Just when
the Ex-CIA director, Michael Morell, who endorsed Clinton, called for killing Iranians and Russians in Syria, Clinton
strategist, Bob Beckel, called for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to
be assassinated, as WikiLeaks reported on twitter:
Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel called for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to be assassinated. #DNCLeak pic.twitter.com/9L2ixl24Er— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 10, 2016
It's not
just the shocking cynicism of the neocon US deep state sociopaths
that gives another proof for what Hillary Clinton truly represents.
Beckel's audacious open statement, signals an open war that the
establishment has started against the real whistleblowers.
Furthermore, Assange implied that the murdered DNC staffer was
email-leaker and offered $20k reward for information about the
assassination. As RT
whistleblowing organization Wikileaks wants to catch those
responsible for the murder of Democratic National Committee (DNC)
staffer Seth Rich and are now offering a $20,000 reward for
information. The group’s co-founder Julian Assange suggested on
Dutch television that if Rich is the source of the 20,000 emails
exposing the party’s sabotage of the Bernie Sanders campaign in
favor of Hillary Clinton, he may have been killed over it. However,
when asked if Rich was a Wikileaks source, Assange refused to
comment, merely saying they were investigating the circumstances
surrounding his murder.
seems that the "MainstreamLeaks" through Panama Papers
didn't manage to impress with the bulk of data in order to
disorientate the public away from the authentic leak "industry".
So far, no substantial actions have followed the Panama Papers, which
gives the impression that it was just a spectacular bubble that
finally deflated. Furthermore, Joseph Stiglitz's resignation from the Panama Papers
commission, made things worse.
was pointed in previous article
that “The establishment could feed the mainstream information
channels with huge amounts of controlled data, to overshadow crucial
revelations by WikiLeaks, Snowden, or other truly independent
whistleblowers, and gradually wipe them out from the field of the
leak "industry". It's easy someone to understand that such
a development would mean the end of real leaks and revelations.”
it seems that the establishment failed for the moment to put the real
whistleblowers out of the game, so, it calls for their physical
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