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A more simple model in favor of the 1%

Maximum possible equality on the base - chaotic inequality in total and the extinction of middle class

by system failure

The "shiny bosses" of the recent economic forum in Davos, have set as maximum priority the problem of inequality. They have been accused for hypocrisy by many people, but the truth is that their concern about global inequality is not hypocritical. Indeed, economic elites worry about the phenomenon of inequality, but this is a specific type of inequality and they have their own reasons, of course, to worry about.

The global economic elite concerns about the kind of inequality which has to do with the quite significant (for the moment) inequality between the Western incomes and those of the developing economies, which causes huge profit losses for the banks and the big multinational corporations. On the one hand we have the high salaries in the West while on the other, the loss of huge consumer tanks mainly in Asia, who do not have the economic power to buy mass consumption products.

The middle class extinction

The multi-level middle class which was built on the over-consumption and in many cases on the bubble economy, is a model that the global economic elite now thinks that no longer serves its interests and therefore must be reconsidered.

The Greek experiment has shown that, the multi-level structure of middle class has been exploited by the economic oligarchy, in order to break this class, by turning one social group against another through social automatism on the basis of conflicting - mostly economic, but also ideological in many cases – interests.

Through this way, the economic oligarchy managed to disorientate a big part of the society, hiding its own huge responsibilities concerning the economic crisis in Greece, preventing a mass dynamic reaction and, proceeding fast to the next phase of the plan, which is, the destruction of the biggest part of the middle class.

The consumption-saturated and aging West, cannot longer contribute to the rise of profits of the global economic elite and therefore, through the economic crisis, the middle class is systematically eliminated so that its consuming power to be "aligned" with that of the majority of the huge populations of developing countries.

Change of model in favor of the big capital

The target of the middle class extinction in the West is to restrict the level of wages in developing economies and prevent current model to be expanded in those countries. The global economic elite is aiming now to create a more simple model which will be consisted basically of three main levels.

The 1% holding the biggest part of the global wealth, will lie, as always, at the top of the pyramid. In the current phase, frequent and successive economic crises, not only assist on the destruction of social state and uncontrolled massive privatizations, but also, on the elimination of the big competitors.

In the middle of the pyramid, a restructured class will serve and secure the domination of the top. Corporate executives, big journalists, scientific elites, suppression forces. It is characteristic that academic research is directed on the basis of the profits of big corporations. Funding is directed increasingly to practical applications in areas that can bring huge profits, like for example, the higher automatization of production and therefore, the profit increase through the restriction of jobs.

The base of the pyramid will be consisted by the majority of workers in global level, with restricted wages, zero labor rights, and nearly zero opportunities for activities other than consumption.

Suppression through maximum possible uniformity on the base

Maximum possible uniformity on the base, secures an additional, peculiar suppression. Adjusting wages in levels where people will be able only to survive in order to consume, the fact that the Western cultural totalitarianism, which is exclusively defined by economic terms is expanded everywhere, as well as the fact that, the privatization of higher education will exclude the majority from this right, are factors that will contribute to the complete dominance of the new model.

These new conditions will automatically dictate a kind of suppression since the vast majority will not have the means, the will and the intellectual ability to dispute the new model. The destruction of the multi-level middle class, nearly eliminates the probability of the birth of resistance forces which could probably fight against, and beat the dominant system.

The modified westernization of societies in this phase, is something which the global economic elite seeks. The lack of Vision of Western man spreads like a disease. Therefore, the search for a different model based on different principles becomes more and more difficult, as well as, the resistance against this cultural totalitarianism.

The basic argument by the mouthpieces that serve the global economic oligarchy - in order to promote the preferable model as the only solution - is the lack of competitiveness and the fact that people in developing countries have the right to a better life.

The reality, however, is different because the future prepared for these people, is actually a nightmare. It is about a global society where the most people will live to consume inside an authoritarian environment of suppression which will be imposed, not by a visible regime, but by private armies serving the invisible markets, and by a timid humanity which will learn to self-restricted in order to serve the interests of a global oligarchy.

However, the most horrific thing of all will be the expansion of the lower social level, consisted by millions of people all over the planet, which will be left without any kind of help, dying in extreme poverty, since the global economic elite will secure its domination through the oversupply of labor force and consumers.

Unfortunately, already, the human life increasingly lose value...



  1. Anonymous4/10/14 00:35

    The system you write about already exists.

  2. This is the cycle throughout history. This is not the first civilization that was, or will be destroyed by greed. Hording of everyone s resources by the few, is tantamount to the wealthy climbing out on the limb and cutting it. Before the fall, hyper-inflation will wipe out their wealth, unfortunately, because we allowed it, it will wipe us out as well.

  3. Anonymous19/7/16 03:34

    Complete and utter nonsense

  4. Ah .... Reagan's " Trickle down Theory " has taken thirty-five years to come to fruition , along with the destruction and enslavement of the 99.9 percent of the American populace ! Should we also consider Reagan's policy of " Borrow and Spend " economic policy ? The very policy that has buried the younger generations in crushing DEBT , that will take generations to pay off ... if ever ! Yea , I was one of those that believed Reagan's B.S. and voted twice for the man !


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