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How ‘Bernie Bros’ were invented, then smeared as sexist, racist and unAmerican as borscht

 by Jonathan Cook Part 8 - Antisemitism smear at the ready There is a final use of weaponised identity politics that the Democratic establishment would dearly love to use against Sanders, if they need to and can get away with it. It is the most toxic brand – and therefore the most effective – of the identity-based smears, and it has been extensively field-tested in the UK against Jeremy Corbyn to great success. The DNC would like to denounce Sanders as an antisemite. In fact, only one thing has held them back till now: the fact that Sanders is Jewish. That may not prove an insuperable obstacle, but it does make it much harder to make the accusation look credible. The other identity-based smears had been a second-best, a make-do until a way could be found to unleash the antisemitism smear. The establishment has been testing the waters with implied accusations of antisemitism against Sanders for a while, but their chances were given a fillip recently when Sanders refused to par

Dear Berners: Dementia Joe is how much “your” party HATES you

by Paul Street Part 7 - No Killer Instinct Maybe someone should have started a petition to Bernie saying something like this: “ Dear Senator Sanders, if you don’t bring up Joe Biden’s clear and obvious dementia in your next debate and in your campaign from now on, we demand the return of our contributions to your campaign. Your continuing silence on this matter will be proof that you have no serious intention of winning the nomination. ” Not that Sanders would have done the right thing. He doesn’t seem to have the killer instinct required to prevail. He’s too polite and intimidated by the Democratic establishment. You can bet “Honey Badger” Trump won’t hold back on Biden’s dementia.  He’s already locked in on “Sleepy Joe’s” palpable mental deterioration, which the Democratic establishment now insists on tossing down Orwell’s memory hole even as Biden’s memory card fades further in plain, nationally televised sight. One thing you can’t say about Trump, who Noam Choms

Νεοφιλελευθερισμός: Ο καπιταλισμός της παρακμής και η δημόσια υγεία

«Αν υπάρξουν απολύσεις γιατρών στον ΕΟΠΥ, σας παρακαλώ αυτό δεν θέλω να το χρεωθεί η τρόικα, δεν θέλω να μου παίρνει την δόξα ο Τόμσεν για τα αυτονόητα. Οι αποφάσεις είναι δικές μου» (Άδωνις  Γεωργιάδης, 13/11/2013)  του Λεωνίδα Καρίγιαννη Μέρος 3ο - Αποτελέσματα μείωσης της χρηματοδότησης Από το 2011, στο σύνολό τους οι οργανισμοί που υπάγονται στο Υπουργείο Υγείας αναγκάστηκαν να περιορίσουν τον ετήσιο προϋπολογισμό τους κατά 45%. Ενδεικτικά στον Κρατικό Προϋπολογισμό του 2014, έγινε  μείωση της χρηματοδότησης των δημοσίων νοσοκομείων κατά 32%, του ΕΟΠΥΥ κατά 30% και της φαρμακευτικής δαπάνης κατά 15%. Επίσης, η αύξηση της συμμετοχής των ασφαλισμένων στις δαπάνες για φαρμακευτική περίθαλψη από το 9% έφτασε στο 27% τα τελευταία  χρόνια.   Μέχρι σήμερα, υπάρχουν  σημαντικά ελλείμματα σε ιατρικό και νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό, καθώς και σε υλικοτεχνικές υποδομές, καθώς δεν είναι λίγοι οι φορείς που είτε καταργήθηκαν, είτε έπαυσε η χρηματοδότηση τους από το Δημόσιο. 

Ξώπετσοι μαυραγορίτες και πλιατσικολόγοι

του Ανδρέα Κοσιάρη Η μόνιμη επωδός των τελευταίων ημερών φαίνεται να είναι πως κανένας σε αυτή τη χώρα δεν επιτρέπεται να κάνει κριτική στην κυβέρνηση, τα στελέχη της και τη διαχείριση της κρίσης του κορονοϊού.  Ούτε οι γιατροί που διακινδυνεύουν την υγεία τους καθημερινά χωρίς τα απαραίτητα μέτρα προστασίας, ούτε η αντιπολίτευση, ούτε οι πολίτες· και βέβαια δεν πρέπει και δεν επιτρέπεται να κριτικάρουν ούτε οι γελοιογράφοι, ούτε καν οι δημοσιογράφοι. Ακόμα κι η Όλγα Τρέμη, που δεν θα μπορούσε να διεκδικήσει δάφνες ανεξάρτητης από την εξουσία δημοσιογραφίας, το κατάλαβε στο πετσί της μιλώντας στη δημόσια, άκυρο, κρατική Μητσοτακική ΕΡΤ με τον Κωστή Χατζηδάκη. Η τακτική αποσιώπησης κάθε κριτικής φωνής εν μέσω μιας κρίσης με πρόσχημα κάποια φαντασιακή «ομοψυχία», δεν είναι καινούρια ούτε εφεύρεση της κυβέρνησης της Νέας Δημοκρατίας. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα υπήρξε η πλήρης απουσία κριτικής – και το κυνήγι όσων τόλμησαν να την εκφράσουν – στα πρώτα χρόνια μετά την 11η Σεπτ

