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Cuba resists new phase of US hybrid war

Moderate Rebels   Moderate Rebels discuss how the US govt laid the groundwork for unrest in Cuba, the Biden administration's escalation of the economic war, and what Cuba is like today, with Havana-based journalist Cristina Escobar.  

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The bombs send a message to the world

The Real News Network   Peter Kuznick (co-author with Oliver Stone of The Untold History of the Unites States): The atomic bomb did not end the war with Japan, it was a threat to the Soviet Union that the US would dominate the post-war world.  

New York goes nuclear at the possibility of a Socialist mayor

Redacted Tonight   After India Walton, a democratic socialist, won Buffalo's DNC mayoral primary the city's ruling class took some radical steps to stop her. 

Meet Toka, the most dangerous Israeli spyware firm you’ve never heard of

The mainstream media’s myopic focus on Israel’s Pegasus spyware and the threats it poses means that other companies, like Toka, go uninvestigated,  even when their products present an even greater potential for abuse and illegal surveillance. by Whitney Webb Part 3 - Toka — born out of Israel’s national security state   The company was co-founded by Ehud Barak, Alon Kantor, Kfir Waldman and retired IDF Brigadier General Yaron Rosen. Rosen, the firm’s founding CEO and now co-CEO, is the former Chief of the IDF’s cyber staff, where he was “ the lead architect of all [IDF] cyber activities, ” including those executed by Israeli military intelligence Unit 8200. Alon Kantor is the former Vice President of Business Development for Check Point Software, a software and hardware company founded by Unit 8200 veterans. Kfir Waldman is the former CEO of Go Arc and a former Director of Engineering at technology giant Cisco. Cisco is a leader in the field of Internet of Things devices and IoT cybers

COVID-19: Why liberals suddenly love the lab leak theory

The lab leak theory bears a striking resemblance to the WMD hoax of 2002, not only in the fact that one of its key players is literally the same journalist using potentially the same anonymous sources, but also in the bipartisan political and media support it enjoys. by Alan Macleod  Part 4 - Ignoring the science A large majority of the public now believe COVID-19 started in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Last month, more than three times as many Americans told pollster YouGov that the theory was true than said it was false. Some 83% of Americans also support punishing China if the lab leak is proven correct, including by sanctioning it and forcing it to pay reparations to the dead or affected — something that could bankrupt the country almost overnight. This is music to the neocons’ ears, who likely can barely believe that so many progressive, anti-war voices are going along with their theory. What is striking about the tone and outlook of the media coverage of the lab leak theory i

How the GameStop hustle worked

How hedge funds and brokers have manipulated the market   by Lucy Komisar   Part 6 - Other Scam Tactics   A married put is a legal options trading strategy where an investor in a stock buys a put (an option to sell) on the same stock, to protect against depreciation in the stock’s price. Crooked hedge funds will simultaneously purchase puts from a market maker and buy shares of an equal number. In this way, the hedge fund obtains “phantom” shares from the market maker, which can be used to cover old positions or to sell on the market to suppress the price. The SEC in 2003 expressed concern that “ [s]ome strategies may involve the manipulative sale of securities underlying a married put as part of a scheme to drive the market price down and later profit by purchasing the securities at a depressed price. ” It called them “sham transactions” which might violate the SEC’s anti-fraud and anti-manipulation provisions. This appears to have been at work in GME, according to the Superstonk user

The notorious London spy school churning out many of the world’s top journalists

The fact that the very department that trains high state officials and agents of secretive three letter agencies is also the place that produces many of the journalists we rely on to stand up to those officials and keep them in check is seriously problematic.   by Alan Macleod   Part 8 - An unhealthy respect for authority   Unfortunately, rather than challenging power, many modern media outlets amplify its message uncritically. State officials and intelligence officers are among the least trustworthy sources, journalistically speaking. Yet many of the biggest stories in recent years have been based on nothing except the hearsay of officials who would not even put their names to their claims. The level of credulity modern journalists have for the powerful was summed up by former CNN White House Correspondent Michelle Kosinski, who last month stated that: As an American journalist, you never expect:         Your own govt to lie to you, repeatedly         Your own govt to hide information

Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment

A maj­or wit­n­ess in the United States’ Depart­ment of Justice ca­se against Ju­li­an Assange has admitted to fabricat­ing key accusati­ons in the indict­ment against the Wiki­leaks found­er.   Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson / Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson  Part 5 - Icelandic officials deceived by the US   Towards the end of August, Thordarson was being pursued by WikiLeaks staff who wished to locate the proceeds of online sales of WikiLeaks merchandise. It emerged Thordarson had instructed the funds be sent to his private bank account by forging an email in the name of Julian Assange. Thordarson saw a way out and on August 23d he sent an email to the US Embassy in Iceland offering information in relation to a criminal investigation. He was replied to with a call and confirmed that he was offering to be an informant in the case against Julian Assange. The prosecutors and FBI were quick in responding and within 48 hrs a private jet landed in Reykjavik with around eight agents who quickly set

It's over: corporate neoliberal pseudo-Left takes over Sanders' "Our Revolution" - Time for a third, grassroots party

globinfo freexchange   Back to zero. Back to the corrupted, failed, obsolete, destructive neoliberalism. US corporate establishment played every dirty game to get rid of Bernie Sanders and take over Justice Democrats and Our Revolution. They did it.    The rebranding of Our Revolution into "pragmatic progressives" is all you need to know to understand that the corporate power has eventually crushed the progressive momentum. The neoliberal component of the corporate America, the Clintonian machine and the establishment of the Democratic party is actually giving the finger to the progressive movement. It tells progressives to sit down and be quiet. No significant change is going to come.   The message is brought to you by the most official channels of the neoliberal establishment:                                  Rather than insisting on “Medicare for All” — Sanders’ trademark universal, government-funded health care plan — or the climate-change-fighting Green New Deal, Our Re

UN rapporteur: 'What Israel uses against Palestinians is used against the world Tomorrow’

Going Underground   The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories discusses the postponement of the Palestinian elections and the difficulty of holding elections under Israeli occupation. How Israel’s illegal settlements are the ‘engine’ for the occupation. War crimes committed by Israel in the 11-day bombing of Gaza. The NSO Pegasus Project leaks, and much more.