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How Ecuador's US-backed fake 'eco-left' helped a right-wing banker win the election

Moderate Rebels   Ben Norton discusses Ecuador's 2021 election results, and how the US government and intelligence-linked billionaire foundations spent decades funding and cultivating liberal environmental groups and rightist Indigenous leaders to divide the left and weaken the socialist Citizens' Revolution movement launched by former President Rafael Correa.  State Department cables released by WikiLeaks show how the US embassy recruited members of the Indigenous confederation CONAIE and its political arm Pachakutik, which has been directly supported by US government soft-power weapons like the NDI. CIA cutouts USAID and the NED poured tens of millions of dollars into building a fake "left" opposition to Correísmo, using "anti-extractivism" as a cover. The result was Pachakutik/CONAIE and its coup-supporting neoliberal candidate Yaku Pérez got more than 1 million extra Ecuadorians to vote null in the April 2021 vote, compared to previous elections, thereby

Καταρρέει το αφήγημα του Μητσοτακικού καθεστώτος όσον αφορά και τους εμβολιασμούς

globinfo freexchange   Ποιος θα το περίμενε ότι θα κατέρρεε και η τελευταία γραμμή άμυνας της καθεστωτικής προπαγάνδας και μάλιστα από ένα άκρως φιλοκυβερνητικό μέσο;   Η εκκωφαντική διάψευση απέναντι στα τερατώδη ψέματα του Μητσοτάκη, των στελεχών του καθεστώτος και των χειραγωγούμενων από το καθεστώς ανδρείκελων,  γύρω από την ταχύτητα των εμβολιασμών, ήρθε  από το Money Review της Καθημερινής . Όπως διαβάζουμε :                                Στο μέτωπο των εμβολιασμών, ωστόσο, τα στοιχεία της DBRS δείχνουν ότι η Ελλάδα έχει μείνει πίσω σε σχέση με τις άλλες χώρες της Ευρώπης, οι οποίες το τελευταίο διάστημα επιταχύνουν σημαντικά τα προγράμματά τους. Για την ακρίβεια, η Ελλάδα είναι αυτή τη στιγμή η τελευταία ανάμεσα στις χώρες που εξέτασε ο οίκος αξιολόγησης με βάση το ποσοστό του  πληθυσμού που έχει λάβει τουλάχιστον μία δόση του εμβολίου. Επιβεβαιωνόμαστε για άλλη μια φορά, πλήρως. Όπως γράψαμε στις αρχές Απριλίου, ο Μητσοτάκης προεξόφλησε ότι η ΑΥΤΟΔΥΝΑΜΗ κυβέρνησή του θα έπεφ

From RussiaGate to UkraineGate: Route to Apocalypse

Corruption and supposed efforts to reduce it have become a neoconservative weapon of choice with which to operate the controls on the funding sluice gates to acolytes of the U.S.-led international neoconservative empire.   by Oliver Boyd-Barrett   Part 2 - The contribution of RussiaGate demonization There were many solid grounds for an upswell of both establishment and public alarm as Donald Trump eked out electoral victory in 2016 and as he unfolded his agenda over the succeeding four years. His relations with Russia were not among them. Far more important and evidentiary was his stubborn refusal to acknowledge the threats of climate change. Not only did he repudiate evidence that climate change might well lead to the end of the human species within a generation or two, but he actively reversed weak countermeasures already in place. Worse, he malevolently sought to amplify the threat, among other things by boosting fossil fuel interests and doubling back on transition to lower fuel em

Will Lula make a comeback? Global imperialists and resource extractors shudder at the prospect

With the potential comeback of Lula da Silva, Brazil may once again be on a path away from fascism and one that puts economic justice and anti-imperialism first.   by Alan Macleod   Part 4 - Resisting efforts to divide the Pink Tide Using the “divide and rule” tactic, U.S. officials tried to separate “good” leftist leaders (like Lula), who refrained from expropriating resources from Western corporations and pursued more reformist measures from the “bad left” of Chavez, Morales, Correa and Cuba’s Fidel Castro. But Lula would have none of it, openly campaigning for Chavez’s re-election in 2012. “ Chavez, count on me, count on the Brazilian Worker’s Party, count on the solidarity and support of each…democrat and each Latin American. Your victory will be ours…and thanks, comrade, for everything you have done for Latin America, ” he said in an endorsement speech.    Thus, many Pink Tide leaders saw themselves as part of the same struggle against the American-dominated economic and political

