A year ago we pointed out that the US imperialists will probably start a war with Iran as soon as possible after the 2020 presidential election. They will rush to do it because they don't want to give Iran enough time to build nuclear weapons.
We wrote that the deep state won't find difficult to drag any weak establishment Democrat into another war, by orchestrating some typical false flag operations. And we estimated that the deep state has scheduled to start a war with Iran sometime between the mid February and mid March of 2021.
And our estimation is remarkably close to the timeline that appears to be set by Biden's warhawks.
According to recent statements by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, "Iran could be weeks away from producing enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon if it continues to lift restraints installed by the 2015 nuclear deal. Blinken noted that he has not yet seen the actual intelligence, but public reporting indicates Iran's timeline is down to 'a few months.' He cautioned, however, that 'if Iran continues to lift some of these restraints imposed by the agreement, that could get down to a matter of weeks.'"
Almost immediately, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif clearly rejected Blinken's views, saying that “Iran does not seek a nuclear weapon. If we wanted to build a nuclear weapon, we could have done it some time ago, but we decided that nuclear weapons would not augment our security and are in contradiction to our ideological views.” Zarif also noted that, “The United States needs to come back into compliance and Iran will be ready – immediately – to respond,” and “The timing is not the issue. The issue is whether the United States, whether the new administration, wants to follow the old failed policies of the Trump administration or not.”
As also Behrooz Ghamari Tabrizi reported for Counterpunch:
Last week’s statements by the Biden appointees made the matter unnecessarily more complicated, sounding more like a continuation of the Trump policy rather than its refutation. In his confirmation hearing, Antony Blinken, Biden’s choice for secretary of state, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the new administration believes that Iran needs to resume strict compliance with the nuclear agreement before the US contemplates a return to the JCPOA. In response to the question of lifting the economic sanctions that the previous administration imposed on Iran, Blinken told the committee that “we are a long way from there.” He further added, “We would then have to evaluate whether they were actually making good if they say they are coming back into compliance with their obligations, and then we would take it from there.” The Biden administration’s ultimate aim would be, he reiterated, a deal that also limited Iran’s missile program and support for regional proxies. In her confirmation testimony, Biden’s pick for the director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, further complicated the formula on rejoining the nuclear agreement. “I think, frankly, we’re a long ways from that,” she responded to Senator Susan Collins’ inquiry. She then added that Biden and his team would “also have to look at the ballistic missile issues, as well as Iran’s other ‘destabilizing activities’ before rejoining the nuclear agreement.” And to leave no doubts, the White House press secretary Jen Psaki, made it abundantly clear that the president believes that “The United States should seek to lengthen and strengthen nuclear constraints on Iran and address other issues of concern. Iran must resume compliance with significant nuclear constraints under the deal in order for that to proceed.” The Biden administration’s demand that Iran must fulfill its obligations to an agreement from which the U.S. has withdrawn is an Orwellian framing that was highlighted by the Iranian officials. In an op-ed in Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, argued that the United States needs to return to diplomacy and deliver its obligations to the document they signed in 2015. Once a party leaves an agreement, then that party has no authority demanding others’ compliance to that agreement. Zarif tweeted, “It was the US that broke the deal—for no reason. It must remedy its wrong; then Iran will respond.” The Iranian side argues that the United States needs to rejoin the JCPOA and lift all the Trump-era sanctions without preconditions. |
All signs show that Biden's warhawks are not really interested to restore JCPOA pre-Trump conditions and silently seek to burn the bridges leading back to them. Therefore, it will be easier for these new generation, updated neocons to escalate tension with Iran and start another US imperialist war.
Speaking with Jimmy Dore, Graham Elwood estimated that Biden administration will start a war with Iran within its first year. As he pointed out, "He [Biden] is going to be at war with Iran within his first year. [...] There's no two ways about it. He's got all these Clinton and Obama people in his cabinet ..."
According to what we mentioned so far, Elwood is probably right. Υet, it's even more remarkable the fact that we also have some signs that the zionists of the Israeli regime are actually "correcting" the war timeline. Indeed, as the Reuters reported:
Israel’s energy minister said on Tuesday it would take Iran around six months to produce enough fissile material for a single nuclear weapon, a timeline almost twice as long as that anticipated by a senior member of the Biden administration. [...] “In terms of enrichment, they (Iranians) are in a situation of breaking out in around half a year if they do everything required,” he told public broadcaster Kan. “As for nuclear weaponry, the range is around one or two years.”
So, it looks like the Israeli regime needs more time to prepare for a US invasion against Iran and therefore, extended Blinken's estimation to six months. Based on this updated war timeline, we can assume that the US could start a war with Iran sometime in the mid-summer.
As we wrote last July, this whole new generation of warhawks, like Michèle Flournoy, Antony Blinken and Avril Haines is about to replace the typical neocons. And the AI systems in the battlefield will make it easier for them and for Biden to sell another big war to the American public. Because it will not involve thousands of coffins with American soldiers inside, this time.
Yet, one thing will never change. Their endless thirst for bloody money. And the enormous human suffering and destruction of entire nations that this thirst will, once again, cause.
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