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At least 6 dead in Munich shopping center

At least six people have been killed and unidentified number of people injured in a shooting at the Olympia shopping mall in Munich, Germany, according to police. Police are still hunting for the shooters and suspects that the incident is a terrorist attack. [...] There are reports of further shooting at Karlsplatz square in central Munich, but this has not been confirmed by police. Taxi drivers have been advised to avoid the Karlsplatz area. Another shooting reportedly occurred at Isartor square, close to the city center, according to some Twitter posts. Police are aware of the reports about other shootings in the city, they said in a Twitter post, adding that the situation is still unclear and urging people to avoid public places and not to travel by subway or train. Police believe there are "several" shooters, Die Welt reports. There are at least three shooters in the Munich incident, the Bavarian interior minister said, as reported by Bild. Shots can be

France officialy enters the neo-Feudal era!

... 'coincidentally' after the Nice attack on Bastille Day - Hollande and his cabinet put the final nail in the coffin of Social-Democracy in Europe globinfo freexchange Tragic irony? A few days after Bastille Day, the French government, absolutely determined, finally managed to lead France into the entrance of the dark neo-Feudal era. The French political puppets stayed absolutely dedicated to their mission as planned from the start. From telesur : Amid months of nationwide protests, France's National Assembly officially adopted President Francois Hollande's controversial labor reforms, France 24 reported. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls invoked special constitutional powers on Wednesday to force the contested labor law through parliament in the face of opposition from left-wing lawmakers. Hollande and his Socialist Party claim the law will curb stubbornly high unemployment rates by making it easier for

Turkey suspends Human Rights European Convention in coup aftermath

Turkey will follow France΄s example in suspending temporarily the European Convention on Human Rights following its declaration of a state of emergency, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said on Thursday, according to broadcaster NTV President Tayyip Erdogan announced a three-month state of emergency late on Wednesday after last weekend's failed military coup, saying it would enable the authorities to act more efficiently to bring those responsible to justice. The declaration of the state of emergency is expected to untie Erdogan from any restraints to remove personal from throughout public sector and prosecute political adversaries. France declared its own state of emergency following last November's terrorists attacks by Islamist militants in Paris. The French National Assembly renewed the state of emergency because of the latest attack in Nice. In comments quoted by NTV, Kurtulmus also said Turkey's state of emergency could end wit

Πέρασε ο νόμος για τα εργασιακά στη Γαλλία

Το νομοσχέδιο για τη μεταρρύθμιση των εργασιακών σχέσεων στη Γαλλία, το οποίο πυροδότησε θύελλα αντιδράσεων και διαδηλώσεων τους τελευταίους μήνες στην χώρα, θεωρήθηκε σήμερα ως οριστικά εγκεκριμένο, καθώς δεν κατατέθηκε καμία πρόταση μομφής στην Εθνοσυνέλευση εναντίον της κυβέρνησης, ανακοίνωσε ο πρόεδρος της Εθνοσυνέλευσης Κλοντ Μπαρτολόν. Την έγκριση του νομοσχεδίου χαιρέτησε με γάλλος πρωθυπουργός, Μανουέλ Βαλς, με μήνυμα του στο τουιτερ. Ωστόσο η δεξιά αντιπολίτευση όπως και τα ακροαριστερά κόμματα ανακοίνωσαν ότι θα προσφύγουν στο Συνταγματικό Συμβούλιο όπου θα θέσουν θέμα εγκυρότητας του νόμου. Από την πλευρά τους οι συνδικαλιστικές οργανώσεις προκήρυξαν νέες κινητοποιήσεις την 15η Σεπτεμβρίου. Ο πρωθυπουργός της Γαλλίας επικαλέστηκε χθες τις ειδικές εξουσίες που του δίνει το Σύνταγμα της χώρας για να περάσει τον αμφιλεγόμενο νόμο για τις εργασιακές σχέσεις από την Εθνοσυνέλευση χωρίς ψηφοφορία. Σε μια αίθουσα σχεδόν άδεια από βουλευτές, ο Μπα

Iraq war families smash crowdfund target to put Tony Blair on trial

Roger Bacon, whose son Matthew was killed serving in Iraq, told RT that any money raised in a civil case by military families against Tony Blair will be donated to the Iraqi people to improve their lives. Matthew Bacon, a British Army major, was killed by a roadside bomb while traveling in a lightly-armored Snatch vehicle in Iraq in 2005. His bereaved father described to RT his awe at the staggering success of the Iraq War Families Campaign’s crowdfunding drive to fund a full legal examination of the Chilcot Report for evidence challenging the legality of the war. The online fundraiser hit its first target of £50,000 (US$66,000) within a day of launching on Tuesday, and it is now rapidly approaching its secondary target of £150,000. Roger said the funds are needed to hire a “ firm of lawyers to look at the Iraq report, to see just what kind of illegalities or misuse of constitutional powers have taken place. ” More:

