by system
Merkel's visit in Athens, mainstream media flooded, as expected, by
more or less triumphal comments, with only few exceptions of
different opinions which were allowed in the name of the supposed
reliable information.
From the
first moment of her visit as representative of the European
neoliberal economic empire, it was like all problems were magically
vanished: homeless who searching garbage for food disappeared,
poverty was beaten, unemployment rate dropped to single digits and
the only thing that Greece has to do is to prepare for the millions
of tourists who are about to come and borrow from international
speculators at low interest!
The German
chancellor said many things (more or less expected), but it would be
worth to focus on a phrase which shows her intentions: "I
come from an electoral periphery which was marked by the reunion
phase of east and west Germany. Many occupations that were necessary
sometime, suddenly were not. Thus, I do have a picture of the weight
that you carry in your country".
Merkel wants
to "unload the weight" by offering "earth and water"
to the German big capital. If someone wants to see an example, could
only have to take a look at the relatively recent past and how former
West Germany behaved against former East Germany, with the fast and
massive privatizations and companies that passed into the hands of
the West Germany's economic elite under ridiculous prices. German
oligarchs are organizing a new "Treuhand" throughout
Europe. Other multinationals will follow to take advantage, and
preparing for big party on potential oil and natural gas fields.
The latest
bill voted by the very thin majority of the Greek parliament opened
the road for good. The experiment in Greece is about to end according
to the plan and the timeline was verified also by the IMF director of
the European department, Reza Moghadam, who stated that, it is likely
that Greece may need further help from the eurozone over the next two
years, thus until the end of Samaras administration, so that the last
phase of the experiment to be completed, including the sell off of
state property and shrinking of the minimum wage at 300 euros.
No one
should have illusions. The armies of economists of the "new
economy", were presenting improved economic indexes as an answer
to those who were criticizing neoliberal policies of IMF in various
countries. However, development indexes that supposedly improve the
economic situation of a country, are only related to the high profits
of the big companies and banks and not to the improvement of the
conditions in people's lives which are getting worse.
However, in
the case of the Greek experiment, the anxiety of the economic
murderers to present a "success story" in any case, is more
than obvious since in this case even the numbers expose them. Thus,
they created a false "primary surplus" and a "return
to markets", as an answer to the obvious destruction, because
they have to persuade, somehow, the rest of the eurozone to adopt
such policies, so that the experiment not to be restricted to Greece.
what the neoliberal dictatorship fears most now, is an "accident"
in the oncoming euro elections that may be proved catastrophic for
the completion of the experiment. The systemic establishment in
Greece has already prepared the scenery for a possible coalition
between the neoliberal Right party Nea Dimokratia and the neo-nazi
party Golden Dawn, in case that the rest of the systemic parties will
not be able to regain power. At the same time, politics of fear and
blackmail are in the front line:
"parrots" who reproduce the systemic propaganda, insist to
speak about the new age, the new economy. However, the fact that for
the first time an economically developed area is being tested through
the current experiment, is in reality the only innovation that
someone can find. For the rest, not only nothing new can be found,
but on the contrary, Europe walks backwards to the Feudalism and
Machiavellianism of the 21st century guided by Merkel, something that
someone could call as "Merkiavellianism".
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