Chaikalis made the revelation during a television show, saying he had
a recording of the bribery attempt that he has already submitted to
the prosecutor.”
to Pavlos Chaikalis, the person who offered him money to change his
position and vote for President is known in political and financial
circles but is not a politician. He approached him and offered him
700.000 euros, a settlement on a loan he has with a bank and other
professional contracts that would amass to 2-3 million euros. The MP
has said he filed a complaint two weeks ago and has already testified
and turned over an audiovisual recording he has made of the attempted
bribery to prosecutor Mr. Panagiotopoulos.”
have just been informed. I think it is a serious allegation but I
need to look into the details and assess whether it can influence
developments,' said the president of SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras on the
attempted bribery. 'The Prime Minister has been saying for months
that he has 'cushions' [meaning non coalition MPs who would support
the government] and has made a slippery choice. In any case, the
country needs to come up for air' he added.”
Chaikalis is MP with the right-wing Independent Greeks opposition
party (ANEL). Less than a month ago, ANEL leader, Panos Kammenos
claimed that governing New Democracy attempted to bribe another MP of
his party in order to secure her vote for the election of a new
President of the Hellenic Republic.
Kammenos gave a press conference earlier with all the details. More
info soon.
to the koutipandoras website, George Apostolopoulos appears to
be the intermediate for the bribe attempt of Pavlos Chaikalis. He
worked for various foreign funds and for Deutsche Bank. Shortly
before the arrival of IMF in Greece, he participates in closed
meetings with the then PM George Papandreou, concerning the crisis.
After Greece accepted the memorandum, Apostolopoulos appears in the
circle of Samaras. Samaras himself introduce him to Panos Kammenos -
who was then MP with New Democracy - as the man who will make
revelations about the CDS case and the involvement of Papandreou
the suggestion of Dimitris Stamatis [currently Minister of State],
Apostolopoulos gave some facts to Panos Kammenos in order the "CDS
scandal" to be published. Apostolopoulos agreed and testified to
the prosecutor. When Panos Kammenos left New Democracy,
Apostolopoulos met him several times and asked to help him in
economic policy issues.
that period, he gives some facts about the CDS case to the journalist
team of the HOT DOC magazine and writes articles under the nickname
"Defkalion". A year ago, between being funny and being
serious, he suggests Kostas Vaxevanis, the publisher of the
magazine, not to fight against the big bankers and he would make sure
that his loans would be erased. After this approach, the HOT DOC team
stops any contact with him.
the next period, Apostolopoulos announces to Panos Kammenos that he
will return to New Democracy while being appointed by Piraeus bank.
On early December starts to contact Pavlos Chaikalis offering him
bribes, and all this process have been recorded.
Big brown envelopes stuffed full cash. Greek politics in a nutshell.