'The US Congress must stop the war crimes in Afghanistan'

WikiLeaks released part one of the AKP Emails. AKP, or the Justice & Development Party, is the ruling party of Turkey and is the political force behind the country's president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Part one of the series covers 762 mail boxes beginning with 'A' through to 'I' containing 294,548 email bodies together with many thousands of attached files. The emails come from "", the AKP's primary domain. The most recent was sent on July 6, 2016. The oldest dates back to 2010. It should be noted that emails associated with the domain are mostly used for dealing with the world, as opposed to the most sensitive internal matters. globinfo freexchange In the archive, there is a letter with date April 18, 2016 from Kadir A. Mohmand to the Members of the US Congress, calling them to take actions in order to stop the US war crimes and human rights violations in Afghanistan. It would be interesting to see some key p

France finally forced to admit it has special forces active in Libya

... after 3 soldiers die in action globinfo freexchange The soldiers were carrying out “dangerous intelligence operations”, according to French President François Hollande. [...] Earlier an Islamist militia had claimed that two French soldiers had been killed when it shot down a helicopter carrying them near Benghazi. Earlier government spokesman Stéphane Le Foll confirmed that French special forces are active in Libya. Previously the government has only admitted that its warplanes carry out reconnaissance flights over the country and refused to confirm reports by Le Monde newspaper that special forces were present. Documents released by the U.S. Department of State Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), confirm what many of us already knew about the real reasons behind the Western intervention and the war in Libya. A war that brought absolute

H Λαγκάρντ «έσβησε» τα λάθη του ΔΝΤ από έκθεση αξιολόγησης του Ταμείου!

Η Κριστίν Λακάρντ και το Εκτελεστικό Συμβούλιο του ΔΝΤ προστάτεψαν το προσωπικό του Ταμείου και απέρριψαν την εισήγηση του Ανεξάρτητου Γραφείου Αξιολόγησης (Ιndependent Evaluation Office-IEO) ότι έγιναν πολιτικές υποδείξεις και αλλοιώθηκαν οι τεχνικές αναλύσεις που αφορούσαν το ρόλο του στα προγράμματα της Ελλάδας, Ιρλανδίας και Πορτογαλίας την περίοδο 2010-2011. Σύμφωνα με τη Real, η παραπάνω εξέλιξη ήταν αποκορύφωμα μιας δίωρης συνεδρίασης του Εκτελεστικού Συμβουλίου στην οποία συζητήθηκε ενδελεχώς η περίφημη έκθεση του Ανεξάρτητου Γραφείου Αξιολόγησης (Independent Evaluation Office- ΙΕΟ), μιας ουσιαστικά έρευνας, στην οποία κλήθηκαν να μιλήσουν οι βασικοί πρωταγωνιστές των προγραμμάτων και που διήρκεσε σχεδόν δύο χρόνια. Σημειώνεται πως οι πέντε εισηγήσεις που είχε κάνει το ΙΕΟ προς τη γενική διευθύντρια του ΔΝΤ Κριστίν Λαγκάρντ και τα μέλη του Εκτελεστικού Συμβουλίου, κινήθηκαν προς την κατεύθυνση του τι θα μπορούσε να κάνει καλύτερα το ΔΝΤ. Το ΙΕΟ π

US considers "pause" in supplies for group beheading sick child

We may expect, says the State Department, a "serious pause" in the delivery of new lethal U.S. weapons to the group. Will a day or two do? Yesterday some ten year old kid in Syria was beheaded by U.S. supported "moderate rebels". The "rebels" alleged that the boy was a fighter for a Palestinian group on the Syrian government side. But the boy looks very small and weak, has infusion tubes in his arm and no military attributes like a uniform or weapons. [...] The five "individuals" who killed the child are members of the Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki, a group supported by the CIA as well as with Saudi money and weapons. The group issued a statement on the case. It called it "an act of an individual" and blamed the "international community" for its problems. While only one person does the cutting the video shows that the five "individuals" are clearly acting as a group, cheering Takbeer and

O Πικατσού πέθανε στην Παλαιστίνη

Με εικόνες βγαλμένες από την φρικτή καθημερινότητα που επιφυλάσσει το κράτος του Ισραήλ στους Παλαιστίνιους απάντησαν αρκετοί άραβες στην τρέλα του Pokemon Go. Σε μια από τις φωτογραφίες που κυκλοφορούν στο Ιντερνετ ο Πικατσού βρίσκεται νεκρός στα συντρίμμια ισραηλινών αεροπορικών επιδρομών. Σε μια άλλη φωτογραφία η συσκευή φαίνεται να εμφανίζει μηνύματα σφάλματος καθώς οι παίκτες δεν μπορούν να περάσουν το ισραηλινό τείχος της ντροπής για να πιάσουν ένα Charizard.