expained, “It was a pledge to pursue the
same anti-leaks policies that discourage whistleblowing that
President Barack Obama’s administration pursued. Since President
Donald Trump has expressed his fervent support for torture, which is
against the law, and a draft executive order has circulated
suggesting the Trump administration will restore the CIA’s
rendition, detention, and interrogation program, the prospect of
Pompeo intensifying efforts to clampdown on leaks is all the more
Pompeo came
back with fresh statements, showing that he is determined to hunt
fiercely the Whistleblowers movement. From Independent:
Director Mike Pompeo says he thinks disclosure of America's secret
intelligence is on the rise, fuelled partly by the “worship” of
leakers like Edward Snowden.
some ways, I do think it's accelerated,” Mr Pompeo told MSNBC.
“I think there is a phenomenon, the worship of Edward Snowden,
and those who steal American secrets for the purpose of
self-aggrandisement or money or for whatever their motivation may be,
does seem to be on the increase.”
Pompeo said the United States needs to redouble its efforts to stem
leaks of classified information.
Pompeo said the Trump administration is focused on stopping leaks of
any kind from any agency and pursuing perpetrators.
think we'll have some successes both on the deterrence side — that
is stopping them from happening — as well as on punishing those who
we catch who have done it,” Mr Pompeo said.
We all
understand what a CIA head means by "pursuing perpetrators"
and "punishing those who we catch". It means brutal
interrogation and torture for anyone who will dare to expose the
dirty secrets and endless crimes of the US empire.
So far, the
'anti-establishment' Donald Trump actually hired Goldman Sachs to run
USA. The 'anti-establishment' Donald signed a bill to deregulate
again Wall Street, so that the parasites of the financial mafia to be
able to play their games at the expense of the majority, as happened
so many times in the past, causing big financial crises. The
'anti-establishment' Donald quickly aligned with the neocon agenda
and bombed Syria. In fact, the 'anti-establishment' Donald did even
more than the puppet of the establishment, Barack Obama, by provoking
dangerously war games in Asia-Pacific. The 'anti-establishment'
Donald kept US forces in Iraq, Afghanistan, continued the US
interference in Yemen and elsewhere. The 'anti-establishment' Donald
pursued a totally unacceptable health care program that - in case it
will pass - will push millions of Americans further to the cliff,
without even a rudimentary social safety net.
Only one
thing was left for Donald to preserve a little more the myth of the
'anti-establishment' candidate: pardon Whistleblowers. Well, guess
what: all the people around the Trump regime and especially the CIA
director are slipping fast towards the positions of the corporate
Dems like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
that a year ago, Clinton strategist, Bob Beckel, called for WikiLeaks
editor Julian Assange to be assassinated, as WikiLeaks reported on
It is
obvious that the Trump regime has quickly become another tool of the
establishment to maintain its domination over the American people.
Whistleblowers are in great danger, but not alone. They are supported
by an increasingly large number of individuals worldwide who seek
truth and justice. The battle for these values will be long and hard.
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