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Fyodorov to Greece: Leave the EU and we will lift the ban of your products!

globinfo freexchange According to the Tass Russian news agency, the Russian Minister of Agriculture, Nikolai Fyodorov, stated that “If Greece has to leave the European Union, we will build our own relations with it, the food ban will not be applicable to it,” in news conference in Berlin on Friday. Also, he said that “ European Union countries, which felt discomfort from the slump in proceeds from exports of foods to Russia, were asking Russia to cushion the impacts of the Russian food import ban by expanding other types of imports. [...] adding that these countries offer new formats of cooperation in those areas that are not covered by the Russian food sanctions. ” “ ' We discussed possible expansion of cooperation and mutual trade in agricultural products and agreed to work in the new conditions strictly within the frameworks of the current legislation of Russia, the Customs Union, Germany and the European Union,' Fyodorov said. 'The dialogu

Οργανώνουν "Γαλάζια προβιά" για αντίσταση σε κυβέρνηση ΣΥΡΙΖΑ!

Τα ίδια Παντελάκη μου τα ίδια Παντελή μου. Όπως τότε, με την ΕΔΑ. Έτοιμοι για επιχειρήσεις προβοκάτσιας. Να κλάψει, ή να γελάσει κανείς; Από το tvxs: “ Σύσκεψη επωνύμων της διανόησης και των social media πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Αθήνα, στην οποία συμμετείχαν ανησυχούντες από μια πιθανή νίκη του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Το θέμα της συνάντησης ήταν 'τι θα κάνουμε αν έρθει ο Τσίπρας'.” “ Στην είσοδο της 'γιάφκας' του Λυκαβηττού, όπου πραγματοποιήθηκε η συνάντηση, σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα των 'Νέων' του Σαββατοκύριακου, ο οικοδεσπότης είχε τοποθετηθεί 'μελαψός κύριος' ο οποίος υποδεχόταν τους καλεσμένους. Πολλοί από όσους πήραν μέρος έχουν περάσει από την αριστερά αλλά τώρα είναι σφόδρα εναντίον του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ.” “ Στην συνάντηση τέθηκε μεταξύ των άλλων το ερώτημα 'πως θα επικοινωνούμε με ασφάλεια' και προτάθηκαν τρόποι επικοινωνίας και προστασίας των υπολογιστών των μελλοντικών αντιφρονούντων από 'κατασκόπους' της αριστερής κυβέρνησ

Russia to sell space rocket engines to US company ... again!

From RT: “ Russia’s design bureau NPO Energomash is to deliver 60 RD 181 engines for the Antares rocket first stage to American space technology manufacturer Orbital Sciences Corporation. The total cost of the deal is about $1 billion.” “ ... Russia’s government has already issued all the permits required for the deal. The contract envisages restrictions for the use of RD-181 engines in military programs as those rockets cannot be used for military goals. Following an engine failure and subsequent explosion during the Antares launch in October, the company halted all launches, struggling to find a replacement. The reliability of the RD-181 and similar engines made it the best choice, Orbital’s vice president for space launch strategic development, Mark Pieczynski, told Aviation Week in December.” “ The total cost of the deal is estimated at $1 billion. This sum includes not only the price o

ICC opens inquiry into possible war crimes in Palestinian territories

“ The International Criminal Court in the Hague has opened a 'preliminary examination' of possible war crimes conducted on Palestinian territory during the last year's military conflict with Israel in Gaza.” “ Although the court may address fundamental issues, such as Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories following the 1967 war, the examination is likely to home on in on specific violations during the IDF incursion into Gaza last summer, in which more than 2,000 Palestinians, and 60 Israelis died.” “ For Palestine, the ICC offers not only the chance to officially address its qualms with Israel's action, but another milestone on the path to full statehood. The move does, however, leave Palestine open to potential attacks on its own war crimes record, including the sponsorship of construction of rockets aimed at Israeli towns, and the use of civilians as human shields for terrorists.”

Draghi blackmails Greeks

... and we haven't even reached the election day globinfo freexchange It appears that ECB decided that will not buy Greek bonds, after the systemic banks of the country reported having liquidity problems, only a week before the crucial national elections. It's important to remind that the Leftist party, SYRIZA, which is determined to terminate austerity policies, precedes in all polls. From ZH: “ Der Spiegel reports after the European close that ECB QE will not include Greek bonds due to their low rating... but will see national central banks buying own-country debt.” and “ ... following yesterday's report that two Greek banks had suffered sufficiently material deposit withdrawals to force them to apply for the unpopular and highly stigmatizing Emergency Liquidity Assistance program with th

Indirectly seeking Iran's contribution on the ISIS problem?