Refusal of Assange’s bail request condemned

A decision to refuse a bail request filed by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in light of the highly contagious coronavirus has been harshly criticised especially because of his weak physical health. Assange, who is in a British jail pending his extradition trial to the US, had filed an emergency bail application on the basis of his deteriorating health condition. This, however, was denied – a move that was slammed by the International Federation of Journalists. The request was made as the UK registered the first prison coronavirus death on Sunday – an 84-year-old male inmate at HMP Littlehey who suffered from respiratory problems before contracting the disease. As of this week, 19 inmates had tested positive for Covid-19 across 10 British jails and four prison staff had tested positive for the disease across four jails. Three prisoner escort and custody services staff have also tested positive for coronavirus. Wikileaks editor-in-chief Kristin Hrafnsson also condemned

Gabbard didn't say the only thing that could probably justify her endorsement for Biden, and Bernie shouldn't make the same mistake again

globinfo freexchange Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic disrupted the Democratic primaries process, we have already a clear picture regarding the candidates with a progressive profile that have now dropped nomination. And the masks from the most promising cases of candidates that could eventually join the progressive movement under Bernie Sanders, have finally fallen. Quite early in the race, and probably even before the beginning of the process, Elizabeth Warren has shown in multiple cases that she is actually a pseudo-progressive with a mission to split the progressive vote.  Andrew Yang would never abandon capitalism for any form of Socialism. And his UBI plan as the central aspect of his political agenda, would have only implemented to save the capitalist system from self-collapse due to the enormous challenges that the human societies and the planet are already confronting. The last case, was probably the most promising. Yet, Tulsi Gabbard finally decide

Capitalism evolves into a giant clusterfuck

failed evolution Coronavirus came to give the final blow to a system that was already spinning out of control. Here are three videos (just a sample) of the non-linear, chaotic trajectory that the capitalist system now follows: AND We are now at the point where no one seems to know what the hell is going on and how to fix this broken system.

US government threatens families of International Criminal Court staff if they try Americans for war crimes

The International Criminal Court approved an investigation into US war crimes in Afghanistan. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded by threatening to punish family members of ICC staff. by Ben Norton Part 3 - US State Department imposes new sanctions on Iran and Syria as deadly coronavirus spreads Denigrating the Iranian government as “terrorists” in his State Department press briefing, Mike Pompeo declared new sanctions on the social security investment company of Iran’s military, along with five Iranian nuclear scientists. Moreover, Pompeo announced State Department sanctions on nine more entities, in South Africa, Hong Kong, and China, for doing business with Iran. He also unveiled new sanctions on Syria’s minister of defense, citing the Syrian army’s battle to retake Idlib, the last remaining insurgent-held territory in the country, which is occupied by a rebranded al-Qaeda affiliate and other extremist Salafi-jihadists, backed by NATO member Turkey.

Amid coronavirus pandemic, Bolsonaro’s Brazil begs for Cuban doctors – after expelling them

Brazil’s far-right government requested the return of thousands of Cuban doctors to help fight the coronavirus. Months ago, President Jair Bolsonaro smeared the doctors as “terrorists” and expelled them. by Ben Norton Part 4 - Ecuador outsources coronavirus tests and rams through neoliberal reforms While countries around the world are seeking medical help from Cuba to contain the coronavirus, Washington’s allies in Latin America are failing to meet the basic needs of their populations. The US-backed, right-wing government of Lenín Moreno in Ecuador, which has joined Brazil and Colombia in supporting the Trump administration’s coup efforts against Venezuela and attempting to politically and economically isolate Cuba, decided to outsource coronavirus testing to private for-profit corporations. Ecuadorian companies are charging $250 to $300 per coronavirus test — in a country where the minimum wage is just $400 per month. At the same time, the repressive Moreno administ

Italy and UK rely on help from Cuba, China, Venezuela to fight coronavirus – as US steps up brutal sanctions

Italy requested doctors from China, Cuba, and Venezuela to contain the coronavirus, while Cuba rescued a ship of British citizens. Meanwhile, US sanctions worsen the toll of the Covid-19 crisis in Iran and Venezuela. by Ben Norton Part 4 - US fights for control of potential coronavirus treatment and vaccine While Cuba, China, and Venezuela — countries targeted by US economic warfare — are helping the world contain the coronavirus outbreak, Washington itself is working overtime to monopolize any potential treatments, so it can profit from them. A California-based pharmaceutical corporation, Gilead Sciences, has developed an experimental drug that medical experts think could potentially treat coronavirus. The Chinese government’s Wuhan Institute of Virology applied for a patent so it can produce this drug, which is called remdesivir. But the US company has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent Beijing from being able to manufacture it. Why? Because Gilead Scien