Finally, it
is more than obvious. The banking/corporate transatlantic civil war
has started, with highly uncertain results. Furthermore, this is
probably the best proof that the banking/corporate crony
establishment has completely taken over the institutions, which are
now being used for its inner war:
a few weeks after the EU slapped Apple with a $14 billion bill for
'back taxes,' the U.S. has apparently responded with a $14 billion
fine of their own to Deutsche Bank to settle an outstanding probe
into the company's trading of mortgage-backed securities during the
financial crisis. According to the Wall Street Journal, the proposed
settlement would be largest fine paid by any of the banks related to
similar charges. Unfortunately for DB, the fine is roughly equal to
it's entire market cap and the stock is plunging nearly 8% in after
hours trading.” [zerohedge]
that, according to the US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)
report, Merrill Lynch and Citigroup together with Goldman Sachs, are
those responsible for the "creation" of 30% of the
destructive financial "tools" known as CDOs during
2004-2007, which contributed significantly to the creation of the
housing bubble in US. Two more banks which had significant presence
in CDOs that time are Deutsche Bank and UBS.
The two most
obvious questions one could ask immediately here is, 1st: why the US
authorities waited more than five years since the FCIC findings to
fine Deutsche Bank? and, 2nd: why they actually ignored the other US
megabanks that played the most crucial role in the 2007-08 financial
crisis? Note that, Elizabeth Warren recently demanded some answers about this issue.
The most
obvious answer is that the transatlantic war between the US
banks/corporations and (mostly) the German ones (that actually control
the EU through the German sado-monetarists), is taking place for a few years now,
probably on the occasion of the transatlantic agreements and
especially TTIP. Therefore, the US banking/corporate establishment
was holding the card of Deutsche Bank involvement in the financial
crisis, in order to use it if and when would be necessary.
Note also
that recently, Germany's
Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel stated that “In my opinion, the
negotiations with the United States have de facto failed, even though
nobody is really admitting it,”.
He also
accused the US of being "angry" about
the deal that the EU struck with Canada, known as CETA. He said US
officials believe that CETA contains elements that Washington does
not want to see in the TTIP, AP reported. “We
mustn't submit to the American proposals,”
said Gabriel, who is also Germany's Vice Chancellor and the head of
the country’s center-left Social Democratic Party.
Also, the
response of the US authorities comes at a time where Deutsche Bank is
significantly exposed to derivatives worth trillions.
survivors of this war will re-write the transatlantic agreements according to
their interests. Then, they will try to pass them through a new round
of intense lobbying on controlled politicians. People must continue
to fight against these agreements created by the neoliberal
"jihadists", until the final victory.
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