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The OAS accusation of electoral fraud against Evo Morales is bullshit — and now we have the data to prove it

The day after the Bolivian election, the Organization of American States suggested the result was fraudulent — then took months to provide any proof. Last month, it finally released its data — and researchers at the Center for Economic and Policy Research found a basic coding error that destroys the OAS’s case against Morales. by David Rosnick  Part 4 - The OAS Final Audit The OAS analyses have been notable for a steadfast refusal to consider such intra-geographic differences, presuming — contrary to all evidence — that a candidate’s support should be more or less uniform throughout the count. The OAS final audit report on December 4 was explicitly biased in casting doubt on Morales’s first-round victory. The audit team expressly looked for irregularities on tally sheets that heavily favored Morales — justifying this selective search based on alleged statistical evidence that Morales’s victory was “inexplicable.” However, the statistical evidence presented in the OAS a

How traitor Moreno betrayed Ecuador and Julian Assange

George Galloway George Galloway and Fidel Narvaez, former Ecuadorian Consul, discuss the gross injustices faced by Julian Assange.  Narvaez was instrumental in securing asylum for Julian Assange, and became his friend over the several years he stayed at the embassy.

Democrats campaigning to keep Green Party off the ballot in key swing states

Voter shaming did not work for the Democrats in 2016 and with this latest attempt to bar the Green Party from even standing, Democrats are choosing a high-risk strategy that could backfire on election day. by Alan Macleod The 2020 presidential election is already underway — or, at least, it should be. Because of an ongoing legal battle, none of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties will be sending out mail-in ballots today like they were originally scheduled to. Democrats are attempting to remove Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins from the ballot because of an alleged procedural mistake his running mate Angela Walker made when informing election authorities about a change in her South Carolina address. A similar battle is raging between the two parties in Wisconsin, another key battleground state. That such a minor procedural error could, in effect, disbar an entire political party from running might be news to many Americans. It is also a charge the Green Party strenuo

Behind the dystopian show trial of Julian Assange, an assault on journalism

Moderate Rebels Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak about the dystopian show trial going on against political prisoner Julian Assange with journalist Kevin Gosztola, who is covering the UK court hearings to potentially extradite the WikiLeaks publisher to the US. Today in the Old Bailey I watched the grim farce of the US/UK attempt to extradite Julian #Assange . The bullying prosecutor is reduced to insulting the integrity of expert witnesses. Trapped behind glass, Julian is denied free access to his barrister. This is Britain's shame. — John Pilger (@johnpilger) September 14, 2020

Ex-Brazilian President Lula Da Silva: The US never accepted Brazil as an international player

Going Underground Afshin Rattansi speaks with former President of Brazil Lula Da Silva, credited with lifting 20 million of his fellow Brazilians out of poverty and into education. He discusses the Coronavirus pandemic and slams the response of the Jair Bolsonaro government, the role of Cuban doctors in the fight against Coronavirus, the reason why he is not President of Brazil and why Jair Bolsonaro is in power.  The role of the US State Department, CIA and Department of Justice in removing the PT from power and in what he calls the coup against Dilma Rousseff. The alleged corruption of judge Sergio Morro and Deltan Dallagnol, the achievements of his administration in alleviating hunger and poverty and the rise of poverty and hunger again in Brazil.  Brazil’s foreign policy under him and the US’ refusal to accept Brazil as an international player, the attempts to extradite Julian Assange to the United States and the oligarchic media structure in Brazil.

Sanders supporters strike surprise blow against Rhode Island's Democratic establishment

The Real News Network Progressives in Rhode Island explain how grassroots organizers, inspired by Bernie and AOC, defeated the state's powerful Democratic machine.

US govt-linked PR firm ran fake news networks for right-wing Latin American regimes

A Washington, DC-based PR firm linked to the US government and Democratic Party, CLS Strategies, ran a fake news network on Facebook and Instagram, spreading propaganda for Bolivia’s coup regime and the right-wing opposition in Venezuela and Mexico. by Ben Norton Part 3 - US infowarriors pose as Venezuelan soldiers and call for rebellion The majority of the Facebook pages in this CLS Strategies-led fake news ring published boilerplate conservative propaganda, with names like “Undone with Socialism” and “Die Oppression – Free Venezuela.” But some of the accounts were more sophisticated disinformation operations, targeting disaffected leftists and even falsely posing as Venezuelan soldiers. One CLS-run page, titled “Chavista FAN,” posed as a member of the Venezuelan military who had supported late socialist President Hugo Chávez but lost faith in current President Nicolás Maduro.  This was echoed by another Facebook page, “Liberatory Soldiers,” which falsely clai

How Amazon raised prices to profit from the pandemic

 by Alex Harman Part 1 - Key Findings     Amazon set prices of products during the COVID-19 pandemic to levels that would be considered violations of price gouging laws in many states.     Amazon has misled the public, law enforcement, and policymakers about price increases during the pandemic.     Numerous examples of price increases were found on essential products on, some as much as 1,000% over the expected price.     Amazon publicly blamed so-called third-party sellers for price increases while continuing to allow third-party sellers to increase their prices.     The facts in this report demonstrate the need for a federal price gouging law, and for Amazon to reform pricing and product listing practices. Source, links, references: [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ]

Yes, “Socialism or Extinction” is exactly the choice we face

Extinction Rebellion leaders have dismissed the idea that protests for climate action have anything to do with “socialist ideology.” But refusing to take political positions — and to relate green politics to the interests of the social majority — will reduce environmentalism to an ineffective moral protest. by Mark Montegriffo Part 3 - For Clarity But this also leaves XR open to other, dangerous influences. I was myself one of the admins behind Extinction Rebellion’s social media presence, and saw instances where activists, or individuals posing as activists, have disseminated eco-fascist propaganda. On occasion, we would receive messages asking whether this was official Extinction Rebellion material. Having to clarify that your group is not in favor of population control laws is probably an indication that the politics of the movement is not as clear as it could be. The process of ideological and political clarity can develop over time for a movement, through internal

The war on you: How the Pentagon is militarizing social control

Neoliberalism benefits the few and makes life for the many increasingly impossible. Big data and blanket surveillance give state and corporate intelligence confidence that they can pre-empt and manage mass, social reactions to neoliberalism. This article is an excerpt from my new book, The War on You . by T.J. Coles Part 1 - TARGET: “EVERYONE” In 1997, the U.S. Space Command published its Vision for 2020. The Vision says that military force is necessary to “protect” U.S. trade and investment. Colonial forces repelled Native American attacks, Navies enforced sea-based commerce, the Air Force had the advantage of the “high ground.”  In modern times, space is an additional domain of warfare. The technologies that we take for granted—cargo tankers, computers, e-commerce, drones, GPS, the internet, jet aircraft, touchscreens, and the satellites that make these things possible—were developed in the military sector with public treasure before their transfer to private, for-pr