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Showing posts with the label Biden

Already started: Biden's warhawks rush to prepare ground for a war with Iran within the year

globinfo freexchange   A year ago we pointed out that the US imperialists will probably start a war with Iran as soon as possible after the 2020 presidential election. They will rush to do it because they don't want to give Iran enough time to build nuclear weapons.    We wrote that the deep state won't find difficult to drag any weak establishment Democrat into another war, by orchestrating some typical false flag operations. And we estimated that the deep state has scheduled to start a war with Iran sometime between the mid February and mid March of 2021.  And our estimation is remarkably close to the timeline that appears to be set by Biden's warhawks.   According to recent statements by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, " Iran could be weeks away from producing enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon if it continues to lift restraints installed by the 2015 nuclear deal. Blinken noted that he has not yet seen the actual intelligence, but public report

The liberal machine tests Americans, confirms major divisions in favor of the capitalist elites

globinfo freexchange   A recent CBS News poll confirms major divisions among the US working class, something that serves perfectly the capitalist elites. One of the most interesting and disturbing findings shows that Americans overwhelmingly believe that the "biggest threat to America's way of life" is "other people in America", by 54%. That is, more than half of the other reasons combined. On the contrary, only 20% believes that "economic forces" are threatening the American way of life and this is a huge disappointment because after all these blatant systemic failures (especially in the last two decades), most Americans are still unable to identify the root of the problem, which is neoliberalism and financial capitalism. We can assume that this picture satisfies the capitalist elites. And that's because it shows that the corporate media are still able to distract Americans from the real problem by dividing them, through the old (and tested numer

The real reason corporate America fights Chinese high-tech giant Huawei so hard

globinfo freexchange   The short answer that comes immediately in mind is: competition.    Indeed, Huawei had been found frequently at the epicenter of Trump's "holly" trade war against China. Someone should expect this since Silicon Valley oligarchs see the Chinese high-tech giant rapidly penetrate into the global market, claiming bigger and bigger portion of the market pie.   As we reported previously, the US imperialist machine openly called Western allies (and particularly the UK), to sabotage China's economic and technological penetration in its Western sphere of influence, through a Foreign Policy article. According to the article, the UK appears to be the most suitable, among the US allies, to lead the race against China's 5G infrastructure deals with Western countries. In essence, it called the UK to play a leading role in sabotaging China's and Huawei's deals with the UK itself and other Western countries.   Also, according to MintPress , &

Pro-Trump capitalists fire the first serious warning shot in Capitol

globinfo freexchange In June, 2020, we wrote that, the whole picture indicates that all these far-right militia groups together with a significant part the US police force are forming a loony army of Trump defenders, driven by racism, ultra-conservative ideas and far-right extreme conspiracy theories. These fanatics have become so loyal to their leader - who happens to be the President of the United States - that they will do whatever it takes to see him in charge for another four years. As Trump's popularity has taken a downturn, his "brigades" are ready to take action in case he loses November's election. Especially if he loses marginally. Previously, we explained that, what we see now in the United States with Trump, is a counter-attack by the part of the American capital against the globalist faction. The faction that is primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy . Therefore, as the capitalist class splits, the capitalists around Trump are now taking with the

A CIA document exposed by WikiLeaks could become the blueprint for Kamala Harris to start a war with Iran

globinfo freexchange   In a recent article in his blog, Glenn Greenwald revealed some astonishing details from a 2010 WikiLeaks exposé related with some CIA PsyOps that could make people in the West approve the US invasion in Afghanistan and the presence of the US forces in the region.   As Greenwald describes:  ... it was one WikiLeaks document that particularly caught my attention at first: a classified 2010 CIA “Red Cell Memorandum,” named after the highly secretive unit created by Bush/Cheney CIA Director George Tenet in the wake of the 9/11 attack.  What made this document so fascinating, so revealing, is the CIA’s discussion of how to manipulate public opinion to ensure it remains at least tolerant if not supportive of Endless War and, specifically, the vital role President Obama played for the CIA in packaging and selling U.S. wars around the world. In this classified analysis, one learns a great deal about how the “military industrial complex,” also known as the “Blob” o

Liberal plutocrats win a critical battle with their Biden puppet in the capitalist civil war and Trump keeps helping them

globinfo freexchange The globalist faction of the US capital (primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy ) had the chance to counterattack against the capitalists around Trump through Biden's recent victory, in the ongoing capitalist civil war .   Yet, despite the fact that Trump brought some serious trouble to the liberal capitalists, ironically, he came right on time to rescue them. He helped them escape from the dead end, after eight years of an utterly disappointing Obama administration.  At the time when the liberal capitalists ran out of tricks (and social movements were pushing for real change in the US), Trump came to their rescue. Suddenly, the Obama fraud was almost forgotten and all the progressives had to align behind the liberal fraudsters in order to defeat the "creepy orange clown". After four years of anti-Trump liberal hysteria and a pandemic nightmare that also came right on time, the liberal capitalists managed to put another puppet in power. And the

Neoliberal fascists continue the purge of the real Left and give us a small taste of what will happen under a Biden presidency

globinfo freexchange At about the time we were writing the article The time has come for neoliberalism to expose its true nature as a kind of refined fascism , the neoliberal regime did everything it could to justify us.  As the liberal elites proceed with the establishment of an increasingly authoritarian system to protect neoliberal order, the purge of real Leftists from key positions should be expected and considered almost certain.   Latest victims of the purge are two important figures in politics and journalism: Jeremy Corbyn and Glenn Greenwald.    The level of neoliberal Blairite evilness in the Labour Party hit a new record. In an unprecedented move, the new leadership decided to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn. In a fascistic manner, the Blairite faction wasted no time and took advantage of the EHRC report to do what it had in mind in the first place: get rid of the party's Leftist faction once and for all.   And all this, despite the fact that Corbyn repeatedly appeared to be