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Apple logs your iMessage contacts — and may share them with police

Apple promises that your iMessage conversations are safe and out of reach from anyone other than you and your friends. But according to a document obtained by The Intercept, your blue-bubbled texts do leave behind a log of which phone numbers you are poised to contact and shares this (and other potentially sensitive metadata) with law enforcement when compelled by court order. Every time you type a number into your iPhone for a text conversation, the Messages app contacts Apple servers to determine whether to route a given message over the ubiquitous SMS system, represented in the app by those déclassé green text bubbles, or over Apple’s proprietary and more secure messaging network, represented by pleasant blue bubbles, according to the document. Apple records each query in which your phone calls home to see who’s in the iMessage system and who’s not. This log also includes the date and time when you entered a number, along with your IP address — which could,

Vivienne Westwood on why the “Rotten Financial System is the Enemy”

Afshin Rattansi goes underground on money and power’s influence on the world. Punk pioneer, fashion designer and activist, with Vivienne Westwood on keynote speech at the opening of the London School of Economics Resist Festival of Ideas and Actions.

Journey to Aleppo: exposing the truth buried under NATO propaganda

The Syrian people are suffering under the ‘moderate rebels’ and ‘opposition forces’ backed by the US, NATO member states and their allies in the Gulf states and Israel. Yet their suffering is largely ignored in the mainstream media unless it furthers the agenda dictated by the State Department. This article is the first in a two-part series of one Western journalist’s journey to Aleppo, a city ravaged by an insurgency supported by the United States, NATO member states, and their allies in the Gulf states and Israel. In Part I, Vanessa Beeley lays out the mainstream narrative on Syria, revealing a neoconservative agenda promoted by NATO-funded NGOs. These NGOs paint the destruction of the historic city as being caused by the Syrian government under Bashar Assad, not the violent armed insurgents which receive arms, funding and training from Western governments and their allies. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] Aleppo has become synonymous wi

NO EURO Foro Internacional

La Coordinación reúne a los partidos políticos y movimientos populares que consideran que los principios de la libertad, la igualdad social y la fraternidad entre los pueblos no son negociables. Es por ello que nos oponemos a la globalización neoliberal, que se basa en dogmas que se encuentran en las antípodas: la sustitución de la democracia por el régimen despótico de la élite oligárquica, el culto de la competencia salvaje y el aumento de la injusticia social, la supresión de la soberanía nacional a favor de los regímenes imperiales. La Unión Europea, con su moneda única, representa el intento más avanzado y peligroso puesto en práctica por la élite oligárquica. La crisis irreversible de la Unión Europea empuja a las clases dominantes a endurecer las políticas de austeridad y anti-populares. No hay manera de reformar esta Unión reaccionaria e imperialista. Hay que demolerla, apoyando todos los movimientos de emancipación social. La coordinación es un lug

Hillary indirectly admits that the US invasion in Iraq was a disaster

A few points from Monday's presidential debate globinfo freexchange As expected, Monday's presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, didn't make us wiser. However, it would be useful to focus on a few moments, anyway. Generally, the rhetoric of the two candidates was based on simple conclusions concerning various US internal problems, which anyone knows and actually experiencing to a much higher degree than themselves. This type of rhetoric, of course, is very usual for the establishment politicians around the globe in our days. For example, you may notice that they frequently used the phrase "we have to ...", or, "we need to ..." deal with (put whatever issue you like in the dots), which actually only identifies the problem, does not provide a solution for it. The debate was full of such generalities. Another example is the phrase of Hillary Clinton that “ We just have a different view about wh