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Europe, get ready for war!

The "Battle of Greece" will be decisive ...

by system failure

Above all, I would like to apologize for the "misleading" title of this article, but honestly, I couldn't find anything better to describe what is at stake, right now, in Europe. We are talking about the culmination of a class war which has already started.

Greece becomes one more time the epicenter of this global class war arena. After the sudden announcement of the Greek PM for presidential elections on December 17, and the first choice of Stavros Dimas (, a new circle of the propaganda of fear has started by the systemic establishment.

In his recent speech, the Greek PM, Antonis Samaras, said that the times are critical, and in case of national elections and a potential government by the Leftist party, SYRIZA, the "Grexit" scenario will return ( Samaras said that SYRIZA blackmailed several independent MPs, as the Leftist party claimed that those who would eventually agree to vote for any suggested person for president of the Greek Republic, would be responsible for the survival of current government to end its term and impose the final catastrophic measures according to the Greek experiment. (

Instead, Samaras was actually the one that blackmailed independent MPs, claiming, in essence, that anyone who would not vote for President, would be responsible for the national elections and political instability. However, indirectly admitted his defeat.

Samaras said characteristically that "We shed blood to take the word `Grexit' away from the mouth of foreigners, and Syriza is bringing this word back to their mouths,". ( Apparently, not enough blood according to the "Troikans" (, but the most interesting part in his speech that shows a confusion, or, a strong contradiction, is that he claimed that the Greek people "would punish whoever dragged the country into elections" (, when at the same time, people gave the first place to SYRIZA in the latest euro elections and the Leftist party appears to be winning all the recent polls, although it is actually the one that is blamed for "dragging" the country in early elections!

The global financial mafia mechanisms were mobilized one more time to spread the fear across the eurozone: "Sensing that political instability might rekindle the euro crisis, financial markets panicked. Prices on the Athens stockmarket plunged by almost 13% the day after the presidential vote was announced; yields on Greek ten-year bonds soared above 8% ..." ( However, these "accidental" reactions by the "invisible" markets tend to be a routine every time their sovereignty is threatened. We saw a similar mobilization just before euro elections (, while the global financial mafia always dictate "political stability", every time that its puppet political class is being threatened. (

In the next few days, we should expect a high pressure on the Greek MPs who declared that they will vote against any candidate for the presidential election, in a desperate last effort by the current government to find the desirable number of the 180 MPs and avoid national elections. This will allow Samaras' coalition to stay in power by 2016 and finish the experiment according to the schedule.

Otherwise, we should expect another wave of unprecedented propaganda by the banking-media dictatorship in Greece, until the date of the national elections, so that to change some voters' minds to vote for "stability". There are already new “mechanisms” inside the political spectrum who were created in order to "dissolve" the electoral body and prevent an autonomous Leftist government. ( The systemic establishment already tries to "domesticate" the Left in Greece ( in case of an autonomous Leftist government.

The mobilization by the global financial mafia this time will be more intense, as its representatives know that a potential Leftist government in Greece who may strongly resist against the austerity policies, could trigger an "uncontrolled" domino rise of the Leftist powers in Europe, who will fight against the neoliberal agenda. Make no mistake, the war will be hard. But there is no alternative. Either the European people will choose to fight determined and united, or, will be surrendered to the plutocrats who will bring the new Dark Ages. The "Battle of Greece" will be decisive ...

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  1. I don't see the traditional left making progress in Europe - it's the left that dumped everyone in this crap in the first place. Greece may be an exception. The other big issue in Europe is immigration - you will see more of what the media calls far right parties. You may also start to see parties with National Socialist leanings such as Golden Dawn - the media calls that far right! In reality its about nationalism against the financial mafia.

    Even Russia is now being targeted. The same financial warfare tactics by New-York London were used against Germany in the 1930s. For a short while during the 30s Germany experience an economic miracle - in reality it had just kicked out financial parasites. This Zionist crew do not like strong-independent nations.

    1. It's not that simple. Historically, national-socialists are aligned with the big capital. Golden Dawn in Greece voted many bills in favor of big businesses. Hitler clearly aligned with the German industrialists to take the power and feed the army that destroyed Europe.

  2. Anonymous16/2/15 22:59

    Problem - Fascism
    Reaction - Communism
    Solution - New World Order

  3. Anonymous7/6/15 23:41

    I have been close to Greek people for many years here in the States. My daughter went there in 1996 with a friend, a Greek girl. They watched the sheep and goats on the airport runway, they went to small towns.
    Greece had, for a brief time, a Camelot of the best of both worlds...advanced medicine, tourism, shopping in a rustic, religious old world country. Then came the old serpent offering such temptation with the EU! So many prayed it would resist!! But no. And I remember my friends saying how it would all end after the country people flocked to the cities for the new jobs, borrowed from northern banks and splurged on BLING like Mercedes and swimming pools the money they borrowed for farm equipment. Don't deny it. I'm so, so sorry...I hope you can get through this and find your souls again, get your country back.

    1. Thank you my friend, I agree. Actually this is a problem of a mutation of capitalism more or less evident in most of the Western countries. Capitalism has been financialized and hit the real economy. This is more than a economic crisis. This is a culture crisis. Societies must find a new model to evolve and escape this dangerous situation of absolute stagnation.

    2. Anonymous15/6/15 14:33

      Oh, yes, the value of community, of small farms, of kind, helpful character traits must overcome with God's help the golden calf!! The blasted thing keeps returning to the stage of history. But I fear Greece taking the role of Moses and smashing won't be easy.


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