπάκια, πολύ απλά γιατί βλέπουν ότι το παρατεταμένο λοκντάουν του ενός έτους, τους εξοντώνει συστηματικά κυρίως στον οικονομικό τομέα. Όπως είχαμε γράψει αμέσως μετά τις εκλογές του Ιουλίου του 19, μπορεί ο Έλλην μικροαστός να άγεται με ευκολία από τη μιντιακή

Aurora police killed without consequence, now their protestors face 48 years for “kidnapping” cops

The cops and the district attorneys want people to see what we are going through — the conditions of our arrests, our experiences in jail, and our legal battle — and to think that this is what you risk when you stand up against them. – Lillian House, Aurora Activist and Defendant   by Alan Macleod   Part 2 - An innocent man On the evening of August 24, 2019, Elijah McClain was on his way home from a convenience store when he was accosted by three officers — Nathan Woodyard, Jason Rosenblatt, and Randy Roedema — who said they were on the lookout for a suspicious person. McClain was a 5’6”, 140-pound, anemic vegetarian. Yet officers claimed he fought all three of them with “crazy strength,” enough to warrant placing him in a now-banned carotid chokehold, cutting off blood supply to his brain, and injecting him with ketamine, a drug often used to tranquilize horses. Bodycam footage of the incident tells a different story, however, showing McClain gasping for air, repeatedly saying “I can’

Joe Biden is already breaking his promise to end the US’ ‘forever wars’ in the Middle East

by Robert Inlakesh   Part 4 - Twisting the nuclear deal   Along with the demonisation of Iran and its influence in Iraq being used as a partial justification for further action in the country comes the Biden administration’s continued hardball stance when it comes to re-entering the JCPOA/Iran nuclear deal. Biden has offered to rejoin talks with Iran, on the issue of the JCPOA, dropping Trump-era restrictions such as the tight limitation of movement imposed on Iranian diplomats, but these gestures have not budged any party. In a meeting this Thursday between US, German, French and UK diplomats, the quartet blamed Iran for the lack of progress on the restoration of the deal. The statement focuses on its reactionary enrichment of uranium, which came in the wake of US and EU non-compliance with the deal, and urged Iran to consider the “ consequences of such grave action ”.  In response to the statement, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif lambasted the US and E3 partners for what he call

WikiLeaks reveals US officials admitting dollarization was hurting Ecuadorian economy - now US-backed right-wing elites want to privatize central bank to secure it

The WIKILEAKS Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD) holds the world's largest searchable collection of United States confidential, or formerly confidential, diplomatic communications. As of April 8, 2013 it holds 2 million records comprising approximately 1 billion words. The collection covers US involvements in, and diplomatic or intelligence reporting on, every country on earth. It is the single most significant body of geopolitical material ever published. The PlusD collection, built and curated by WikiLeaks, is updated from a variety of sources, including leaks, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and documents released by the US State Department systematic declassification review.     globinfo freexchange   A 2009 cable coming from the US embassy in Ecuador was including estimations for the prospect of the Ecuadorian economy based on the 2010 budget.   The most remarkable is that in the final comment, at the end of the cable, the US side was esse

Greece: “Cops out of our neighborhoods” – Protest in Nea Smyrni after the crescendo of police violence

It all started at noon on Sunday, March 7, 2021 when police officers approached families who had gone out for their Sunday walk in Nea Smyrni Square and started imposing fines, despite the fact that they were wearing masks. When other residents began to protest, the police reacted violently, as if the residents were their enemy, which is probably for most, as dozens of other police motorcyclists rushed to the scene to assist them, like an invading army, who started to attack everything, chasing, hitting and arresting 11 people in and around the grove of Nea Smyrni.   The crescendo of police violence in Nea Smyrni provoked the anger and mass reaction of hundreds of residents, as well as the lie of the attack of unknown persons against the police, which was spread by the state RES and republished indiscriminately by the major media, which prompted a little later about 1,000 residents to march, with a central banner under the slogan “Cops out of our neighborhoods”.  The spontaneous march

New bill designed to destroy 3rd parties in the US

Redacted Tonight   The Democrats are pursuing  an ostensible "Voting Rights" bill that seriously undermines 3rd party politics. 

Big Oil is really scared!

Redacted Tonight   Steven Donziger beat Chevron Oil in court in a case over poisoning the Ecuadorean Amazon and its people. Then Chevron went after Donziger. He's currently one of the US's many political prisoners.