“ US President Barack Obama has called on the new Republican-controlled Congress not to impose more sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, saying he will veto any such move.” “ 'Additional sanctions on Iran at this time would undermine international unity and set back our chances for a diplomatic solution,' the US president said. [...] 'We'll see how persuasive I am. But if I'm not persuading Congress, I promise you, I'm going to be taking my case to the American people on this,' he warned.” “ British Prime Minister Cameron also opposed any new sanctions against Iran, arguing the world needed to 'create the space for negotiations to succeed.' He added that additional sanctions 'would be counterproductive and put at risk the valuable international unity.'” “ Iran and the six powers wrapped up their latest round of nuclear talks in Geneva on December 17, 2014, three weeks after they failed to reach a final ag

Κουίζ: Ποια μνημονιακή χώρα, εντός ευρωζώνης, έχει ήδη τυπώσει μόνη της ευρώ;

του system failure Οι καθεστωτικοί παπαγάλοι της τραπεζομιντιακής δικτατορίας που περιμένουν στη γωνία για να προβοκάρουν, αλλοιώσουν, χλευάσουν, μοντάρουν, τρολάρουν και την παραμικρή δήλωση βουλευτών του αντιμνημονιακού μπλοκ και κυρίως του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, μέσα στην ξεκάθαρη αγωνία τους μήπως και μπορέσουν να ψαλιδίσουν τη διαφορά μεταξύ ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΝΔ, ως την ημέρα των εκλογών, έπεσαν αυτή τη φορά σύσσωμοι πάνω στη Ραχήλ Μακρή και στις δηλώσεις της περί "κοψίματος" νομίσματος. Όπως δήλωσε η Μακρή « Μπορούμε να κόψουμε μόνοι μας ευρώ στην Τράπεζα της Ελλάδας μέχρι 100 δις, ... Δεν είναι πρωτοφανές. Προβλέπεται από τη συνθήκη της ευρωζώνης », ( ). Η αλήθεια που φρόντισαν να κρύψουν επιμελώς, ή έστω, να περάσουν "στα ψιλά", τα καθεστωτικά ΜΜΕ στην Ελλάδα, μέσα στα πέντε τελευταία χρόνια ανελέητης διαστρέβλωσης και βομβαρδισμού προπαγάνδας, είναι ότι το τύπωμα

Απρόσμενο "δώρο" Πούτιν

Θα το εκμεταλλευτεί η Ελλάδα; Από το “ Ο Ρώσος πρόεδρος Πούτιν έδωσε εντολή στην Γκάζπρομ να περικόψει την ροή φυσικού αερίου στην Ουκρανία και μέσω της Ουκρανίας , κατόπιν καταγγελιών ότι το καθεστώς του Κιέβου κλέβει από τους αγωγούς. Λόγω αυτών των «κινδύνων μεταφοράς προς τους Ευρωπαίους καταναλωτές μέσω του εδάφους της Ουκρανίας» η Γκαζπρομ περιέκοψε τις εξαγωγές στην Ευρώπη κατά 60%, προκαλώντας μιαν ενεργειακή κρίση μέσα σε λίγες ώρες.” “ Η Βουλγαρία, η Ελλάδα, τα Σκόπια, η Ρουμανία, η Κροατία και η Τουρκία ανέφεραν διακοπή της ροή του αερίου μέσω Ουκρανίας. Παράγοντες της ΕΕ στις Βρυξέλλες εδήλωναν πως αυτή η αιφνίδια διακοπή του εφοδιασμού χωρών της ΕΕ είναι 'εντελώς απαράδεκτη'. Ο Γενικός Διευθυντής της Γκαζπρομ Αλεξέι Μίλλερ εξήγησε πως οι κίνδυνοι μεταφοράς μέσω Ουκρανίας παραμένουν, ότι άλλες επιλογές δεν υπάρχουν, η Ρωσία θα με

Banksters and lobbyists unite their puppets for war

by system failure A few days before the crucial elections on 25th of January in Greece, neoliberal dictatorship mechanisms in Europe have mobilized all the means, increasing the known propaganda of fear, as expected. A latest "desperate" move, the trip of the Spanish PM, Mariano Rajoy, to Athens, in order to declare his support to the Greek PM, Antonis Samaras. ( ) Both the Spanish and the Greek PM belong to the neoliberal Right, so, naturally, Rajoy came to support the cruel policies of Samaras, the ones that applied himself to the Spanish people with the same results: poverty, unemployment, social exclusion, and of course, evictions in favor of the banks. The visit of the Spanish PM to Greece, is not accidental at all. It has to do with the rapid rise of the new Leftist party, Podemos, in Spain, which is gaining an increasing power according to all recent p

A unique opportunity for Greece

... as Russia tries to upgrade its geopolitical influence in the East Mediterranean “ Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller has said that the South Stream gas pipeline has been conclusively abolished and the Turkish Stream project has been put on the agenda. Miller was quoted as saying that the EU had to fast-track the construction of infrastructure for receiving gas supplies through the Turkish Stream pipeline. ” “ ' Our European partners have been informed about this and it is their job to create the necessary gas infrastructure to the Greek and Turkish borders,' he explained, according to reports of the BGNES news agency. Asked to comment on the fate of the South Stream gas pipeline, he told journalists that the project had been abolished and that the Turkish Stream project was the only viable route for the delivery of 63 billion cubic meters of gas a year.” “ 'Gazprom is building a strategy of its own based on the plan for the establishment of an EU e