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How one of Big Pharma’s most corrupt companies plans to corner the COVID-19 cure market

One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the united states, with troubling ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks and opioid crisis, is set to profit handsomely from the current coronavirus crisis. by Whitney Webb and Raul Diego Part 13 - Corning the COVID-19 market Emergent’s history of corruption and profiteering has in no way prevented them from cashing in on the COVID-19 global health crisis. On March 10, Emergent announced a partnership with Novavax to produce a COVID-19 vaccine, a vaccine also backed by the Bill Gates-backed Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). CEPI had previously partnered with Emergent Biosolutions, giving them over $60 million in 2018. Emergent further expanded its partnership with NovaVax on March 31. Just 8 days after partnering with Novavax, Emergent partnered with yet another producer of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate, VaxArt. Unlike the Emergent-Novavax vaccine, the vaccine candidate co-prod

Κεραυνοί Ραγκούση κατά του Μητσοτακικού καθεστώτος για το μέγα σκάνδαλο Novartis

Μια μέρα, η Νovartis, θα χρησιμοποιήσει αυτά που λέτε για να μην υποχρεωθεί σε αποζημιώσεις για το σκάνδαλο και τη ζημία που προκάλεσε στο Δημόσιο. H θεωρία της "σκευωρίας" είναι το καλύτερο χαρτί που θα επικαλεστεί για να μην αποζημιώσει τον ελληνικό λαό Σε υψηλούς τόνους πραγματοποιήθηκαν παρεμβάσεις των βουλευτών του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-μελών της Προανακριτικής Επιτροπής στην υπόθεση Παπαγγελόπουλου-Novartis κατά τη συζήτηση στην ολομέλεια της Βουλής που διεξάγεται υπό τους περιορισμούς της πανδημίας και με έκτακτα μέτρα στην αίθουσα του κοινοβουλίου.  Μεγάλη ένταση προκλήθηκε στην ομιλία του Γιάννη Ραγκούση, ο οποίος κατηγόρησε τη Νέα Δημοκρατία ότι όχι μόνο χρησιμοποίησε απόρρητο υλικό από την Προανακριτική Επιτροπή για την πρόταση διεύρυνσης του κατηγορητηρίου αλλά το χρησιμοποίησε αποσπασματικά, κάνοντας λόγο για μεγάλη ανηθικότητα. Στο σημείο εκείνο απευθύνθηκε στο Θάνο Πλεύρη προσωπικά λέγοντάς του ότι στην ομιλία του παρέθεσε ένα μέρος μόνο της φράσης της Ξένης Δημη

Revealed: Secretive British unit planning for ‘reconstruction’ of Venezuela

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act have exposed a secretive Foreign Office unit aimed at the ‘reconstruction’ of Venezuela. The files also reveal private discussions between Venezuelan opposition figures and UK officials, detailing proposals for the promotion of British business after a planned coup. Over the past 16 months, the UK government has consistently supported Venezuelan opposition figure Juan Guaidó’s attempts to topple the elected government of president Nicolás Maduro. In late January 2019, for example, the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) urged the Bank of England to grant Guaidó access to £1.2bn of Venezuelan gold reserves. The Department for International Development (DFID) has also pledged some £40m of ‘humanitarian assistance’ to Venezuela, but it has refused to reveal where this assistance is going. In January 2020, Guaidó travelled to London to meet with UK government officials and shore up international support for his

Naomi Klein on how healthcare industry & Silicon Valley plan to profit from coronavirus crisis

Democracy Now! As the top infectious disease expert testifies to the Senate that needless death and suffering could result from reopening too quickly, author and journalist Naomi Klein says a “pandemic shock doctrine” is beginning to emerge. The U.S. healthcare industry "sees a potential bonanza" in the coronavirus, she says, which represents "a win for them.”  She also details how our lives could be transformed into a “living laboratory for a permanent — and highly profitable — no-touch future" that benefits tech companies providing the so-called solutions to the crisis, including in healthcare, education and surveillance.

COVID-19 exposes the generational injustices that demand reparations

The Real News Network Generations of racism created the conditions that made African Americans more susceptible to COVID-19, and reparations are the way to address that injustice.

