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Στο σφυρί και η Εγνατία Οδός από κυβέρνηση και ΤΑΙΠΕΔ

Το μεγαλύτερο δίκτυο αυτοκινητοδρόμων της χώρας ξεπουλιέται στα ιδιωτικά συμφέροντα του Θανάση Ματθαίου Μέρος 3ο - Ξεπούλημα χωρίς επιχειρήματα από την κυβέρνηση Κατά τις επαφές του ΣΕΤΕΟ τόσο με κυβερνητικούς παράγοντες όσο και με το ΤΑΙΠΕΔ, κανείς από τους σχεδιαστές ή υποστηρικτές της παραχώρησης δεν αντέκρουσε τα τεκμηριωμένα επιχειρήματα των εργαζομένων. Να μας πει, έστω, ότι κάτι από όσα λέμε και προβάλλουμε δεν είναι σωστό, ότι με την παραχώρηση το όφελος του Δημοσίου θα είναι μεγαλύτερο. Αντίθετα, έγινε σαφές σε όλους μας ότι η μόνη αιτιολόγηση της παραχώρησης είναι οι οδηγίες της επιτροπείας και οι πιέσεις των μονοπωλιακών ομίλων. Τίποτα περισσότερο, τίποτα λιγότερο! Θα πρέπει να αναφερθεί, επίσης, ότι κατά τη διαδικασία έγκρισης της παρούσας Διοίκησης της Εγνατία Οδός Α.Ε. από την αρμόδια επιτροπή της Βουλής τον Γενάρη του 2016, τόσο ο Υπουργός κ. Σπίρτζης όσο και η προτεινόμενη Διοίκηση (Πρόεδρος και Δ/νουσα Σύμβουλος) παρουσίασαν ξεκάθαρες

UN feigns outrage over Ghouta while terrorist rockets rain down on Damascus

Eva Bartlett breaks down the dizzying array of information surrounding the mounting humanitarian crisis in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta. With accusations abound, parsing the reality on the ground is becoming more challenging by the day. by Eva Bartlett Part 5 - Targeting of Afrin civilians met with relative silence While UNICEF on January 26 noted having received “alarming reports” regarding children’s deaths in Afrin, it hasn’t thus far expressed outrage at the Turkish murder of civilians in the northwestern Syrian town. On February 20, SANA reported: “ Entering its 32nd day, the Turkish aggression continues to claim more civilian casualties and causing material damage to properties. Medical sources at Afrin Hospital told SANA that so far, 175 civilians were killed and more than 450 civilians, most of them children and women, were injured due to the continued assault on civilians’ houses and infrastructure. ” Contrast the nonspecific and tame title of the January 26 UNI

Intelligence Veterans warn of risk of US - Iran conflict based on false pretexts

As President Donald Trump prepares to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, a group of U.S. intelligence veterans offers corrections to a number of false accusations that have been leveled against Iran. by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: War With Iran Part 5 – Getting Snookered Into War We believe that the mounting Iran hysteria evident in the U.S. media and reflected in Beltway groupthink has largely been generated by Saudi Arabia and Israel, who nurture their own aspirations for regional political and military supremacy. There are no actual American vital interests at stake and it is past time to pause and take a step backwards to consider what those interests actually are in a region that has seen nothing but disaster since 2003. Countering an assumed Iranian threat that is minimal and triggering a

Next stage of Net Neutrality conflict begins

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers Part 5 - People Will Ensure the Internet Serves Us All Equally The paths we are on in the courts, Congress and the states are challenging, but every step this campaign takes builds the political power of the Internet equality movement. The Internet movement is never going to give up on its demand for net neutrality, as well as related issues of equal access to high quality broadband for all, no matter your level of wealth or income. We need to build an Internet for the 21st Century. The reign of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will be seen as an era of regression. In the end, we will strive for the country to recognize access to high quality Internet is a human right and a public good. Pai’s backward steps will be used to launch us to an even stronger future where we create a public broadband system that serves people, not corporate profits. Join our Internet campaign Protect Our Internet and take action today at Battle for the Ne

Three key steps through which the Western neo-colonialists destroy and conquer entire nations

Washington, the metropolitan heart of neoliberal hegemony, has numerous methods of convincing reluctant developing nations to accept its neighborly advice. To be sure, the goal of modern colonialism is to find a pretext to intervene in a country, to restore by other means the extractive relations that first brought wealth to the colonial north. The most common pretexts for intervention depict the target nation in three distinct fashions. First, as an economic basket case, a condition often engineered by the West in what is sometimes called, “ creating facts on the ground. ” By sanctioning the target economy, Washington can “ make the economy scream, ” to using war criminal Henry Kissinger’s elegant phrasing. Iran, Syria, and Venezuela are relevant examples here. Second, the West funds violent opposition to the government, producing unrest, often violent riots of the kind witnessed in Dara, Kiev, and Caracas. The goal is either to capsize a tottering admin