Biden’s claim to be ending America’s longest war misleading

Special Forces, Pentagon Contractors and Intelligence Operatives Will Remain   by Jeremy Kuzmarov  Part 1 On Wednesday April 14th, President Joe Biden announced that he would end the U.S.’s longest war and withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan on the 20th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Over 6,000 NATO troops will also be withdrawn by that time. “ War in Afghanistan was never meant to be a multigenerational undertaking, ” Biden said during his remarks from the White House Treaty Room, the same location from which President George W. Bush had announced the war was beginning in October 2001. “ We were attacked. We went to war with clear goals. We achieved those objectives. Bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda is degraded in Afghanistan and it’s time to end the forever war. ” Biden’s claim that he is ending the forever war is misleading. As The New York Times reported, the United States would remain after the formal departure of U.S. troops with a “ shadowy combinati

US intelligence thinks you’re stupid: ODNI report blames Russia, ignores Colombian election interference

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) issued a report alleging Russian interference in the 2020 election, contradicting November statements that there was no meddling, while ignoring documented interference from top US ally Colombia.   by Dan Cohen   Part 5 - “Election integrity” as a foil for geopolitical agenda   So why does the so-called intelligence community tell us that State Department-designated Official Enemy countries tried to interfere in the elections without providing a shred of evidence while ignoring the mounds of evidence that the U.S.’s closest ally in Latin America repeatedly interfered? It’s because accusations of interference have nothing to do with protecting election integrity and everything to do with advancing a narrow, imperialist political agenda. See, back in late January, Biden had signed an arms treaty with Russia – a necessary step to prevent a hot war, but bad for the image the spy agencies and Western media present of Russia as an ev

Kamala’s KHive trolls boosted by bots while media defends harassment campaigns

An April 8 LA Times profile of the “KHive” attempted to put a positive spin on Twitter’s nest of Vice President Kamala Harris super fans, omitting the group’s online abuses, offline harassment, and alarming origins. Describing the KHive as “ the type of modern political army that politicians increasingly rely on for both support and defense, ” the LA Times painted its members as political realists united by a desire to defend one of the most powerful politicians in the country from unfair attacks.  It turns out that Harris’ “modern political army” was manufactured with the aid of an even larger army of fake Twitter accounts. After the term “KHive” was formally branded by MSNBC pundits like Joy Reid, KHive leaders received a boost from a Democratic Party operative-controlled bot farm. One of the people most advanced by the botnet is the widely recognized founder of KHive, Bianca Delarosa.  According to Vox , KHive credited Delarosa with organizing KHive in a Facebook group that start

Boris Johnson attributes UK's vaccine success to dead capitalism with a BS typical argument from the bankrupt neoliberalism

globinfo freexchange   It's almost grotesque the fact that many fans of capitalism still don't realize that capitalism is dead . And it's certainly grotesque the fact that they use the same, typical and obsolete bullshit arguments (coming straight from the bankrupt neoliberal ideology), to defend it.   It was UK's PM this time, Boris Johnson, who used such an argument to defend the already dead capitalism. An argument coming straight from the dustbin of history and from the grave of one of the most unpopular and unsuccessful PMs in UK's history: Maggie, the Iron Lady. According to a Johnson's private call with Conservative MPs that has been circulated by the mainstream media, the British PM hailed the fact that more than 28 million people have been given a first jab in the UK, saying: “ The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed my friends. ”   The response to this BS not only came almost immediately, but it also came fr

The hawks who want war with Iran are working overtime

Last week's cyberattack on an Iranian nuclear facility, reportedly by Israeli intelligence, is the latest gambit from the coalition of Israeli leaders, Christian fundamentalists, and hawkish Washington neocons who want to block a US return to the Iran nuclear agreement. If they're successful, millions of ordinary Iranians suffering under draconian sanctions will pay the price.   by Ariel Gold/Medea Benjamin   Just as talks between the United States and Iran were taking place last week in Vienna, a cyberattack was carried out on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility. Reports are that the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, was behind the attack that blacked out the facility just one day after Tehran launched new advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges, and as US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was in Israel speaking about the United States’ “enduring and ironclad” commitment to the Jewish state. This is the latest in a series of Israeli attacks on Iran designed to scuttle negotiati

Freedom from the Market

America’s Fight to Liberate Itself from the Grip of the Invisible Hand   Mike Konczal  Health insurance, student loan debt, retirement security, child care, work-life balance, access to home ownership—these are the issues driving America’s current political debates. And they are all linked, as this brilliant and timely book reveals, by a single question: should we allow the free market to determine our lives? In the tradition of Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine , noted economic commentator Mike Konczal answers this question with a resounding no.    Freedom from the Market blends passionate political argument and a bold new take on American history to reveal that, from the earliest days of the republic, Americans have defined freedom as what we keep free from the control of the market. With chapters on the history of the Homestead Act and land ownership, the eight-hour work day and free time, social insurance and Social Security, World War II day cares, Medicare and desegregation, free