Οι καπιταλιστές απλώνουν και πάλι το χέρι ζητώντας κρατικό χρήμα

globinfo freexchange Βλέπουμε ξανά το χιλιοπαιγμένο έργο της πιο απατηλής ιδεολογίας. Πριν από κάθε είδους κρίση, οι νεοφιλελεύθεροι καπιταλιστές εξυμνούν την ελεύθερη αγορά και καταριούνται το κακό κράτος που αποτελεί εμπόδιο ενάντια στον θρίαμβο της "επιχειρηματικότητας". Όταν όμως σκάσει μια μεγάλη κρίση, τρέχουν στο κράτος και ζητάνε λεφτά, κρατώντας σε ομηρία τους εργαζόμενους που ήδη έχουν γονατίζει με πετσοκομμένους μισθούς, ελαστικά ωράρια, απαράδεκτες συνθήκες εργασίας σε πολλές περιπτώσεις. Και όλα αυτά, πάντα υπό τη δαμόκλειο σπάθη της απόλυσης. Έτσι και τώρα, όλες οι μεγάλες αεροπορικές εταιρίες άπλωσαν το χέρι για κρατικό χρήμα λόγω της κρίσης της πανδημίας. Και η Aegean δεν θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει εξαίρεση. Και φυσικά, τέτοιες εταιρίες έχουν τον απόλυτα δικό τους άνθρωπο στην απόλυτα δικιά τους κυβέρνηση, καθώς ο Κωστής Χατζηδάκης βρίσκεται στον σκληρό πυρήνα της νεοφιλελεύθερης φράξιας που κάνει κουμάντο στην κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη.   Το 200

The neoliberal machine mocks Millennials and Gen Xers through a documentary about Bernie's awful mistreatment by the corporate media!

globinfo freexchange Now that the "Bernie Sanders" threat for the establishment has been neutralized (for a second time), the neoliberal machine is free to pretend that it cares about the truth. Kyle Kulinski speaks about a new documentary by VICE about the media bias against Bernie Sanders. Although the doc trailer is pretty impressive, Kulinski starts with a pretty remarkable argument he saw on Twitter:                          Credit to VICE. Thank you for this documentary. Curious how it released after Bernie dropped out.  Kulinski finds that the mainstream media still have enough power to neutralize an undesirable candidate, as they did with Bernie, despite the fact that most of the people don't trust them. He also explains the demographics of this year's race for the leadership of the Democratic party. As he supports, Millennials and Gen Xers overwhelmingly supported Bernie Sanders against the Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation

Bezos to become world’s first trillionaire as unemployment races to 20%

Secular Talk By the year 2026 Jeff Bezos will be the world's first trillionaire. At the same time, 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. More than half of workers in America make 30,000 dollars a year or less. Related: Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk among the biggest billionaire profiteers of the COVID-19 pandemic

New court files expose Sheldon Adelson’s security team in US spy operation against Julian Assange

An exclusive investigation by The Grayzone reveals new details on the critical role Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands played in an apparent CIA spying operation targeting Julian Assange, and exposes the Sands security staff who helped coordinate the malicious campaign. by Max Blumenthal “ I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. ” –Mike Pompeo, College Station, TX, April 15, 2019 Part 1 As the co-founder of a small security consulting firm called UC Global, David Morales spent years slogging through the minor leagues of the private mercenary world. A former Spanish special forces officer, Morales yearned to be the next Erik Prince, the Blackwater founder who leveraged his army-for-hire into high-level political connections across the globe. But by 2016, he had secured just one significant contract, to guard the children of Ecuador’s then-President Rafael Correa and his country’s embassy in the UK. The London embassy contract proved especially valuabl

How big wireless lobbied governments to build 5G for citizen data collection and surveillance

While selling 5G technology to the public as a means for faster downloads, Big Wireless — comprising a web of telecom companies, lobbyists and law firms– is spending millions to lobby governments the world over to implement the next generation of cellular technology because of its potential for data collection and surveillance of citizens. by Derrick Broze  Part 2 - What is 5g? Over the last couple years telecom companies and governments have spent billions of dollars promoting, marketing, and building the next generation of telecom technology, known as 5G, or 5th Generation. The telecom companies involved in various aspects of the 5G rollout include Crowd Castle, American Tower, and Towerstream on the infrastructure side, and Comcast, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T on the internet/mobile service provider side. Beginning with the introduction of 1G in 1979, a new generation of cellular standards has appeared approximately every ten years. Each generation is ch