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Various scenarios for the national elections in Greece

A crucial point for Greece and Europe

by system failure

After the third vote in the Greek parliament for the presidential election (, Greece walks towards national elections, as the government failed to collect the 180 MP votes required. In the next short period until the national elections day, we should expect an unprecedented propaganda war which will be launched by the global financial mafia mechanisms inside Greece and abroad.

All recent polls show that the Leftist party SYRIZA wins, for the moment, but it is rather doubtful whether will manage to take the required percentage to form an autonomous government.

Some possible scenarios follow briefly:

Scenario 1:

SYRIZA forms an autonomous government, or, a coalition with the help of the parties of the anti-austerity front. It will be the worse scenario for the global financial mafia as it could trigger an "uncontrolled" general rise of the Left in Europe. In this case, the banking-media dictatorship in Greece will declare war against the new government, try to destabilize it, and throw it from power as soon as possible.

Scenario 2:

SYRIZA will not gather the required percentage to form an autonomous government. As the options are limited in the political anti-austerity front, it may be forced to cooperate with the Socialists (PASOK), which may be presented with a more populist profile to persuade that they start to abandon neoliberal ideology, and the River party, which is clearly a creation of the media to attract voters from the Left. These systemic parties will try to control as much as possible the coalition so that some basic "achievements" of the Greek experiment will not be threatened. Subsequently, these parties may be used to destabilize the government by breaking the coalition.

Scenario 3:

Neither the neoliberal nor the anti-neoliberal front will be able to form government. In that case, the political dead end through repeated elections may give the suitable excuse to see a technocratic government by banking puppets, which will be presented as the only viable solution. This sub-experiment has already been tested in Greece and Italy through the banking puppets Papademos and Monti. This "solution"-parameter in the Greek experiment could be proved a dangerous threat to European parliamentary democracy, as may be used in other countries in times of political crises, becoming permanent practice and finally, establishing definitely the sovereignty of the plutocrats against the majority.

Scenario 4:

The unprecedented propaganda of destruction launched by the global financial mafia mechanisms inside Greece and abroad, during the short period until the elections in 25 January, manages to persuade a critical mass of the indecisive electorate to vote for "stability". Therefore, New Democracy takes the lead marginally and manages to form a new coalition government. Another alternative based on this scenario:

This could be proved a real nightmare as the new neoliberal government will have now plenty of time to implement every aspect of the experiment in Greece, or even, try new sub-experiments under the orders of troika. This would mean that people are not willing to resist and the experiment may be expanded throughout Europe. It will probably mark the start of the new global Feudalism era.

ECB will be used as a tool to drive Europe into the desirable federalization with the characteristics of an empire (, rather than of a democratic federation. Scenario 3 will be probably the most suitable for the "emperor" Draghi to proceed towards this direction, as he has already the control inside eurozone through a decision taken more than two years ago:

Especially in the case of scenario 1, the ECB will blackmail the government by threatening that will not purchase government bonds, therefore cut liquidity, in case that Greece choose a different path towards the reconstruction of the social state and labor rights, bringing minimum wage at pre-crisis levels, etc.

However, the system shows signs of panic, which means that the European officials don't know exactly how SYRIZA will react. In case that SYRIZA has a secret agenda, and be pressed by the lenders beyond red lines, it could nationalize the central bank and return to the national currency, blowing up eurozone. This could bring a disaster to the plutocrats' plans, as may trigger the domino of other Leftist European parties to follow SYRIZA's example and drive Europe towards the direction of the real democracy and unification under different terms for the benefit of the majority.

Everything will depend on whether people will choose to fight instead of surrender to the "empire".

Read also:


  1. "In case that SYRIZA has a secret agenda, and be pressed by the lenders beyond red lines, it could nationalize the central bank and return to the national currency"

    I doubt SYRIZA will do that. Though I hope I am wrong.
    The only one that will leave the Eurozone and E.U is Dimitris Kazakis and EPAM.

  2. I expect a combination of 2 and 3, with SYRIZA forming a coalition with PASOK or To Potami. The establishment will use this party to pressure SYRIZA into towing the neoliberal line. At that point there are a few possibilities, they could be bullied into continuing austerity and split up internally, they could call the other party's bluff and try to govern as a minority government with communist support, or they could go to new elections to argue for a new majority. If SYRIZA succeeds in governing effectively in the face of external pressure and uses its position in government to tear apart the remnants of the Greek political establishment, the military might step in and impose a more grim scenario #3. I don't think anyone really wants a coup, but there is a chance for things to really spin out of control.

    1. Another more optimistic one: SYRIZA survives from the war, the lenders retreat to some extend because they don't know what will happen and the government manages to take some of the declared measures to relieve the poorest. This will give the necessary time for the other European Leftist parties to prepare and rise in power. After that, everything is possible.


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